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San Francisco, Agusan del Sur



A Research Paper


Michael Vincent D. De Venancio

Keisha Amihan
Klervan Piang
Ivan Bastareche


The researchers would like to express our deepest appreciation to everyone who
has contributed to the completion of this research entitled "Learner's Problems with the
New Modality of Learning During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic."

Firstly, the researchers would like to thank our proctor, April Tacmo, for her
guidance and support throughout the research process. Her expertise and valuable
insights have greatly enhanced the quality of our work.

We would also like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the respondents who
participated in this study. Without their willingness to share their experiences and
insights, this research would not have been possible.

Lastly, the researchers would like to thank our families and friends who have
supported us throughout this journey. Their encouragement and understanding have been
invaluable in keeping us motivated and focused.

Thank you all for your invaluable contributions.


Acknowledgement - - - - - - - 0
Table of Contents - - - - - - - I

CHAPTER 1: The Problem and Its Setting - - - - 1

Introduction - - - - - - - 1
Statement of the Problem - - - - - - 3
Conceptual Framework - - - - - - 4
Significance and the Study - - - - - - 5
Scope of Delimitation - - - - - -
Definition of Terms - - - - - - 6
CHAPTER 2: Review of Related Literature & Studies - - - 8
Review of Related Literature - - - - -
Foreign Literature - - - - - 8
Local Literature - - - - - 12
Related Studies - - - - - - - 15
Foreign Studies - - - - - 15
Local Studies - - - - - 21
CHAPTER 3: Research Methodology - - - - - 29
Research Design - - - - - - - 29
Locale of the Study - - - - - - - 29
Respondents of the Study - - - - - - 30
Sampling Procedure - - - - - - - 30
Research Instrument - - - - - - - 31

Data Gathering Procedure - - - - - - 31
Statistical Treatment of Data - - - - - - 32
CHAPTER 4: Analysis, Presentation and Interpretation of Data - 32
CHAPTER 5: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations - - 41
Summary of Findings - - - - - - 41
Conclusions - - - - - - - - 42
Recommendations - - - - - - - 43
BIBLIOGRAPHY - - - - - - - 44
APPENDICES - - - - - - - 46


The study examined the difficulties and problems that the COVID-19 pandemic had
caused with regard to the continuity of teaching and learning in public higher education
in the Philippines. It was discovered that during the lockdown, the professors modified
their lesson plans in accordance with the institution's policies. Due to poor or nonexistent
internet connectivity, the majority of students found it challenging to complete the
required learning activities. The contextual foundation for strategic activities during and
after the pandemic was given via scenario analysis. Higher education institutions must
adapt to flexible teaching and learning modalities, re calibrate the curriculum, enable the
faculty, improve the infrastructure, adopt a strategic plan, and assess every part of the
plan in order to maintain teaching and learning continuity.

Worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about previously unheard-of

economic, social, and political difficulties. It has produced an educational crisis as well as
a health problem. 87% of the world's student population was impacted by lockdown and
quarantines, and 1.52 billion students were absent from classes and other educational
facilities (UNESCO Learning Portal, 2020). Due to the COVID-19's suddenness,

ambiguity, and volatility, the educational system was forced to act quickly to adapt to the
evolving nature of learning.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges economically, socially,

and politically across the globe. More than just a health crisis, it has resulted in an
educational crisis. The disruption of pandemic in the educational system system is a
great magnitude that schools have to cope with at the soonest possible time. The call is
for higher education institutions to develop resilient learning system using evidence-
based and needs-based information so that responsive and proactive measures can be
instituted. The educational system must prepare to develop plans to move forward and
address the new normal after the crisis. To be resilient, higher education needs to address
teaching and learning continuity amid and beyond the pandemic. The teaching and
learning process assumes a different shape in time of crisis. When disaster and arres(man-
made and natural) occur, schools and colleges need to be resilient and find new ways to
continue the teaching-learning activities.

One emerging reality as a result of face-to-face interaction. Schools are force to migrate
from face-to-face delivery to online modality as a result of the pandemic. In the
Philippines most of the schools have to restored to online learning during school
lockdowns. However, this sudden shift has resulted in problems especially for learners
without access to technology. Who online learning modality is used as a result of the
pandemic, the gap between those who have connectivity and those without widened. The
continuing academic engagement has been a challenge for teachers and students due to
access and internet connectivity. Considering the limitation on connectivity, the concept
of flexible learning emerged as an option for unlike learning especially in higher
institutions in the Philippines.

Flexible learning focuses on giving student choice in the pace, place, and mode of
student’s learning which can be promoted through appropriate pedagogical practice. The
learners are provided with the option on how they will continue with their studies, where
and when they can proceed, and in what ways can learners comply with the requirements

and how evidences of learning outcomes. Furthermore this research shows that the
impact of the pandemic totally changed the learning system of the world and many
student and teachers are still adjusting to the new normal.

Statement of the Problem

This study examines the problems and difficulties in teaching and learning in the midst of
the pandemic through the eyes of students and faculty members as the foundation for the
creation of tactical actions for the continuity of teaching and learning. In particular, this
study sought to:
I. Establish the learner/student of graduated grade 10 students that are currently a
grade 11 STEM student of Mt. Carmel College of San Francisco profile in terms of:
I.1. Preferred flexible learning activities.
I. 1. a. Modular
I. 1. b. Online Class
I. 1. c. Blended Learning
I.2. Problems completing requirements due to ICT limitation
I. 2. a. Slow Internet Connection
I. 2. b. No Load or Data for Internet
I. 2. c. No Internet Connection in the area.
I.3. Provision of alternative/additional requirement.
I.3. a. Flooded by activities
I.3. b. Unnecessary activities in modular/online class

I.3. c. Deadline
I.4. Modular/online learning affects you as a student.
I.4. a. Unexpected changes on learning
I.4. b. Become more irresponsible and lazy
I.4. c. No changes, same as usual
I.5. Learning environment
I.5. a. Stay home
I.5. b. Friends house
I.5. c. Classmates house

II. Determine the profile of grade 11 STEM student of Mt. Carmel College of San
Francisco in terms of online capacity as categorized into:
II.1. Access to information Technology
II.1. a. Decent
II.1. b. Slow
II.1. c. No access

II.2. Access to Internet/Wi-Fi.

II.2. a. Strong connection
II.2. b.Slow internet connection
II.2. c.No internet connection
II.3. Stability of Internet connection.
II.3. a. Good internet connection
II.3. b. Bad internet connection
II.3. c. No internet connection

I. Develop emerging themes from the experiences and challenges of teaching and
learning amidst the pandemic.

Conceptual Framework

This method is currently being proposed by the researchers, show the profile and the
preferred curriculum choices of the student the challenges that they experience in the
changes of the curriculum of the school and how they cope the problem in their own way.
This will help how they will know how to improve on their studying by understanding
how the experience made them in spite the challenges they encountered. This method
will allow the student to know their preferred learning method.

Input Process Output

Profile of the Students

Challenges and Strategic
Curriculum of the
Emerging plans
Scenarios in Teaching
Learning Process
assessment, learning Teaching and and
environment) Learning learning

Significance of the Study

This demonstrates how the pandemic has forced students to accept a new model for how
teaching and learning are delivered.

Students. In this position students must take ownership of their education, become more
self-directed, and decide how much time they will spend learning outside of the
classroom. In the new environment, students are expected to read, comprehend, and
complete assignments without teacher assistance. They are required to practice
independent, self-directed learning.
Teachers. Teahcers on the other hand affirmed that the use of face-to-face delivery
would not work anymore to online services, faculty members considered the use of non-
online approach and explained the necessary modifications that can be applied in the
future members said they have prepared module as an option for sure alive learning
Parents. Assessment of student learning outcomes is very important. It concern on how
to assess learning outcomes and how to answer assessment tasks emerged as a major
concern as reflected in the narratives of the teachers and students. The assessment
measures are essential as an assurance that learners have attained various knowledge and
stalls and that they are ready for employment of further study.

