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Name: Nica Mikaela L.

Domingo BS- Arch 2A September 06, 2022

“Benefits of owning a cat”

Have you ever wish of having a cute stress reliver? Someone that can be your
best friend and can make you happy. Imagine if you have a cat. What would you do?

A little furry creature with four legs, a tail, and claws that is typically kept as a pet
or to capture mice. Cats are athletic and quick, which helps them hunt prey effectively.
The African Wild Cat, Felis silvestris lybica, is the domestic cat's closest relative. Felis
silvestris catus is the scientific name for the domestic, or house, cat. Cats are good for
both physical and mental health, and they may also provide their owners with emotional

Have you ever lost someone you love? Cat will help you cope up in losing
someone. Owning a cat is one of the finest methods to cope with the immense sadness
of losing a loved one. Cats have been demonstrated to speed up the healing process
and display fewer outward signs of suffering, such as crying. Despite the fact that they
are only animals, cats provide comfort to people when things are tough. Owning any pet
is good for your heart. Cats in particular lower your stress level possibly since they don’t
require as much effort as dogs and lower the amount of anxiety in your life. Petting a cat
has a positive calming effect. One study found that over 10-year period cat owners were
30 percent less likely to die of a heart attack or stroke than non-cat owners.

Cats age are much faster than humans and live for a shorter amount of time. A
cat can live up to 12-18 years that can accompany you until you grow old. A cat will
often purr when it is satisfied and happy. Usually, this happens when it is receiving a
gentle stroke from its owner. Their purr serves as a means of communication. Although
your feline friends might not be gentle with your furniture, they can be a great
companion and make lives happier and healthier.

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