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Ingeniería de Fluidos

Tema 3. Impulsión y regulación

del flujo incompresible:
Curvas características de
bombas centrífugas
Typical centrifugal pump curves


The Best Efficiency Point (BEP) is the point at which effects of

head (pressure) and flow converge to produce the greatest
amount of output for the least amount of energy
Brake horsepower test

Par de fuerza (P) = m.r [Kg m]

Par motor (W) = P.g [J]
Potencia (N) = W.ω [W]

Typical centrifugal pump curves

The manufacturer provides curves at a specific R.P.M. The motor must

be selected to run at its best efficiency at this point
When centrifugal pumps
are operated at rates of
flow below the excess flow
produced is recirculated on
the suction side of the
Flow regulation in centrifugal pumps

Pump head curve System resistance curve

Demanded flow Operating point

Selection of pump impeller size to meet demand

Pump head curve for

large impeller System resistance curve

Pump head curve for

small impeller

Operating point
Demanded flow
Flow regulation in centrifugal pump by a valve

New resistance
Old resistance
Pump head

Operating point
Demanded flow
Flow regulation in variable speed centrifugal pumps
(also interesting for systems with varying demands and resistance)

Old pump head curve System resistance curve

New pump head curve

Operating point
Demanded flow
Flow regulation in variable speed centrifugal pumps
Reducing motor speed displaces BEP to lower flow rates

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