Scope and Delimitation

The purpose of this study was to ensure the teaching and learning continuity amid and
beyond pandemic. Despite the study’s limitations, it was came out to give us with extra
metrics to see ether students did better in one setting than in another. Numerous
similarities exist between online and conventional education. Students most still attend
the class, learn the content, turn in assignment, and participate in group subjects. While
teachers continue to be responsible for developing curriculum, ensuring instructional
quality, responding to class queries, motivating students to learn, and grading

This study will consider the profile of the students: (1) Preferred learning methods of the
students; (2) What struggles they were facing in learning amid pandemic; (3) Status of
the student in learning continuity; (3.1) Students coping mechanism on the challenges

they face. The data that will be gathered of the profile of the students will be limited to
the survey paper that primary measure the common challenges they were facing.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the important used in this study have been defined.

The following terms are:

Learners' problems with the new modality of learning during and after the covid-19
pandemic, this refers to students to continue their learning during pandemic and how they
faced the challenges.

Student Profile: In this study it refers to the learning challenges of the students
encounter in the pandemic and their preferred learning methods they want to access in the
midst of shifting curriculum basis.

Learning Challenges: Refers to the respondents struggles in the current shift of learning
modality amid pandemic.

Parents: Refer to the mother and father a guardian of the students.

Students: Refers to learners who are enrolled and take the alive learning modality.

Reaction: Parents want their children to continue learning in the use of modular and
online learning.

Perception: Refers to what conceived to be true which is subjective. It refers to the
specific perception of the parents, faculty members and students in regard to the learners'
problems with the new modality of learning during and after the covid-19 pandemic.


Review of Related Literature


The crisis is exacerbating preexisting education disparities by reducing the opportunities
for many of the most vulnerable children, youth, and adults - those living in poor or rural
areas, girls, refugees, persons with disabilities and forcibly displaced persons - to
continue their learning. Learning losses also threaten to extend beyond this generation
and erase decades of progress, not least in support of girls and young women's
educational access and retention. Some 23.8 million additional children and youth (from
primary to tertiary) may drop out or not have access to school next year due to the
pandemic's economic impact alone.

Similarly, the education disruption has had, and will continue to have, substantial effects
beyond education. Closures of educational institutions hamper the provision of essential
services to children and communities, including access to nutritious food, affect the
ability of many parents to work, and increase risks of violence against women and girls.

On the other hand, this crisis has stimulated innovation within the education sector. We
have seen innovative approaches in support of education and training continuity: from
radio and television to take-home packages. Distance learning solutions were developed
thanks to quick responses by governments and partners all over the world supporting
education continuity, including the Global Education Coalition covened by UNESCO.
We have also been reminded of the essential role of teachers and that governments and
other key partners have an ongoing duty of care to education personnel.

But these changes have also highlighted that the promising future of learning, and the
accelerated changes in modes of delivering quality education, cannot be separated from
the imperative of leaving no one behind. This is true for children and youth affected by a
lack of resources or enabling environment to access learning. It is true for the teaching
profession and their need for better training in new methods of education delivery, as
well as support. Last but not least, this is true for the education community

In Africa, particularly in the Sahel region, nationwide school closures due to COVID-19
came at a time when a very large number of schools had already been closed for several

months because of severe insecurity, strikes, or climatic hazards. COVID-19 is worsening
the situation of education in Sub-Saharan Africa where, prior to the pandemic, 47 per
cent of the world's 258 million out-of-school children live (30 per cent due to conflict and

In the most fragile education systems, this interruption of the school year will have a dis
proportionately negative impact on the most vulnerable pupils, those for whom the
conditions for ensuring continuity of learning at home are limited. Their presence at
home can also complicate the economic situation of parents, who must find solutions to
provide care or compensate for the loss of school meals.

There is growing concern that if these learners are not properly supported, they may
never return to school. This would further exacerbate preexisting disparities, and risk
reversing progress on SDG 4 as well as other SDG’s, as well as aggravating the already
existing learning crisis and eroding the social and economic resilience of refugees and
displaced persons.12

The disruptions caused by COVID-19 to everyday life meant that as many as 40 million
children worldwide have missed out on early childhood education in their critical
preschool year." They thus missed a stimulating and enriching environment, learning
opportunities, social inter action and in some cases adequate nutrition. This is likely to
compromise their longer-term healthy development, especially those children from poor
and disadvantaged families."

In technical and vocational education and training systems, vulnerabilities including low
levels of digitalize and long-standing structural weaknesses, have been brought to light
by the crisis. Disruptions in work places made it difficult to implement apprenticeship
schemes and work-based learning modes, key elements of a functional and market-
responsive technical and vocational system.

In the higher education sub-sector, while online learning has generally taken place
through recorded lectures and online plat forms, some universities have postponed
learning and teaching until further notice, due to the lack of information technology (IT)
infrastructure for both students and teachers. Questions also remain about how to

The COVID-19 pandemic forced dental schools to close their campuses and move
didactic instruction online. The abrupt transition to online learning, however, has raised
several issues that have not been resolved. While several studies have investigated dental
students’ attitude towards online learning during the pandemic, mixed results have been
reported. Additionally, little research has been conducted to identify and understand
factors, especially pedagogical factors, that impacted students’ acceptance of online
learning during campus closure. Furthermore, how online learning during the pandemic
impacted students’ learning performance has not been empirically investigated. In March
2020, the dental school studied here moved didactic instruction online in response to
government issued stay-at-home orders. This first-of-its-kind comparative study
examined students’ perceived effectiveness of online courses during summer quarter
2020, explored pedagogical factors impacting their acceptance of online courses, and
empirically evaluated the impact of online learning on students’ course performance,
during the pandemic.

UNESCO recommends distance learning programs and open educational applications

during school closure caused by COVID-19 so that schools and teachers use to teach their
pupils and bound the interruption of education. Therefore, many institutes go for the
online classes (Shehzadi et al., 2020).

As a versatile platform for learning and teaching processes, the E-learning framework has
been increasingly used (Salloum & Shaalan, 2018). E-learning is defined as a new
paradigm of online learning based on information technology (Moore et al., 2011). In
contrast to traditional learning academics, educators, and other practitioners are eager to

know how e-learning can produce better outcomes and academic achievements. Only by
analyzing student satisfaction and their performance can the answer be sought.

Many comparative studies have been carried out to prove the point to explore whether
face-to-face or traditional teaching methods are more productive or whether online or
hybrid learning is better (Lockman & Schirmer, 2020; Pei & Wu, 2019; González-Gómez
et al., 2016; González-Gómez et al., 2016). Results of the studies show that the students
perform much better in online learning than in traditional learning. Henriksen et al.
(2020) highlighted the problems faced by educators while shifting from offline to online
mode of teaching. In the past, several research studies had been carried out on online
learning to explore student satisfaction, acceptance of e-learning, distance learning
success factors, and learning efficiency (Sher, 2009; Lee, 2014; Yen et al., 2018).
However, scant amount of literature is available on the factors that affect the students’
satisfaction and performance in online classes during the pandemic of Covid-19
(Rajabalee & Santally, 2020). In the present study, the authors proposed that course
design, quality of the instructor, prompt feedback, and students’ expectations are the four
prominent determinants of learning outcome and satisfaction of the students during
online classes (Lee, 2014).


