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Choose the word which is pronounced differently

1. A. chemicals B. chat C. character D. chorus
2. A. resources B. creates C. makes D. drives
3. A. efficient B. election C. effect D. present
4. A. citizen B. disaster C. research D. example
5. A. created B. stopped C. watched D. kicked

II. Choose the word that is stressed differently

6. A. comfortable B. election D. organic
7. A. sustainable B. genetically C. developing D. vegetables
8. A. definitely B. humanity C. environment D. industrial
9. A. require B. unique C. update D. member
10. A. percentage B. ethical C. government D. riverfront

III. Vocabulary
11. I want to ................. a donation as soon as the we get there.
A. get B. take C. make D. do
12. Young people should take more pride ............ their job whenever they make a progress.
A. in B. on C. at D. of
13. Children! Pay ............... to what your teacher is saying.
A. intention B. attention C. instruction D. prediction
14. Singapore is known for its ....................... because of the diverse population.
A. multicultural B. multiculture C. residence D. residential
15. All the plants and factories should be moved to the .............. area instead of the city downtown like
A. riverfront B. shopping C. industrial D. rural
16. People shouldn’t exploit the natural............... for it won’t last forever.
A. resources B. area C. leather D. genes
17. .................. food is becoming more popular. People nowadays prefer things without any special and
harmful chemicals.
A. wild B. free-range C. organic D. modified
18. Choosing ..................... food will save lots of money on transportation.
A. local B. import C. export D. trade
19. Workers of the company have been working overtime recently trying to ............. the customers’
A. take B. support C. meet D. consume
20. Think carefully before you make any decisions or you’ll regret later . Everything comes at
A. voice B. cost C. gift D. price
21. Scientists take some ........... from animals and many other steps after that when they use
biofabrication techniques.
A. cells B. tissues C. layers D. ranges
22. .................... area is a nice place to hang out at nights. What else is more comfortable than having a
drinks with an amazing view along the river.
A. suburbian B. riverfront C. residential D. urban
23. It’s expected that the number of election ..................... will rise dramatically.
A. comers B. citizens C. turnouts D. residents
24. The ............... for speeding is doubled. You have to pay $200 if the police catch you over 60 kph.
A. fine B. money C. punishment D. loan
25. In order to reduce the crime of this city, the authority ought to .............. the awareness of citizens of
all age.
A. rise B. improve C. raise D. push
26. The development of social network has helped to ask people to make contribution .......... charitable
organization easier than ever.
A. in B. on C. to
27. The manager .............. into action as soon as the accident happened.
A. skipped B. hopped C.reached D. jumped
28. Educational environment places a huge impact ............ a child since he is young.
A. on B. in C. to D. at
29. We always count on Jack to make decision, because he knows what is best for our team. What
a ........... man!
A. creative B. decisive C. positive D. generous
30. Natural .................. like earthquakes, vocalno eruptions, tornadoes always cause lots of casualty.
A. enviroment B. world C. animals D. disasters

IV. Grammar
31. What is your most favorite eat.......... place in the city?
A. out B. on C. in D. at
32. Don’t forget to spend a few days there to kick .............. at one of its amazing beaches.
A. in B. off C. back D. apart
33. We’d planned lots of things for the trip. However, the rain ruined everything and we ended .......
eating buffet at the hotel.
A. on B. in C. to D. up
34. The test has been .......... off till next week when the storm is gone.
A. taken B. called C. put D. get
35. Jim is still upset. I don’t know when he will get ........ his breakup with Jane.
A. over B. on C. away D. in
36. Everyone became worried when the alarm went ............. this morning.
A. on B. up C. off D. through
37. In ten years’ time, people ........... live in space.
A. lives B. will live C. living D. lived
38. If he ........... the award, everyone will be so proud.
A. win B. won C. wins D. winning
39. He will understand the video if he ........ smart enough.
A. does B. is C. was D. being
40. Stop eating junk food if you .............. to get overweight!
A. not want B. want C. don’t want C. isn’t want
41. She ......................... receive that present because she doesn’t want anything to do with him.
A. probably won’t B. definitely won’t C. won’t probably D. won’t definitely
42. Beijing’s city council quickly ............ up the city after the Olympics.
A. built B. came C. cleaned D. cleared
43. Bicycles are always fun to ............ around Hoi An ancient town.
A. get B. go C. take D. find
44. You grew up here, ....................... you?
A. weren’t B. didn’t C. don’t D. aren’t
45. He isn’t looking for that number, ............. he?
A. is B. isn’t C. will D. won’t

V. Cloze test
UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund,  (1) __________ the children of the world. It serves
children of all races, nationalities, religions, and political systems in more than 100 developing countries.
Its (2) __________ is to help provide a better life for children and their mothers. It gives both (3)
__________ assistance and emergency help.
This program is very necessary. Today 800 million humans live in (4) __________ of poverty and
hopelessness. Two-third of them are children and mothers of small children. Four-fifths of these children
have no regular health services. Nine out of ten are not (5) __________ against childhood diseases. One
hundred million do not have enough of the right foods. Most of them drink impure water. Unsafe water is
one of the reasons why millions of people die every year.

46.    A. works                     B. serves                      C. provides                  D. cares                                     

47. A. work                       B. plan                         C. occupation              D. purpose
48.       A. long-term                B. immediate               C. urgent                     D. short-term                    
49.       A. situations                B.  houses                    C. conditions               D. places
50.    A. protested                B. protected                C. prevented               D. preserved


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