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Analyze and Write – Letter to the Editor


1. Which of these formal features does the writer use correctly?

a. The writer does apply correctly the formal greeting (“Dear Sir or Madam”).
However, the address, the date, a polite and formal, and the signing out with
a full name closure were used the wrong way, or were not in the letter.
2. Comment on the writer's use of language and register?
a. Grammatical accuracy: Bad Grammatical accuracy (“Additionally, I would
like…”) The coma wasn't used correctly in that phrase and in all that
paragraph, they didn't separate the paragraph into sentences.
b. Unemotional and factual content: Use of factual content (“a vote of
seventy-eight percent in favor of uniforms…”)
c. A polite tone: Not use of a polite tone (“Those who don't like it should stop
moaning and accept the result.”)
d. Correct punctuation: Incorrect use of punctuation (“jod opportunities are
scarce ;-) ”)
e. Paragraphing: Not clear division of paragraphs
f. Formal vocabulary and phrasing: Not good use of Phrasing, not good use of
words (“Personally I’m all for uniforms”)
3. Does the writer use any of these techniques which are inappropriate for a formal
a. He uses emoticons incorrectly, (“jod opportunities are scarce ;-) ”)
b. It has present exaggerations (“seen how some of the high school students
c. Informal language use (“ “come as you like” attitude”)
d. Use of contractions (“don’t”)(“I’m”)
e. Idiomatic Language: Note found
f. Abbreviations: (“Mrs.”)
g. Not SMS spelling, not swearing and not delivered misspellings
4. Overall, in a scale of 1-10, how successful is the letter to the editor?
a. In my opinion in a scale of 1-10 this letter was 3 out of 10 successful because
of the bad use of the information that she is using, the letter is not formal at all
and have many punctuation errors. However, the letter communicates
correctly what the writer wanted to say.

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