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(NOTE: you get a prize if you turn this in on time)
I want to get to know you all a little better!
I will be a part of your classroom for awhile and I think we need
to understand one another better.
I will go first…
My name is Ms. Carolyn Yusa. I am originally from Chicago, Illinois. I
go to Loras College and played softball my freshman year and I have
been on the cheerleading team all four years. I have 3 dogs back home in
Chicago along with my mom, and I have 2 older brothers. My dad
passed away when I was in high school. My favorite color is a tie
between red and blue. I have a major sweet tooth! I wanted to become a
teacher because I had teachers growing up who were great role models,
and they were there for me when I needed them about anything. I enjoy
math because it shows me, I can always solve a problem. I am a total
marvel universe nerd and love sports. I am a huge Chicago Blackhawks
fan and a Bears fan. I am a complete scaredy cat when it comes to scary
movies. I also love all kinds of music! I also work at Starbucks, and I am
a coach at All Around Gymnastics. I am here to help teach you math, but
I am also here to help guide you in your life. I believe that you are all
capable of great things. You are smarter than you believe yourself to be.
Now it’s your turn! Tell me about who you are. Please write
a paragraph about yourself. Here are some questions to
consider. This can be as long or as short as you would like it
to be.
What is your full name? What is your biggest fear?
What does your family look like? Are you in any sports?
Siblings? Parents? Stepparents? Do you like school? Why or why
Guardian(s)? Pets? not?
What is your favorite color? Why? Describe yourself in three words
Who is your favorite music artist? and why.
What do you like to do outside of Is there anything else you want me
school? to know about you? Or any other
What is your favorite movie? fun facts about you?

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