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Gene Kwan

Modern World
2nd Period
Algeria in Independence

Algeria’s independence was sought through a bloody war with France, and has

left the nation with a military backed government, and internal conflicts. Algeria’s

position as an independent country has so far left it with numerous problems that need to

be addressed. Since Algeria’s independence numerous issues have erupted, including;

territorial claims with Morocco, an increasing oil dependant economy, and an upsurge of

violence since 1992.

A common reason as to why Algeria, like many other colonies wanted

independence was because of the Algerians' dissatisfaction with being treated as second-

class citizens by the French colonial government, thus creating a war for decolonization

from 1954-1962. Upon gaining independence, Algeria eventually modernized and

education spread, increasing the literacy rate from 10% to 60%. However, after gaining

independence, Algeria still has violent conflicts with Islamic groups (Al qaeda), and also

with Morocco (claims over territories), not to mention an increasingly oil dependent


First, violence between the military and Islamic extremists erupted in 1992 when

elections were cancelled. Islamists were set to win elections, but fear of an “Iranian-style

Revolution” (apparently fear for the end of democracy if Islamists won) from the

opposing side caused the cancel in elections. Currently, efforts by the military have been

taken to control Al qaeda, but suicide bombings (some aimed to kill the current President

Abdelaziz Bouteflika), and attacks still occur killing innocent people. Second, territorial

issues with Morocco had lead to a war and negotiations, which explains the hostilities

between the two countries now. Lastly, oil has become the increasingly dependent
Gene Kwan
Modern World
2nd Period
resource of Algeria’s economy, high prices have helped improved the country’s

infrastructure, industry and agricultural land, but more could be done.

First, hostilities with Morocco should be resolved by becoming allies, through a

new treaty that not only uniting Morocco and Algeria, but as many African countries as

plausible. This way, conflicts are less likely to occur between not only Algeria and

Morocco, but also the rest of the members of this treaty. Not to mention economies could

open up more between these countries helping them grow. On the subject of economy, the

raising of oil prices in Algeria has proven advantageous, but if new investments in green

jobs were to begin, new possibilities could emerge. For instance, if Algeria started going

green, it could attract the attention of outside countries such as the US to invest in

Algeria’s green movement, thus not only easing the economy’s dependency on oil, but

creating new relationships with different countries and creating new economic

opportunities. Finally, hostilities between the government and Al qaeda should be

resolved by negotiation to meet the needs of both sides. These negotiations should be

held by representatives by both sides so as not to expose the main leaders of each group

(to ensure safety), under a strict set of rules with non-violent consequences. Initially, the

Algerian government should show some signs of appeasement towards Al qaeda to lessen

the chances of having to resolve to use military force.

Although Algeria had lacked the proper guidance after gaining independence (it

had a socialist and authoritarian leader), it has slowly been improving due to relatively

better leadership. However, more actions could be taken by the immediate government to

improve the country’s economy, and also relations with hostile groups (Islamic extremists

and Morocco) to ensure a safer country to live in.

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