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DIALOGUE OPTION 1: Dia and Jenny are two Friends who return to school after lockdown

Dia: Hey Jenny!

Jenny: What’s up Dia, I missed you!

Dia: It’s so good to be finally back to physical school after a long stretch of online classes.

Jenny: Absolutely! However, the only thing I am not so excited about is my maths exam. (Hands over

Dia: Oh! is this your mathematics book?

Jenny: Yes

Dia: Why does your maths book look so worried?

Jenny: Obviously it would be worried, it has… too many problems!

Dia: (Pause for audience) (Agreeing with head nod) Oh well, I am not too worried about maths,
because I get help easily from all my classmates, who are very studious…

Jenny: Oh really (dramatic), that means your teacher must be wearing sunglasses to class everyday

Dia: Why would my teacher do such a thing?

Jenny: Because your class is… too bright.

Dia: Ha-ha very funny Jenny! (Sarcastic) Speaking of bright people, do you know what is Isaac
Newton’s Favourite dessert is?

Jenny: What?

Dia: It’s Apple 3.14159 26535 89793…

Jenny: Stop! Stop! Stop! What are all these numbers?

Dia: Well, Isaac Newton is a famous mathematician who discovered gravity when he saw an apple
falling. That’s why “Apple Pi” is his favourite dessert!

Jenny: Oh no… if you start talking about Pi, this conversation will go on forever… C’mon let’s go, the
poor audience has heard enough math jokes for today.

Dia: So, shall I say, “Good Pi to everyone?”

Jenny: (Fed up, shakes head and in Humorous tone) Enough, Let’s go!
DIALOGUE OPTION 2: Geena and Soumya make creative excuses for their incomplete homework.

Soumya: Hey Geena! How are you?

Geena: I am great! How about you?

Soumya: Well, I am alright, except just wondering, how I will finish this massive pile of homework by
tomorrow… How will I face my teacher? I am going to be in BIG trouble. You have to help me!

Geena: Um…. Ok, I have an idea. Why don’t we practice how you will tell your teacher some excuses
to avoid getting in trouble…?

Soumya: Hey… that is a good idea… Ok, you be the science teacher and I will be myself.

Geena (Clears throat to imitate Teacher’s voice): Good morning, Soumya.

Soumya: Good Morning Ma’am, how are you ma’am? Hope your work is going well ma’am.

Geena: Oh dear, don’t ask about me about my work, it is always never-ending. Anyway, Soumya, did
you finish your home-work?

Soumya: My homework… ma’am, uh actually I didn’t do my homework since you said you had a very
hectic schedule, I thought I shouldn’t add to your work-load…

Geena: (Back to character) Oh, super Soumya! That one will definitely work… it really makes you
seem very compassionate and believable at the same time.

Soumya: Thankyou Thankyou… oh but my history homework is also left now…

Geena: Not a problem… let’s try again. I will be your History Teacher (Clears voice to impersonate
History Teacher) Hello Soumya! Have you completed your history homework?

Soumya: Hi Ma’am, umm… Ma’am, I actually didn’t complete my History homework, because I didn’t
believe it was necessary to dwell in the past too much…

Geena: (Back to character) Oh, you nailed it! Perfect excuse, the right balance of humour and
inspiration… it reminds me of a quote which goes like this, (Pause) “Yesterday was history…”

Soumya: “Tomorrow is a mystery”

Geena: “But today is a gift,

Soumya: “and that’s why it’s called, PRESENT!”

DIALOGUE 3: Two friends Ann and Priya in the future, reflecting about their Career choices.

Priya: (Holds English Textbook and reads) Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less
travelled by, and that has made all the difference.

Ann: Hey Priya, what are you reading?

Priya: Hey Ann! Look it’s our 10th standard English Textbook from 2020, I was reading the “The Road
Less Travelled by Robert Frost”

Ann: Wow! That is literally from 10 years ago! It’s shocking how time flies! Remember that year we
had online classes because of the covid-19 pandemic?

Priya: Yes! That had taken the world by shock. All of us were so uncertain about our futures,
especially since we had to make big decisions about, which stream to choose; science with computer
science, Science with biology, commerce with maths, Commerce with marketing etc…

Ann: Really! (Pause) hmm… It truly amuses me how we all were so stressed about things that don’t
seem like too big a deal, now.

Priya: Well, I guess it’s because we all looked at our stream choices as final life sentences. As if, there
was no possibility to change ever… However, so many of our classmates are doing something
different from what they originally envisioned for themselves.

Ann: Yes! Look at me, as a former Engineer, now running my own bakery. I am the poster child for

Priya: True… We were also mistaken in assuming that Mbbs and Engineering were the ideal career
choices. Yet, with the rapidly changing market trends, globalisation, technological progress etc, Job
satisfaction can take place in any career choice!

Ann: Absolutely! There is no “one fixed” recipe for success. Everyone’s path is different…

Priya: Moreover, the unexpected detours of life can even help us discover new strengths and fulfil
our potential!

Ann: So, I guess, it safe to say that there is a timeless truth within the words of the poem you were

Ann and Priya: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less travelled by, and that has
made all the difference!”
DIALOGUE 4: Two friends Jane and Rithika explore some extra-ordinary facts together.

Jane: Wow! This is amazing! (Looking captivated by a book)

Rithika: Hey, Jane what do you have there?

Jane: My aunt bought me this book of Surprising Facts

Rithika: Oh cool! I’d love to hear, what you had discovered!

Jane: Sure! Did you know that a Harvard University study found out that potato chips cause more
weight gain than any other food?

Rithika: Oh, really! then I guess I’d stick to healthy snacks like fruits or nuts. My favourite fruit is the

Jane: Surprisingly enough I also read that, bananas are the only fruits that cannot reproduce. Since
banana’s don’t have any seeds, the only farmers can grow them is by removing and transplant its
stem in order to create our favourite yellow fruit.

Rithika: That is really interesting! What are some other useful facts you read about diet habits?

Jane: Ok (Looks inside book) have you or anyone you know, struggled with heartburn?

Rithika: Yes, my grandma has heartburn from time to time.

Jane: Well, did you know that chewing gum after a meal can help reduce Heartburn? The reason is
because, chewing gum helps produce more saliva which is alkaline in nature, this helps to control the
build-up of acid and hence soothes your food pipe to prevent heartburn.

Rithika: Hey! So, I better buy my granny a packet of gum right away!

Jane: Here’s another cool fact. So, I will tell you what it is and you can test if it is true! Did you know
that, it is impossible to hum while you hold your nose? Try it!

Rithika: (Tries to hum while holding nose) Oh, is it impossible…

Jane: Speaking of impossible, listen to this. Did you know that dogs have the ability to smell cancer?
Researchers have found that dogs are able to pick up on a specific scent that cancer produces in a
person, which is undetectable to humans.

Rithika: Incredible…They don't call them "man's best friend" for nothing!

Jane: Yea! And if you thought that was impressive, check this out: bees are able to detect bombs
with their tongues. Apparently, bees can be trained by bee handlers to identify the smell of an
explosive by using their feeding tube.

Rithika: (Pause) Wow! could this “bee” … any more interesting!?

Jane: Ha-ha, Good one! Well, it looks like the world is a crazy place. Even the most ordinary, boring,
everyday stuff can turn out to have an extra-ordinary backstory.

Rithika: Thankyou Jane for sharing these wonderful facts with me, it truly made my day!

Jane: Your welcome, its my pleasure!

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