Recently, the education system has faced an unprecedented health crisis that has shaken
up its foundation. Given today's uncertainties, it is vital to gain a nuanced understanding
of students' online learning experience in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although
many studies have investigated this area, limited information is available regarding the
challenges and the specific strategies that students employ to overcome them. Thus, this
study attempts to fill in the void. Using a mixed-methods approach, the findings revealed
that the online learning challenges of college students varied in terms of type and extent.
Their greatest challenge was linked to their learning environment at home, while their
least challenge was technological literacy and competency.

The findings further revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic had the greatest impact on
the quality of the learning experience and students' mental health. In terms of strategies
employed by students, the most frequently used were resource management and
utilization, help-seeking, technical aptitude enhancement, time management, and learning
environment control. Implications for classroom practice, policy-making, and future
research are discussed. Since the 1990s, the world has seen significant changes in the
landscape of education as a result of the ever-expanding influence of technology. One
such development is the adoption of online learning across different learning contexts,
whether formal or informal, academic and non-academic, and residential or remotely. We
began to witness schools, teachers, and students increasingly adopt e-learning
technologies that allow teachers to deliver instruction interactively, share resources
seamlessly, and facilitate student collaboration and interaction.

The education system has faced an unprecedented health crisis (COVID-19 pandemic)
that has shaken up its foundation. Thus, various governments across the globe have
launched a crisis response to mitigate the adverse impact of the pandemic on education.

This response includes, but is not limited to, curriculum revisions, provision for
technological resources and infrastructure, shifts in the academic calendar, and policies
on instructional delivery and assessment. Inevitably, these developments compelled
educational institutions to migrate to full online learning until face-to-face instruction is

allowed. The current circumstance is unique as it could aggravate the challenges
experienced during online learning due to restrictions in movement and health protocols.

Recently, the education system has faced an unprecedented health crisis (i.e., COVID-19
pandemic) that has shaken up its foundation. Thus, various governments across the globe
have launched a crisis response to mitigate the adverse impact of the pandemic on
education. This response includes, but is not limited to, curriculum revisions, provision
for technological resources and infrastructure, shifts in the academic calendar, and
policies on instructional delivery and assessment. Inevitably, these developments
compelled educational institutions to migrate to full online learning until face-to-face
instruction is allowed. The current circumstance is unique as it could aggravate the
challenges experienced during online learning due to restrictions in movement and health
protocols (Gonzales et al., 2020; Kapasia et al., 2020). Given today’s uncertainties, it is
vital to gain a nuanced understanding of students’ online learning experience in times of
the COVID-19 pandemic.

To date, many studies have investigated this area with a focus on students’ mental health
(Copeland et al., 2021; Fawaz et al., 2021), home learning (Suryaman et al., 2020), self-
regulation (Carter et al., 2020), virtual learning environment (Almaiah et al., 2020; Hew
et al., 2020; Tang et al., 2020), and students’ overall learning experience (e.g.,
Adarkwah, 2021; Day et al., 2021; Khalil et al., 2020; Singh et al., 2020). There are two
key differences that set the current study apart from the previous studies. First, it sheds
light on the direct impact of the pandemic on the challenges that students experience in
an online learning space. Second, the current study explores students’ coping strategies in
this new learning setup. Addressing these areas would shed light on the extent of
challenges that students experience in a full online learning space, particularly within the
context of the pandemic. Meanwhile, our nuanced understanding of the strategies that
students use to overcome their challenges would provide relevant information to school
administrators and teachers to better support the online learning needs of students. This

information would also be critical in revisiting the typology of strategies in an online
learning environment.

In December 2019, an outbreak of a novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19, occurred in

China and has spread rapidly across the globe within a few months. COVID-19 is an
infectious disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus that attacks the respiratory
system (World Health Organization, 2020). As of January 2021, COVID-19 has infected
94 million people and has caused 2 million deaths in 191 countries and territories (John
Hopkins University, 2021). This pandemic has created a massive disruption of the
educational systems, affecting over 1.5 billion students. It has forced the government to
cancel national examinations and the schools to temporarily close, cease face-to-face
instruction, and strictly observe physical distancing. These events have sparked the
digital transformation of higher education and challenged its ability to respond promptly
and effectively. Schools adopted relevant technologies, prepared learning and staff
resources, set systems and infrastructure, established new teaching protocols, and
adjusted their curricula. However, the transition was smooth for some schools but rough
for others, particularly those from developing countries with limited infrastructure (Pham
& Nguyen, 2020; Simbulan, 2020).



Based on the researcher, a web-based enrollment system for Veritas Parochial School
(VPS) in Web Based enrollment system, Manila was developed to help its students enroll
in a more efficient way without the hassles of waiting long hours in filling out forms,
which sometimes become redundant, or to stand in line and pay at the cashier. It is with
the Web based Enrollment System for VPS that this new style of enrollment may be
achieved. This new type of system offers its students new options for enrolling at VPS.
By logging on to VPS website, one can register and enroll subjects for a school year.
With these, all the students are required to fill out certain forms that do not take more
than a few minutes to accomplish.

The system stores its records in the school database for future references. Confirmation of
the transaction made by the students need to be verified, the payment of tuition fees must
be made in the schools registrar. The students may also browse the web site of VPS and
he can check his current account. He can also refer to the list of the school current tuition
fee rates (Pascual & Riceo, 2008) According to Lopez (2005), a registration system helps
and provides efficient and reliable services to the students, enrollment personnel and
administration. Moreover, this system improved the process of enrollment in terms of
searching, retrieving and subject schedules. While in a study conducted by Cayabyab
(2007), many problems and difficulties were identified in the existing system of Dagupan
City National High School (DCNHS). These major concerns are affecting the efficient
enrollment system of students. Security of the students records were found to be at high

The current system may fail to protect some important documents. It has also untimely
and inefficient report generation. A computerized system for DCNHS shall result to a
significant increase in the number of enrollment Network-Based Enrollment system
Conde (2007) in his study entitled "Network bases Enrollment System of Paete National
High School cited that the manual process of enrollment and manual handling of
information and reports of the students is very laborious one. The proponents developed a

network based system enrollment system to the said school to solve the huge amount of
task. Garcia (2002) created the "LSPC Enrollment System", the study can be a great help
to persons concerned during the enrollment period, the registrar, instructor of the students
as they retrieval necessary information when needed and lessen the burden manually
browsing over enrollment slip for record purposes Saayo (2008) developed the
system "Network based automated and grading system for Morong National High
School. Due to increasing population of the institution, and the school currently
implementing the manual system, every student spends a lot of time during enrollment
period, such as paying their tuition fees and processing the school requirements. Valina (2009), in this work entitled "Network-based student Permanent Record keeping and
Enrollment System of Balian National High School".

This System was made to lessen the time and effort exerted by both student and school
employees. It is also made to give accurate reports and keep records of every students
every students and for easy and fast way of enrollment. Soria (2006), constructed a
system entitled "Network-based Computerized inventory System for the supply office o
the LSPC main campus. With the advancement of technology, devices and machines
were improve, developed and inverted to cope up with the need of new world. There are
different systems designed for reliable, efficient and very useful to the user. Cabang et al.
(2003) developed the 'computerized Students Record Monitoring System of Siniloan
National High School", Computerized Student data will be exceedingly helped to the user
through continuous management of the School. It could help the registrar for a less effort
services in the institutions especially in updating, printing and deleting student's record.
Velas Study entitled “Maulawin National High School Student Information System”
cited that maintaining records manually is a very difficult task and time consuming. In
that case, computerization system that can help and handle 17 this data needed to speed
up the process of student's record keeping and to promote and reliability. Cura et al.
(2004), Designed system entitled "computerized inventory system of office of the supply
in LSPU" is capable of handling voluminous data about the flow of item insurance and
reply to the flow of items' issuance and return in supply office Torres et al. (2002),
conducted a study that resolves around the importance computerization of student

information. This study was conducted with the hope that it would help minimize time
and effort in processing student's information in Maulawin National High School.

