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Identify whether the following is either a LOOSE SENTENCE, PERIODIC SENTENCE,


1. Mangeria is a tough place to grow up when you are an orphan.

2. Although Xavier seemed like a bully, he cared for Ettie and Kitty.
3. I came; I saw; I conquered.
4. The supply of goods in the market is abundant.
5. Since she is a sickly child, Little Miss is mean and demanding.
6. I cannot love her, but I cannot hate her either.
7. It was the best of times, but it was also the worst of times.
8. Because of human error, the plane crashed.
9. Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story where the characters make questionable choices.
10. Unless Romeo gets the Friar’s message, the young lovers will be doomed.

II. Identify whether the following is a SIMPLE, COMPOUND, COMPLEX or COMPOUND


1. Everyone tried but no one could shift Romeo’s black mood that evening no matter how hard
they tried.
2. When Romeo set eyes on Juliet, Rosaline was forgotten.
3. It was love at first sight!
4. Tybalt, Juliet’s fiery cousin, recognized Romeo and chased him away.
5. It was too late to prevent the two teenagers from falling in love so passionately that they were
prepared to die for one another rather than live separately.
6. Unwilling to leave the woman of his dreams, Romeo climbed back into the Capulet’s garden.
7. Here, he heard Juliet confessing her love to the night and he was ecstatic!
8. Romeo made his presence known to Juliet and they declared undying love for one another.
9. Juliet wanted a firm commitment from him so Romeo agreed to marry her because he loved
her that much.
10. In the meantime, Juliet’s father had promised her in marriage to Paris, the Prince’s

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