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Name: Sesilia Bulu

Assignment: Lecture prophetic

Date: February 19, 2023

It was an interesting and helpful video for me, because through this lecture I got to know more
the background of the Bible ( Tanakh) ( Jews) and old testament( Christian) Therefore the 5
important things that I learn from this video is :

 In the Jewish these five books are simply called ‘’ Torah’’, and in Christianity calls’’
Pentateuch’’. When I look at it there were no differences the same (Genesis, Exodus,
Leviticus, Number, and Deuteronomy) but then in the video, it said there were two main
differences between the Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible, first: the order of the books
is slightly different.
  And second: Christians usually divided the Old Testament into four sections: 
Pentateuch, history, poetry, and prophecy. Pentateuch (Five books) History ( 12 books)
poetry ( 5 books but Catholics have 7 ) and prophecy ( 17 or 18) a total of 39 books.
However, christen and Catholic has 46 books.  
   Who wrote the Bible:  it said that the book of Joshua was written by Joshua and Isaiah
was written by Isaiah, judges were written by Samuel, and King by Jeremiah, even its a
bit complicated to understand but I do agree with that. However the Torah is written by
the different authors or schools of authors, these are labeled J, E, P, and D.  ( Jahwist,
Elohist, Priestly, Deuteronomy). It's said that Genesis is primarily a mix of J and P, the
exodus is mostly E, and P Leviticus is entirely P, Number also P with a little near E and
Deuteronomy is absolutely D.
 Through this video I come to learn that the prophet books ( Navi’im ) were formed into 4
books (  Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings)  these 4 books are sometimes called the
‘’Former’’ prophets. According to most scholars, these 4 books were written by
Deuteronomy or by someone from the Deuteronomist school who attempted to explain
the history of the Israel people, during the time of King Josiah.
 The 5 books written by Deuteromisst (King Josiah) 641-609 BCE.
 As the lecture said that the Bible has many layers parts were combined with other parts
then those combinations were put together with other combination parts to make even
longer parts, I do realize that perhaps the reason why sometimes we find some of the
texts in the Bible that did not connect each other or cutting story because when they
wrote, perhaps the story come late or the inspiration only comes in the middle of writing. 
However, I do appreciate those scholars who are open to the Holy Spirit to able to
discover the history of the Bible. .. 
 I will continue to deeper my understanding on this history of the Bible.

Thank you!

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