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Name: Nica Mikaela L.

Domingo Course & Year: BS- Arch 2A Date: September 4, 2022 GE5
Worksheet # 4
TOPIC: Visual Communication
Choose a specific image or visual image, then analyze it using any of the major perspectives in
analyzing a visual image.

I choose this image because this image gives a deeper meaning to the viewer , the picture

shows how we human suffer from excessive usage of technology to the point that we face problems

and shortages. Our generation is growing and developing, the more the technology surrounds us the

more our nature destroys. For me, the major perspective that are relates to image are personal

perspective and critical perspective. The image needs an analysis to know what are their own opinion

or thoughts about the image. It relates to Critical Perspective because it makes us to look for a larger

issue in the image. To know the meaning of the connected idea in one image between human

technology and nature.

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