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1. Why should you be the next Mr/Ms. BTTCI?

2. Is social media bringing people together or causing separation? Expand your answer.

3. Who is your role model and why?

4. If you could meet anyone from history who would it be and why?

5. What is your greatest accomplishment so far?

6. What is your biggest fear?

7. What is one thing that you would change about yourself? 

8. What do you want people to remember the most about you? 

9. What do you feel you can learn from the elderly?

10. What is the most important part of competition?

11. What has been the biggest challenge for you and how did you overcome it? 

12. What is the biggest challenge our country is facing today?

13. What one word best describes who you are?

14. What brings you the most happiness in life?

15. Define what courage means to you?

16. If you could choose one among brains, beauty or wealth, which would you choose and why?

17. How do you handle stress?

18. What is the most important lesson a person should learn in life?

19. What qualities do you look for in a friend?

20. What is your most prized possession?

21. If you had one million, how would you spend it?

22. How do you define success?

23. What's one thing you want that you can't buy with money?

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