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And if so, why do people keep pinboarding the saying ‘blood is thicker
than water’.
I personally think that saying is a bit over-rated, I mean do we really know our
family and their intentions towards us? I mean if you think about it we know our
enemies intentions already on a certain basis, if we didn’t they wouldn’t be
considered enemies. Every good person in this world has a background with ton
load of shitty relatives trailing behind them and sometimes even them don’t know
it , bummer. Coming from my perspective I've grown up in a pretty shitty
environment my mom and aunts have been at each other necks for far longer
than I can count, just when you think it’s getting good there’s always this one to
do some bullshit. My mother’s parents aren’t really good persons either,
imagining judging your kids based on how rich their partner are, it’s sickening
really. In my mother’s set of family money gets you worshipped and you know
what comes after even a little success comes your way? Jealous siblings, in
jamaica we call those people badminds and killers. It's hard really in some family
and mine is no different, that’s why I try my best to work hard so I can take my
mom far away from these blood sucking monsters, I mean I've only spent almost
16 years with them and I'm sick to my stomach so what about her she’s thirty-
four, terrifying. My father isn’t really that bad except people that looks out only
for theirs kids and think their children are better than everyone else’. This is a
very big world you see with bad family members, what’s the perfect remedy you
make ask? Well I haven’t figured that part out yet, but my best advice is run
through life, fast because you don’t know which angry relate Is running behind
you with a knife. We'll all get through it somehow. UNTIL NEXT TIME, STAY SAFE

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