The basic feature of this study is after the storage and access of retrieving and updating
the data. Alcaira (1999), stated that the using of computer are continue to grow, the need
for a more timely information and data processing comes on demand keeping the record
of any manual operations need the application, because handling it manually will only be
conflicting. Aravia et al. (2002), show the growing importance of computers in the
society. The significance of the study revolves the automation of student permanent
record keeping. Garnace (1999), developed application software for the computerized
information system of a commercial piggery using the concept of the database and
implemented database.

Automation Enrollment System Gumitao (2001), system is designed to provide reports of

the list of enrollment per school year, periodical grade of students, and list of new, old
and transferees Revalla (2005) created an Automation Enrollment System for the
computer Science Department of the Laguna College business and Arts. The study was
conceived because of the need to update the current registration system of LCBA, which
is done manually. Her study, was based on the special problem of Mr. Bonifacio E.
Bacani, Jr. about "Student Record information System". Kampitan (2000) developed an
Enrollment System of Liceo De Victoria that is designed to keep the students records.
This is used to provide an effective and faster of providing information of the student and
also the accounting purposes' Liceo De Victoria Enrollment was developed and
implement using relational database and designed in clipper 5.3. Earlier, Encila (1999)
Introduced the Enrollment System for the computer Science Department of LCBA and
traders, designed of enrollment System is advantageous to the school because it speed up
the process and with only a minimum amount of power and resources. Cacao (2002),
designed the "Morning Star Montessori School incorporated form 137implemented in
Fox Base. Solomon (2002), developed Enrollment and Record keeping System, to know
how to read sign the data that is used to be kept the record files of students and also that,
it could be mange more efficiently in computer with his project. Quiver (2001),

developed a program using database III which capable of retrieving, access in
manipulating of data in easy way. A computerized system to minimized the lost of record
and burden of work was designed by Pajarillo in 2002. Monsalve and Ilagan (2005),
developed a program and designed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft
The system is capable of receiving access, searching items, providing adequate
information and data gathering. IPizzara and Veridiano (2001), this system was done
using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. This conducted system goes along the trend of
computerization to be in the field of competitiveness and survive to the complicated
works. Relayo (1990) this study will assist the researcher regulating to the database and
Visual Basic. This system have been designed in order to speed up the access and
retrieval information and to lessen manual effort involve in the library routine of
transaction. Magalang (2003), he proposed this to developed software that will help the
management of the school "lyceum' in giving good service to its student in speeding of
the process involve in monitoring account acquired during the enrollment & other
payment transaction. Lazaro (2004), this study entitled "Liceo de Los Banos record
monitoring system" password was created for the protection and was designed to be user-
friendly by only authorized persons and to ensure security of data basic information.
Lumbers (2002), stated in her study entitled "a systematic enrollment process using
database system in Saint John academy. Calamba, Laguna" that the application of
database system to the enrollment process will greatly increase its efficiency; automation
of enrollment process will upgrade the quality of the services provided for the qualified

Online enrollment system An Online Registration System was proposed to replace the
manual enrollment system of Cavite Maritime Institute in order to advance an organized
flow of transaction and an ease of work concerned on how the manual enrollment
performs throughout the institution's operations. The numerous transactions that the
manual system covers, such as updating and adding student records, generating the
advising and assessment slips, and the like considering the manual operating system to be
inefficient for the need of the institution. Since the study involves proper record handling,

tracing the constraints and evaluation of the manual system is essential (Bacala and
Reano, 2009). In educational institutions like Harvent School in Dagupan City,
Composed of elementary and high school level. The school puts premium to its
registration. The enrollment process is the initial stage in gathering bonafide fide and
accurate student information necessary to establish student permanent records. A
registration and billing system is needed by the institution to address the stated situation.

The study has been made to help Harvent School gather fast and deliver accurate
information (Calabozo & Fernandez, 2006) Online enrollment system is utilized today by
many universities to facilitate the enrollment of their students into classes every semester
(Gaton, 2012). The system allow to choose courses they want to take with the available
class schedules. This allows students to make up their time schedules for different class
courses without time schedule conflicts. After the allotted enrollment period, the system
runs and assigns slots to students. With the Online Registration System, students could
log in, check their schedule, and set desired changes and pay online without having to
stand in a line and rushing to meet deadlines to accomplish all the transactions required
for enrollment (Ella, 2012). The Online Registration System is a method designed to
perform the process involved in registration, advising, assessments, and payments of
students as well as scheduling of classes in any educational institution. According to
Aquino (2005), importance of computer application is increasing day by day. In the latest
decades of the millennium winning organizations are those which are willing to integrate
business strategy and information technology in plying their respective trades.

The use of information technology results for them to be able to develop products fast
and make decisions fast, ability to have fluid organization structures, able to cope with
the demanding work force and external environment by the rapid development of
innovative approaches, and lastly, using information system confirms the company's
vision and mission. Schools use information systems in the way of implementing an
enrollment system. This results for them to attract enrollees and earn an income.
Enrollees are attracted because the use of the said system makes the transactions faster
and easier. Alcuaz (1988) stated that the use of computer can give competitive advantage

and improve profitability. Computer helps to increase the productivity of people. This is
true whether they are working alone or working with others within a formal organization
such as business corporations. As said by Adrian(2011), "Lack of enrollment system in
schools can lead to chaos and troubles." Students will be confused on what they should
do to be able to enroll that is why such systems is extremely useful in the way that it
gives an ease on working on enrollment processes. Enrollment is very useful in retrieving
vital information of the students. Without it can lead difficulty both for the administration
of school and student in enrollment processes Many countries today, especially the
developing nations are challenged by the rapid technological changes.

This has radically changed the living and working styles of the entire society. This
transformation has been driven partly by rapid technological innovation. While in the
20th century, people saw the rise of the industrial revolution with steam-powered
machines intensifying and expanding human productive power, the 21st century was
characterized by the birth of machine powered flight and the emergence of broadcasting
and computer technologies that extend the reach of human creativity even more and made
new ways possible by which humans could live and work together (Tinio, 2002). The
transformation of manual enrollment transaction to automate and now into a web-based
automation is one example of what was driven partly by the rapid technological
innovation. Any ways just to make work easier and faster like enrollment transactions is
possible with the emergence of computer technologies. Technology innovation had
influenced man's work from data processing, business transaction, research, planning,
monitoring and even in medical operation on human anatomy are now entrusted to
computer technology. Web applications are popular due to ubiquity of its applications.

The ability to update and maintain web applications without distributing and installing
software on potentially thousands of client computers are key reasons for its popularity.
A significant advantage of building web applications to support a standard browser
feature is the ability to perform as specified, of the operating system installed on a given
client (Bacala &Reanno, 2009). Web-based enrollment system A web-based enrollment
system has features that meet most of academic institutions system's needs and

requirements. This includes standardized modules for student registration, enrollment,
grade management, and other modules that are deemed necessary to operate a school.
Based on the researcher, a web-based enrollment system for Veritas Parochial School
(VPS) in Web Based enrollment system, Manila was developed to help its students enroll
in a more efficient way without the hassles of waiting long hours in filling out forms,
which sometimes become redundant, or to stand in line and pay at the cashier. It is with
the Web-based Enrollment System for VPS that this new style of enrollment may be

This new type of system offers its students new options for enrolling at VPS. By logging
on to VPS website, one can register and enroll subjects for a school year. With these, all
the students are required to fill out certain forms that do not take more than a few minutes
to accomplish. The system stores its records in the school database for future references.
Confirmation of the transaction made by the students need to be verified, the payment of
tuition fees must be made in the schools registrar. The students may also browse the web
site of VPS and he can check his current account. He can also refer to the list of the
school current tuition fee rates (Pascual & Riceo, 2008).


