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Caleb Smith

America The Beautiful

Micheal B Jordan
May 10 2023

America The Beautiful was about how the different types of species would get through

the winter season and how they thrived. It described the species that lived in the northern parts of

America. America the Beautiful taught me how hard it is to get through winter seasons as an

animal with barely any shelter or resources to keep them warm. Then in the end it would tell us

about how it was all worth it in the end cause spring will come around and so all the species of

animals could thrive, mate and raise new calves of their own and go down to the rivers and take

care of themselves.

The most interesting thing in America The Beautiful Was how the species of animals would

have to survive in their own ways.And If they didn't they would die the bears would have to eat a

lot the mooses would have to find shelter to keep them warm through the tough winter so there

caves coils survive through the winter so there family would grown so there generation would be

alive. Another thing that was interesting was it showed us what happened after the winter. We

saw new born calves and how their parents showed them how to eat, hunt and do the simple

things of whatever species they were. Their parents showed them how to defend against

predators unless they were the predators. They would teach them how to get through winters by

eating and how to find the best place for shelter .In the end the most important thing that i
learned was all the caves had to be taught how to survive through winter and learn to get through

winter and not die due to starvation predators or the cold.

Kathleen Weinder Zoehfeld

May 10, 2023

North America's oceans of grass

The main points of this article is about the grasslands and how nice they are and how

they provide for animals and humans. And how they are everywhere except for Antarctica.

Grasslands don't need that much rain and they adapt to no rain conditions . Tall grass prairies and

savannas are a mix of tall grass and sparse trees through the land. The harsh weather does affect

the trees but not the grass. It adapts to rain or no rain; the trees can not adapt to it at all and do

not survive with no rain. These grasslands have deep roots; this is why they need little to no

moisture to do if it rains once their roots can find it in the soil. The last main point was how

grasslands have been here for many years and will continue due to the little moisture they need

since they had a adaption for that .

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