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Course/ Major: BEED3

1. Have a Research on Philippine culture (upland or lowland) or indigenous, ethnic

group. Discuss how they have managed to maintain their traditional values.
2. Describe ethnic group who has been labelled as “too modern’ in their outlook and
practices, thereby forgetting or losing their rich cultural heritage? How about ethnic
groups where local and regional leaders are actively involved in the revival of traditional
crafts and arts to preserve their indigenous heritage and identity. Enumerate and
discuss their modern outlook and practices and procedures undergone by leaders to
preserve their cultural identity.

1. The Philippines is known as a melting pot of different cultural values. But how
exactly where they able to keep their culture here in the Philippines? Filipinos had
different ethnic groups in the country, yet they still managed to maintain their cultural
values. It was very interesting to discover how the indigenous people were able to
maintain their cultural values and how they were able to survive. Nowadays, we are
being dominated by other cultures and the world is becoming a global village. People
are mixing with each other from different cultures , but the difference between them can
still be seen in the traditions, ways of living, beliefs , educations and etc. But for the
indigenous groups, they are very much different from the other groups because their
culture or belief is truly an original Filipino’s way of life, they were not influenced by any
foreign factors.
To be exact is that they never really left their places of origin. Filipinos are a
culturally diverse group of people. Their different ethnic groups often have cultural and
culinary differences that make Filipino cultural identity a complex subject. Each Filipino
ethnic group has its own way of life, language and beliefs, which combined, contribute
to the diversity of Philippine culture.

2. The Philippines is well known for its rich history, culture and traditions. These
things happen to be the very things that have kept these people from modernization, but
some are not. There so much ethnic groups here in the Philippines but what I observed
that some of them are not able to keep their true culture. A very well known ethnic group
does not stay were they came from, now I’ve been seeing them everywhere I go, or I
randomly encountered them on the street. I can easily recognize them the way they talk
and dress. They do not wear traditional costumes like the other ethnic groups. They are
more formal and modern in clothing. They are found in the well-known offices and
companies. They have jobs in the government and private offices.
The natives are well aware of this fact and they see it as a great source of pride. Quite a
number of Philippine ethnic groups assert their cultural identity. The aim is to maintain
their collective heritage at all costs, even it means going against the normalization
policies of the government.

Regardless of the
numerous forms of resistance of
some indigenous groups to the
activities of
globalization, as time pass by, it
has been observed that large
numbers of
indigenous peoples have been
exploring and connecting to the
global society
through migration. For
instance, the globalization of
the market economy,
which has created a high
demand for workers to
provide labor in more-
developed nations, has brought
opportunities for Igorots to go
out of their
homes; they have seen
migration as a means to uplift
their economic well-
being. Besides, some Igorots
perceive it as an escape route to
a place where
they would no longer be
considered underdeveloped
and backward.
Therefore in this case, they
become more proximate to
various influences to
the dynamic behavior of
Regardless of the numerous forms of resistance of some indigenous groups to
the activities of globalization, as time pass by, it has been observed that large numbers
of indigenous peoples have been exploring and connecting to the global society through
migration. For instance, the globalization of the market economy,which has created
a high demand for workers to provide labor in more-developed nations, has
brought opportunities for Igorots to go out of their homes; they have seen migration as a
means to uplift their economic well-being. Besides, some Igorots perceive it as an
escape route to a place where they would no longer be considered
underdeveloped and backward. Therefore in this case, they become more proximate
to various influences to the dynamic behavior of culture.
To preserve their indigenous heritage, ethnic minority Filipinos and
their supporters have developed various strategies. The most successful
response to ancestral land usurpation has been by the Kalinga and Bondoc people of
northern Luzon. Their aggressive and self-reliant struggle against construction of
hydroelectric dams on the Chico River has inspired Filipinos throughout the
archipelago. The struggle of Islamic zed groups in the southern Philippines
has likewise impressed on people's minds the effectiveness of open, armed
These groups were able to live in relative harmony with each other, making the
Philippines a testament of diversity and inclusion. It's true that there are rich and
powerful social classes in the Philippines, but many indigenous and ethnic groups have
managed to maintain their cultural values and identities. The reason they've been able
to do so is that they live in isolated areas or are located in mountainous communities
with few or no opportunities for sharing information with people outside their group.

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