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James Bacilio

America The Beautiful


Bears eat so they can hybrante in the winter. Wolves try to get food, but it’s hard

to get the food. Female moose has to know when to mate, moose urine attracts the

female to mate. Male moose fight over the female moose. One of the moose has to

break the other’s moose antlers to win the fight. Bald eagles go to feed himself at

the same place. They have to fight over the food they find. Aurora mariales happen

in Alaska , that's why it’s a beautiful place to be. In spring bears wake up. The

female bears have to eat a lot so they can feed her cubs. The cubs drink ½ of a

gallon a day. Beavers brought nature back from a volcano that killed all plants

around it. They make dams and ponds, and other animals go and live there. Sea lions

get fish (30 pounds a day) . The mama bear teaches her cubs how to catch fish.

When fishes mate they die when they finish mating. Bears eat all the dead fish

from all the mating the fish. The bears have to get prepared for the next winter.

I like the movie because it helps me learn more about animals. It also helped me

learn how animals play a big role in our life cycle. I like it because it also gives a lot

of information that I didn't know. It had a lot of pictures and videos of animals
and that helped a lot for learning about the animals. The movie gives a lot of

details about each animal. They also were showing videos of the animals and they

explained what they were doing. I recommend you to watch this movie.

Lewis and William Clark went upstream of the Mississippi river. Grassland have a

lot of name. For example prairie, veld, savanna, steppe- they all means a bunch of

grass. Fifty millions ago north america was all a tropical forest, but due to the

rocky mountains some places got drier. Lewis and clark both saw a lot of beautiful

plant and animals. If they came back this days they woulndt even reconize the

lands. The earth changes thru time.

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