According to Lopez (2005), a Registration system helps and provides efficient and
reliable services to the students, enrollment personnel and administration. Moreover, this
system improved the process of enrollment in terms of searching, retrieving and subject
schedules. While in a study conducted by Cayabyab (2007), many problems and
difficulties were identified in the existing system of Dagupan City National High School
(DCNHS). These major concerns are affecting the efficient enrollment system of
students. Security or the students records were found to be at high risk. The current
system may fail to protect some important documents. It has also untimely and inefficient
report generation. A computerized system for DCNHS shall result to a significant
increase in the number of enrollees Network-Based Enrollment system Conde (2007) in

his study entitled "Network bases Enrollment System of Paete National High School
cited that the manual process of enrollment and manual handling of information and
reports of the students is very laborious one.

The proponents developed a network based system enrollment system to the said school
to solve the huge amount of task. Garcia (2002) created the "LSPC Enrollment System",
the study can be a great help to persons concerned during the enrollment period, the
registrar, instructor of the students as they retrieval necessary information when needed
and lessen the burden manually browsing over enrollment slip for record purposes Saayo (2008) developed the system "Network based automated Enrollment and grading
system for Morong National High School. Due to increasing population of the institution,
and the school currently implementing the manual system, every student spends a lot of
time during enrollment period, such as paying their tuition fees and processing the school
requirements. Valina (2009), in this work entitled "Network-based student
Permanent Record keeping and Enrollment System of Balian National High School”.

This System was made to lessen the time and effort exerted by both student and school
employees. It is also made to give accurate reports and keep records of every students
every students and for easy and fast way of enrollment. Soria (2006), constructed a
system entitled "Network-based Computerized inventory System for the supply office o
the LSPC main campus. With the advancement of technology, devices and machines
were improve, developed and inverted to cope up with the need of new world. There are
different systems designed for reliable, efficient and very useful to the user. Cabang et al.
(2003) developed the 'computerized Students Record Monitoring System of Siniloan
National High School", Computerized Student data will be exceedingly helped to the user
through continuous management of the School. It could help the registrar for a less effort
services in the institutions especially in updating, printing and deleting student's record.
Velasco (2002) Study entitled "Maulawin National High School Student Information
System" cited that maintaining students, records manually is a very difficult task and time
consuming. In that case, computerization system that can help and handle 17 this data
needed to speed up the process of student's record keeping and to promote and reliability.

Cura et al. (2004), Designed system entitled "computerized inventory system of office of
the supply in LSPU" is capable of handling voluminous data about the flow of item
insurance and reply to the flow of items' issuance and return in supply office Torres et al.
(2002), conducted a study that resolves around the importance computerization of
student’s information in Maulawin National High School.

The basic feature of this study is after the storage and access of retrieving and updating
the data. According to Jennifer Rowley (2005), information systems are a tool to support
information management. Information systems are increasingly being used in
organizations with the objective of providing competitive advantage. The information
systems used by organizations can be grouped into different types such as transaction
processing system, management information system, decision support system, executive
information system, expert systems and office information system. Information
Technology has heralded the advent of the information society. The information society
may be a "virtual society". The concepts of the electronic classroom, the electronic office
and electronic library have been explored. Information system poses a number of issues
on society in general, including: changing employment patterns, archiving, and
bibliographic control, security and data protection, intellectual property, marketplace
issues and access. An registration system is basically included in one of the classification
of information system that is stated by the author, thus it serves as a tool to support
information management with regards to the student data, enrollment fees information
and other with a connection to the enrollment process. Every school gain competitive
advantage of 1 system for they will have the capacity on handling important information
at ease and with security. The iterative implementation approach is a theory that
eliminates problems of using a waterfall study. This is invented to avoid a linear and
sequential development of study. The overall functionality of the system is broken down
into feature sets.

These features sets often based upon use cases the analysis stage, containing group of
individual features that are related, typically by a functional area (Stephen McHenry,
2010) Adopting the theory of Stephen McHenry which is known as the iterative

implementation covers the breakdown of overall functionality of the system to a what he
called feature set and those feature sets represents different process involve in an
enrollment system. It helps locate what feature an enrollment system will have since that
this kind of systems does many activities and processes. As said by Dunn and Scott
(2005), science and technology is the root of emerging innovations in this world. For
many years now, a person in this field of expertise does not stop to reshape the landscape
of today's business world. Enrollment system has made huge impact into the school
arena. It is a system that is built on innovative program strategies. It is a system that will
help both the enrollment personnel-in-charge and the students to easily process the
enrollment at a lesser time. Distinct from traditional enrollment, LAN enrollment system
process large assortment of student records and provides efficient and consistent
information services. As stated by Holmes (2006), "The Internet is neither an
extraordinary communication tool nor revolutionary. It simply represents the current
stage in the development of human capabilities through written language, which itself
derived from the spoken form." That statement only shows that advancement in modern
technology is at their highest peak.

Nowadays, Web based applications are widely used due to their ubiquity. Web-based
enrollment system is currently emerging on markets for they are offering transaction
convenience and service efficiency through the use of Internet. This system becomes a
powerful tool in dealing with information management regarding enrollment transactions.
According to Forman (2007), continuing innovation in technologies can lead to
organizational changes that range from improvement of day to day operation and for easy
access it provides for the end users. Many schools today have adapted this innovation in
offering of their services which is parallel with the concept of Tinn (2001), stated that the
computerization responded to the call the office or any workplace to help their daily
operation. Malolos (2002) stated that the study of automation is important in the
sense time it minimizes the time and effort normally exerted in manual process. While
Janes (2001) stated that computers are extremely reliable device and very powerful
calculators with some great accessories applications like word processing problem for all
of business activities, regardless of size, computers have three advantages over other type

of office equipment that process information because computer are faster, more accurate
more economical. Reyes (2005) task would be time consuming to accomplish manually
and more practical with the aid of computers field in cabinet. According to Flores (2002),
the automation is described simply as the substitution of machine control of human.
Dioso (2001) stated that computer assist careful intelligent planning, organizing,
actuating and controlling.

This maybe observed from the past that they monitor production activities, solve
scientific problem and help arrive in tentative answer to a multitude of involved
conditions. Ralph M. Stair (1999) emphasized that the development of technology
through the years have enabled us to do more with less effort. From the orientation of the
light bulb to the industrial revolution and beyond, we have continuously tried to in a more
efficient means of doing tasks. Lewis (2002) stated that the reason for using computers
vary from person to person. Some of the computers in business are to perform accuracy,
to be as productivity, to decrease bottle necks or hassles to alter cash flows or to simplify
elevate your status. Gold Chager et al (2003) said that computer as a device for
processing information knew computer plays a significant role in their lives, but few are
aware of just how pervasive role is. Mane (2000) mentioned that the creation of the
computer made the easier to accomplish task than by doing it manually, to have the direct
access on straightforward answer just monitoring record where in the needs of computer
make possible for everyone to get data in a particular need. We can consider that the
computer is necessary and it is a productive tool for individual. Gurewich (1999) stated
that the database system makes the work faster for every institution. For the mere fact
that instead of doing things manually, with the use of computer technology everything is
done faster. Computer-Based Enrollment system Halili, M.C.N. (2004) that man's actions
are just involuntary movements especially when time allow to plan his next action. These
responses pass through the process of reasoning and analysis. Huntchinson (2001)
stated that file is a collection of related records. Examples are the entire student's courses
card for Anthropology 101 or the transcript of all courses in the register's office. Bryan
(2006) emphasized the information system is a set of people, procedures and resources

that collects, transforms and disseminates information in an organization to do's ends rely
on many types of information system (IS).

They might include simple manual information. system and informal system and also
computer based information system that uses hardware, software telecommunication and
other forms of information technology (IT). Sander (2002) computers are an intelligence
amplifier that can free human to use their time effectively. Because a computer is a fast
and accurate electronic symbol or data manipulating system that design automatically
accept and store input data process and procedure output results under the direction of the
stored program or instruction. Tows and (2005) stated that database is instructed
collection of data. The data may be about people, product events in short, any type of
information is to manage the collection of data for reporting and making decision.
Adamski (2007), give some advantages of database processing first economy of scale
getting more information from some amount of data, sharing data balancing conflicting
requirement, enforcement of standard, controlled redundancy consisting integrity
security,flexibility and responsiveness,increase programmers productivity, improve
program maintenance and data independence Perkins (1999) stated that computer has an
impressive impact upon business, governmental organization; bank and all sorts of
organization and on how they are operate and manage. Alcaria (2004) explained that the
use of computer are continue to grow, the need for a more timely information and data
processing comes on demand keeping the records of any manual operations need the
application of computer because handling it manually will only be conflicting.

Kroenke (2002) in the early 1970's database processing was considered an esoteric
subject of interest only to the longest corporation with the largest computer. Information
system-Database System Concept Today, database processing is becoming an
information system standard. Silberschatz (2006) in his book "" the goal of database
system is to simplify and facilitate access to data.In relation to Ahitud (2007)
mentioned that information system are more collection of hardware, software and people.
They should be constructed to fit the organization's strategy and structure so that it could
easily be adapted to the information they needed. Asumbra (2002) Access to information

is the best way to. In line with technology access to information within fingertips is the
easier way to be equipped in the future. While Hammer (2003), said that computer could
eliminate the need for copying and rearranging information, which was entered into
system. They also perform mathematical computation; in short computer can eliminate
most of the paper works. Microsoft Corporation (2002), explained that computer network
are collection of computer and intelligent peripheral equipment that are inter connected
by telephone lines, micro wave relays and other high-speed communication links of the
purpose of exchanging data and sharing equipment. Cognos-based enrollment
management system Southern California Community College Long Beach City College
has gone live with a Cognos-based enrollment management system that was designed by
Irvine, CA-based professional services firm e2e Analytic.

Prior to installing the new system, LBCC, which has two main campuses and multiple
satellites that support nine schools and 34 departments, handled its enrollment via manual
spread sheets. With no reporting, continuity, or standard practices, and with lengthy error
corrections, the school's enrollment management budgeting and planning took up to three
months to compile, consolidate, and implement (Koft 2007) The study on problems
regarding on school such as the Long Beach City College is an aid for the proponents to
have the idea on formulating solutions on transferring manual enrollment transactions to
an automated or computerized one. According to the coordinator of Admission Support
of Kerian Greenaway, the system known as the Edith Cowan University Web Enrollment
System (ECUWES) had replaced the traditional hard copy system. of enrollment.

The system offers immediacy and convenience of course enrollment via the internet. The
said university in Australia is currently enrolling more than 5,000 new students with
easier transactions cause of their online enrollment system. In the local setting, academic
institutions both the private and government schools are shifting from manual to
computerized system including student registration. This is accomplished either on an
intranet or internet-based environment. The desire to overcome these problems and
difficulties has led the acceptance of advanced technology. It includes Local Area
Network of computers, CD ROM and powerful processor. These technologies led to the

development of information databases that provides simple and prompt retrieval of
information through networking, In Local Area Network Enrollment System (LANES),
the problems on admission and evaluation of academic records, subject reservation,
assessment and payment of fees and issuance of class cards are besieged. Likewise,
searching of records is effective due to its major key that is being used in retrieval of
records. A Local Area Network Enrollment System (LANES) is a broad system. It is a
combination of different function areas such as databases, searching, retrieval, and update
of student records, checking of students' schedule, computation of fees. (Dzubeck, Frank,
2003) Inspired by the advancement of modern technology and the problems regarding
enrollment transactions the proponents have come up with an online enrollment system
exclusively for school with many enrollees. Several factors are considered in designing
the proposed system. First is the tedious task of filling out application forms and
inaccuracies of information provided by the students that cause delay on the enrollment
process. Other is that were problems on giving and announcing schedules of enrolls and
cause for them to be late at their very first class.

The researchers gathered data necessary in the enrollment system for the success of the
study in providing benefit for the employees and students so they can have access and
have the ability to manage information directly and conveniently. A software
development and IT service firm implemented its catalyst in Governor Andres Pascual
College was integrated web platform to provide content management, transaction
processing, marketing, and interactive community function to the two rice schools.
Catalyst deliver on the Jones school's two primary criteria for selecting a web-based
platform: simplifying content management; and enabling user response to information
such as event RSVP and course registration. The content management tools lets the Jones
school staff edit, update or add to the volume of curriculum and event information
without calling for technical assistance. They simply cut and paste document in to the
content management system audit for consistency and publish to the web. The school's
diverse audiences, which include MBA's executive Mb As, executive education
participants, and alumni, now events, and can RSVP for event or register online for
Executive Education courses.


Research Design

The design used in the study is an exploratory mixed-method triangulation design. It was
utilized to obtain different information but complementary data on a common topic or
intent of the study. Bringing together the differing strengths non-overlapping weaknesses
of qualitative methods (Creswell, 2006). The use of the mixed method provided the data
used as a basis for the analysis and planning perspective of the study.

This study will be conducted about the sudden opening of the face-to-face of classes and
the immediate need to shift the learning platform responsive to the needs of the learners
lend a significant consideration in this study. This explored the perspectives of the Grade
11 STEM students of Mt. Carmel College of San Francisco, Inc. in terms of their current
capacity and its implications in the learning beyond the COVID-19 pandemic using
learning modality.

Research Locale

The concerns raised by the participants of the study in Mt. Carmel College of San
Francisco Inc. Brgy. 3, Daang Maharlika, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, Philippines.
Mt. Carmel College was founded in 1957 and started its operation as Father Urios High
School in 1958 by the late Herman Maalman of the Sacred Heart Missionary (MSC)
when he was the parish priest of San Francisco. In the middle 1996, the Carmelite Fathers
renewed their commitment to the school apostolate. They considered this as a primary
apostolate of Order.

The construction of the school and the parish was through him. Most of the donations
came from the engineers of Philcusa. The school rapidly progressed in infrastructure and
educational standards. The educators or teachers to provide access to considerable
support to deal with the struggles, challenges, and even trauma because of the pandemic.
There is a need to help manage mental health, self esteem, and relationships after the
quarantine which left some of the students isolated for quite a time.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of our study are the selected Grade 11 STEM Senior High school
students. They are one of the many students who experienced the changes in learning.
Hence they have the understanding to the problems posed on our study. They answered
the questionnaire that we provide to them which provides the information that we need.

They are the one we need the fact that they already completed the Junior high school
hence the pandemic was still there, and we want to know how they face the challenges so
that we can track the differences of their methods and struggles related to the changes of
the learning modality since the day it implemented

We are conducting a survey and asking questions about their troubles, obstacles, and how
they prepare for the changes in order to gather information for our study. We need at least
10-20 grade 11 STEM students of Mt. Carmel College of San Francisco, Inc. to
participate as respondents.

Sampling Procedure

The subject of the study will be the Grade 11 STEM students of Mt. Carmel College of
San Francisco, Inc. who are affected by the pandemic and face difficulties with learning
and teaching modality. Moreover, the sampling may select 50 seniors in high school who
have encountered the COVID-19 pandemic in a significant way, particularly in terms of
how they adjust to the new normal and what events have had a profound impact on them.
The entire population is taken as the sample for the conduct research.

Convenience sampling will be used in the study; as a result, this is the simplest approach
and makes information gathering simpler, but it does not speak for everyone due to
sampling bias. In order to collect data from students more quickly, the researcher intends
to use convenience sampling.

Research Instrument

This research use the instrument will be the researcher-modified questionnaire on how
the Grade 11 STEM student of Mt. Carmel College of San Francisco, Inc. Face the
different difficulties on learning amid pandemic in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur. These
outlook are evaluated in connection with the challenges students struggle for in pandemic
changes in learning methods.

Data Gathering Procedure

After establishing the validity and reliability on how gather data, formulating questions
appropriate for the study and all doing necessary modification to the chosen respondents.

Phase 1: The research instrument consists of the items which gathers respondents’
profile such as their name, sex, and grade level of a class.

Phase II: The research instrument consists of the answer sheet that have number of 1-10
with its corresponding boxes where the answers were shown or if they have further idea
for the question they may proceed with their answer.

Phase III: of the research instrument is the use of face-to-face interview or online google
doc interview. There are one(1) category of question for the students . The total number
of the combination of questions is 10 items. The survey doesn’t require the time limit
especially in the online survey, but in face-to-face survey it should not consume time.

Questionnaires successfully completed and answered by the chosen respondents. Thus

their corresponding answer to the question are kept in accordance with the agreement of
the respondents and the researchers. The data gathered was organized and tabulated
according to the result of the statistical treatment of data done.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To analyze and interpret the data, We the researchers employed the following statistical

1. Frequency, Percentage and Ranking will help us as a researcher easily tally the data
that we gathered. This percentage and ranking will have a big help in the researchers to
analyze the data.

2. Frequency and ranking. This tool was used to provide answer to the question. X=
number of respondents.


This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done and
interpretation of findings. These are presented in tables following the sequence of the
specific research problem regarding the learners problem with the new modality of
learning during and after the Covid 19 pandemic. The chapter contains presentation,
analysis and discussion of the data collected by the researcher during the data collection.
The frequency tables show the findings as derived from the responses by respondents to
the various questions contained in the questionnaire followed by discussions. The
findings were organized according to table derived from the objectives and research
questions presented.


The first problem of this study focused on the profile of the students having Difficulties
during modular learning and the profile of teachers about their strategies to continue
teaching during pandemic. This study explored mixed method of collect data.

The profile of the respondents was tabulated and computed according to the results of our
survey conducted online and face to face. The questionnaires were also used to collect
data and were distributed to the respondents according to the categories of the study. This
section describes the general characteristics of the respondents such as gender, age,
educational level, years of service and their designation.

Table 1.
PROFILE Frequency Percentage %

16 YEARS OLD 24 48%

17 YEARS OLD 21 42%

18 YEARS OLD 4 8%

MALE 25 50%

FEMALE 25 50%

GRADE 11 SENIOR 50 100%


Result from the table shows that most of the respondents which is the students profile
where how many Grade 11 STEM Students of Mt. Carmel College of San Francisco, Inc.
participated the survey.

The table shows the classification of strand of each students where involve on the survey,
it also shows their age, sex, and their grade level.

This study investigated students' modular/online learning experience within the context
of the pandemic. Specifically, we identified the extent of challenges that students
experienced, how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted their online learning experience,
and the strategies that they used to confront these challenges.

Preferred learning methods of the Grade 11 STEM Student

Learning methods Frequency Percentage(%)
A. Modular 10 20%
B. Online Class 1 2%
C. Blended Learning 34 68%
N/A 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Table 2. Frequency and Percentage of the Preferred learning methods of the Grade 11
STEM Student

The table shows that on the 50 Grade 11 STEM Students of Mt. Carmel College of San
Francisco, 10 or 20% of them preferred to learn modular learning, only 1 of them or

2% of the total student wants to learn through online class, but 34 or 68% of the total
students preferred to learn Blended Learning combination of Modular and Online Class
learning, but 5 out of 50 or 10% of the selected grade 11 STEM student didn’t respond to
the number 1 survey. Majority of them preferred to learn through blended learning amid
pandemic, hence the blended learning can present the teachings through online and
giving activities through modular, this helps the balance study of the students.

Problems of the students completing the requirements due to ICT(Information and

Communication Technology) limitation.
Cause of the Problem Frequency Percentage(%)
A. Slow Internet Connection 27 54%
B. No Load or Data for Internet 17 34%
C. No Internet Connection in the 4 8%
N/A 2 4%
Total 50 100%

Table 3. Frequency and Percentage of the Problems of the students completing the

requirements due to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) limitation.

In the table 3 it shows that the problems of the student in completing the requirements
due to ICT was because of; 27 or 54% have the reason of Slow internet connection; other
17 or 34% of the students reason was they have no load or Data for Internet; the other 4
or 8% of the students have no access of internet on their designated area or where their
home was; but 2 or 4% of the student have not participated on the number 2 survey. This
shows on the table 3 that most of the students problem was due to the slow internet
connection that causes the interruption or limits their learning/studies and communicating
to their teachers.

Provision of alternative/additional requirement that causes the students to
struggle more on their studies
Cause of the additional requirements Frequency Percentage(%)
A. Flooded by activities 23 46%
B. Unnecessary activities in modular/online 8 16%
C. Deadline or small amount of time for 14 28%
N/A 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Table 4. Frequency and Percentage of the provision of alternative/additional requirement

that causes the students to struggle more on their studies.

In the table 4 it shows that the provision of alternative/additional requirement that causes
the students to struggle more on their studies is that the reason A, flooded by activities
that the 23 or 46% of the student feel this way, the reason B, unnecessary activities in
modular/online class have 8 or 16% of the students think or feel this ways, and reason C,
deadline or small amount of time for deadline have been the reason of 14 or 28% students
that gave them struggles, but 5 or 10% of the student didn’t give their responds on the
survey number 3. In this survey mostly the student of Grade 11 feel the struggle of being
flooded by activities on their modular/online learning.

Modular/online learning negative effects to the student.

Negative effects Frequency Percentage(%)
A. Unexpected changes on learning 13 26%
B. Become more irresponsible and lazy 24 48%
C. No changes, same as usual 4 8%
N/A 9 18%
Total 50 100%

Table 5. Here in the table 5 shows that the modular/online learning negative effects to the
student that the 13 or 26% of the Grade 11 STEM was experiencing negative effect of
unexpected changes on learning; 24 or 48% of them become more irresponsible and lazy
due to the negative effects of modular/online learning; some 4 or 8% of the student
doesn’t feel any changes nor negative effects of the modular/online learning; but 9 or
18% of the student didn’t give their respond on the survey 4. In this survey most of the
students feel the negative effects of becoming more irresponsible and lazy due to the
modular/online learning method.

Learning environment of the student on learning amid pandemic

Learning environment Frequency Percentage(%)
A. Stay home 36 72%
B. Friends house 4 8%
C. Classmates house 5 10%
N/A 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Table 6. In the table 6 the charts shows that learning environment of the student on
learning amid pandemic was that 36 or 72% of the grade 11 STEM student learn on their
home as their learning environment; 4 or 8% of the students learns in their friends house
as their learning environment; 5 or 10% of the student have their classmates house as
their learning environment; but 5 or 10% didn’t respond on the survey 5. Most of the
Grade 11 STEM student stay on their respective home as this was the safest place to
become their learning environment.

What are the ways to continue the learning activities?

Ways of continuing the learning Frequency Percentage(%)
A. Reading guides on the internet 2 4%
B. Asking teachers 16 32%
C. Self study 20 40%

D. Didn't learn 7 14%
N/A 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Table 7. In the table 7 shows in the chart that the ways of the students to continue the
learning activities that; 2 or 4% of the students read guides on the internet; asking
teachers was the way of the 16 or 40% of the students; the 20 or 40% of the student
didn’t need any help but only relies on their self by self studying; 7 or 14% of them didn’t
learn; but 5 or 10% of them didn’t respond to the 6 and last survey. Most of the student
didn’t rely on others but their way was to self study to complete the learning activities.

1.Preferred flexible 10 1 34 0
learning activities.

2.Problems 27 17 4 0

requirements due to
ICT limitation
3.Provision of 23 8 14 1

4. Modular/online 10 29 4 0
learning affects you
as a student.
5.Learning 36 4 5 0
6. What are the 2 16 20 7
ways to continue the
teaching and
learning activities?

Table 8. In this table shows the summarize tally of answer of the respondents of the
survey questions

Phase 1: The charts shows that 68% of the grade 11 STEM student preferred blended
learning in the chosen learning activities amid the pandemic.
Phase 2: The charts shows that 54% of the grade 11 STEM student have the problem of
having slow internet connection in the process of learning the new curriculum given by
the teachers.
Phase 3: The charts shows that 46% of the students have the same problem flooded by
activities in processing and learning the new curriculum of the school.
Phase 4: The charts shows that 58% of the students have the same problem how the the
modular and online class affects them as a students.
Phase 5: The charts shows that 72% of the students have common answer where they’re
learning environment was held.

Phase 6: The charts shows that 40% of the student have the same process of learning the
new curriculum given.


Summary of Findings

The Researchers are conducting a research on learners' problems with the new modality
of learning during and after the covid-19 pandemic on the recently graduated junior high
school student that are currently a Senior High School Grade 11 STEM Student of Mt.
Carmel College of San Francisco, Inc. the education system has faced an unprecedented
health crisis that has shaken up its foundation. Given today's uncertainties, it is vital to
gain a nuanced understanding of students' modular/online learning experience in times of
the COVID-19 pandemic. Although many studies have investigated this area, limited
information is available regarding the challenges and the specific strategies that students
employ to overcome them especially the Grade 11 STEM students of Mt. Carmel College
of San Francisco. Thus, this study attempts to fill in the void. Using a mixed-methods
approach, the findings revealed that the modular/online learning challenges of Senior
high school students varied in terms of type and extent.

Their greatest challenge was linked to their learning environment at home, while their
least challenge was technological literacy, competency, and commitment on their studies.
The findings further revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic had the greatest impact on
the quality of the learning experience and students' mental health. In terms of strategies
employed by students, the most frequently used were resource management and
utilization, help-seeking, technical aptitude enhancement, time management, and learning
environment control.significant changes in the landscape of education as a result of the
ever-expanding influence of technology. One such development is the adoption of
modular/online learning across different learning contexts, whether formal or informal,
academic and non-academic, and residential or remotely.
We began to witness students increasingly adopt e-learning technologies and printed
modular learning materials that allow teachers to deliver instruction interactively, share
resources seamlessly, and facilitate student collaboration and interaction. Although the
efficacy of modular/online learning has long been acknowledged by the education


The following conclusion have been made after the conduct of the research:

The current study explores the challenges that students experienced in a sudden shift of
changing learning method in learning environment and how the pandemic impacted their
modular/online learning experience. The findings revealed that the modular learning
challenges of students varied in terms of type and extent.
Based on the students' responses, their challenges were also found to be aggravated by
the pandemic, especially in terms of quality of learning experience, mental health,
finances, interaction, and mobility. Modular/Online learning refers to a learning
environment that uses the Internet and other technological devices and tools for
synchronous and asynchronous instructional delivery and management of academic
programs. Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning has taken the
status of interim remote teaching that serves as a response to an exigency. With reference
to policies, government education agencies and schools scrambled to create fool-proof
policies on governance structure, teacher management, and student management.
Teachers, who were used to conventional teaching delivery, were also obliged to embrace
technology despite their lack of technological literacy.
On the part of the students, dropout rates increased due to economic, psychological, and
academic reasons. Academically, although it is virtually possible for students to learn
anything online, learning may perhaps be less than optimal, especially in courses that
require face-to- face contact and direct interactions (Franchi, 2020). In addition student's
experience during the COVID-19 pandemic using a quantitative descriptive approach.
Their findings indicated that students appreciated the use of modular/online learning
during the pandemic. However, half of them believed that the traditional classroom
setting was more effective than the modular/online learning platform.


In this study teachers and schools should ask the students for what methods of
teaching they want to access for their self satisfaction on learning for their best
experience in learning the curriculum, even there is Pandemic schools should always
listen to the students request. Some limitations in this study need to be acknowledged and
addressed in future studies. One limitation of this study is that it exclusively focused on
students' perspectives. Future studies may widen the sample by including all other actors
taking part in the teaching-learning process. Researchers may go deeper by investigating
teachers' views and experience to have a complete view of the situation and how different
elements interact between them or affect the others.
Future studies may also identify some teacher-related factors that could influence
students' online learning experience. Nonetheless, students employed a variety of
strategies to overcome the challenges they faced during online learning.


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A quick survey made by researcher to gather data in regards to their research papre titled
answer thoroughly!

A.1.Preferred flexible learning activities.

a. Modular
b. Online Class
c. Blended Learning
A.2.Problems completing requirements due to ICT limitation
a Slow Internet Connection
b No Load or Data for Internet
c No Internet Connection in the area.
A.3.Provision of alternative/additional requirement.
a Flooded by activities
b Unnecessary activities in modular/online class
c Deadline
A.4. Modular/online learning affects you as a student.
a Unexpected changes on learning
b Become more irresponsible and lazy
c No changes, same as usual
A.5.Learning environment
a Stay home
b Friends house
c Classmates house
A.6. What are the ways to continue the teaching and learning activities?
a Reading guides on the internet
b Asking teachers
c Self study
d I didn't learn


Name: Michael Vincent D. De Venancio

Age: 18 years old

Address: Purok-3, Poblacion, La Paz, Agusan del Sur

Email address:

Educational Attainment:

Elementary: La Paz Central Elementary School

Purok-3, Poblacion, La Paz, Agusan del Sur


Secondary: La Paz National High School

Purok-1, Poblacion, La Paz Agusan del Sur



Name: Keisha May C. Amihan

Age: 17 years old

Address: Purok-3, Campbagang, Barobo, Surigao Del Sur

Email address:

Educational Attainment:

Elementary: Campbagang Elementary School

Purok-3, Campbagang, Barobo, Surigao Del Sur


Secondary: Agusan Del Sur National High School

Brgy.5 Sanfrancisco, Agusan Del Sur



Name: Ivan John C. Bastareche

Age: 18 years old

Address: P-15 Plobacion, Bahbah, Properidad, Agusan Del Sur

Email Address:

Educational Attainment:

Elementary: Saint Paul Academy, Bahbah, Prosperidad, Agusan Del sur.


Secondary: Father Urios High School, Bahbah, Prosperidad, Agusan Del

Sur. (2017-2021)

Tertiary: Mt Carmel College of San Francisco, Inc Bachelor of

Secondary Education (Senior Highschool 2021-2023)


Name: Klervan Encarnacion Piang

Age: 17 years old

Address: Purok 1 Libuac Rosario Agusan Del sur

Email Address:

Educational attainment:

Elementary: Rosario Central Elementary school

Secondary: Mt. Carmel High school


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