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Mark the letter A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. He won't be....................................until he's upset everyone in the office.
A. contented B. contentioning C. contents D. contentedly
2. The nationalists are very eager to......................................their customs and language.
A. conservation B. conserve C. conservationist D. conservative
3. Here, the .............................. high-income workers that invest the most in the riskiest funds, and they will not likely
need the minimum pension guarantee.
A. well-educated B . education C. educational D. educate
4. These steps aren't...........................proven to prevent DVT, but they're common sense.
A. science B. scientific C. scientist D. scientifically
5. She left a large sum of money in her will to...................................a wildlife sanctuary.
A. found B. founded C. foundation D. founder
6. The report criticized boardroom fat cats who............................... themselves huge pay increases.
A. awarded B. award C. awarding D. awardee
7. The settlers began to move inland and...........................the river valleys.
A. populous B. populate C. population D. popularly
8. The air was abuzz with military helicopters, airlifting.........................people and equipment.
A. injuries B. injuring C. injured D. injury
9. There's a growing.........................that this country can no longer afford to be a nuclear power.
A. recognition B. recognize C. recognizing D. recognized
10. Opencast coal mining is among the most environmentally..........................activities carried out in Wales.
A. destroyed B. destructive C. destruction D. destroyer
11. Acting is've got to really push yourself if you want to succeed.
A. compete B. competition C. competitive D. competitors
12. Job insecurity seems to be increasing across most of Western Europe, the United States and other parts of
A. development B. developer C. developing D. developed
13. Until 1986 most companies would not even allow women to take the exams, but such blatant........................... is now
A.discriminates B.discrimination C. discriminating D. discriminated
14. She is very clever,............................... but do you think she has the right personality for the job?
A. admit B. admitted C. admittedly D. admission
15. Five hundred troops were sent in, more as a................................. gesture than as a real threat.
A. symbolic B. symbolize C. symbol D. symbolizes
16. In her essay, she.....................................the whole era as a period of radical change.
A. character B. characteristic C. characterized D . characterizes
17. Students were asked which task represented the greatest....................................challenge.
A. intelligent B. intellect C. intellectual D . intelligence
18. High levels of......................................have been found in the groundwater, causing concerns about possible health
risks to nearby neighborhoods.
A. contamination B. contaminated C. contaminants D. contaminates
19. Although they did not agree with the plan, they did n o t...........................their opposition to it.
A. relate B . relationship C. relative D. related
20. It would be wrong to discriminate against a candidate because of their sexual...........................
A. preferential B. preference C. preferable D. preferably
21. ....................for government posts are always thoroughly investigated before being admitted
A. Applicants B. Applicable C. Apply D. Applications
22. Estimates of the amount of money needed to decontaminate the heavily polluted chemical
A. variety B. various C. vary D. varied
23. The temple is still an example of w e ll-.............................traditional Vietnamese architecture.
A. preserved B. preservation C. preservative D. preserver
24. His......................with the project began when he was on (a) secondment from NASA to the European Space Agency.
A. involve B. involves C. involvement D. involved
25. People in Italy are more....................... ................of children in public places than in Britain.
A. tolerate B. tolerant C. toleration D. tolerable
26. Her health is what matters...................................... the cost of the treatment is of secondary
A. importance B. important C. importantly D. import
27. Many species of plants and animals are threatened with................................. atened with (=being destroyed so that
they no longer exist).
A. extinctiveness B. extinctly C. extinct D. extinction
28. The.........................ability of the whale is thought to be highly developed.
A. communication B. communicative C. communicating D. communicable
29. The children squealed in...................................when they saw all the presents under the Christmas tree.
A. delight B, delighted C. delights D. delighting
30. Hyperactive children often have poor........................................ and require very little sleep.
A. concentrates B. concentration C. concentrated D. concentrative
31. The terrorists have chosen to play with the civilian population.
A. dead B. dying C. death D. deadly
32. She swallowed her..................................... saying, "That's OK, it doesn't matter."
A. disappointed B. disappointingly C. disappointment D. disappoints
33. Differences over these issues narrowed during the......................................talks.
A. preparation B. prepare C. preparatory D. prepared
34. WTO members are committed to delivering a liberalization.
A. advantage B. disadvantage C. advantageously D. advantageous
35. Women's groups are concerned about the high levels of medical................during childbirth.
A. intervening B. intervened C. intervenes D. intervention
36. An Olympic gold medal is the only thing that has evaded her in h e r................................. career.
A. remarkably B. remarked C. remarkable D. remarks
37. How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away remains..............
A. mystery B. a mystery C. a mysterious D. mysteries
38. An increasing number of tests are available for detecting foetal....................................
A. normalities B. abnormalities C. normal D. abnormal
39. She was accused of stalking the actress by repeatedly calling her and sending ........letters over the past few months.
A. threat B. threaten C. threatening D. threatened
40. Humans, he argues, are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct
for ............................
A. survival B. survive C. survivor D. survived
41. You risk being judged.............................. by some listeners whenever you give a presentation.
A. adversity B. adversary C. adversely D. adverse
42. New legislation does little to solve the state's.............problems and puts other crucial services at risk.
A. transportation B. transport C. transportable D. transported
43. A / a n _______ species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct.
a. dangerous b. endanger c. endangered d. endangerment
44. Almost half of turtles and tortoises are known to be threatened with____.
a. extinct b. extinction c. extinctive d. extinctly
45. They are going to _______ the pool to 1.8 meter.
a. deep b. depth c. deepen d. deeply
46. The referee's_______ is the most important in any sport competition.
a. decide b. decisive c. decision d. decider
47. Johnny used to be one of the most_______ athletes in my country.
a. succeed b. success c. successful d. successfully
48. The success of the 22nd SEA Games had a great contribution of many _
a. support b. supporter c. supportive d. supportively
49. He was so _______ that he could not even say a word.
a. nerve b. nerves c. nervous d. nervously
50. I am really_______ in the way he talks, but the way he behaves.
a. interest b. interested c. interesting d. interestingly
51. Thanks to labor-saving devices, women have more time to take part in
a. society b. social c. socially d. socialize
52. Are there any ...................................between Vietnamese and American culture?
A. differences B. different C. differently D. differential
53. Some people are concerned with physical...................................when choosing a wife or husband.
A. attractive B. attraction C. attractiveness D. attractively
54. What could be more ....................... ...................than a wedding on a tropical island?
A. romance B. romantic C. romanticize D. romanticism
55. In my hometown, many people still believe in......................................marriage.
A. contract B. contractual C. contracts D. contracting
56. Though their performance was not perfect yet, the students held the audience's................. until the end.
A. attentive B. attention C. attentively D. attentional
57. Both Asian and Western students se e m .................... about how to answer the questionnaire of the survey.
A. confusedly B. confused C. confusing D. confusion
58. She was ............................... unaware of the embarrassing situation due to her different cultural background.
A. complete B. completed C. completing D. completely
59. They started, as ................gatherings but they have become increasingly formalized in the last few years.
A. informal B. informally C. informalize D. informality
60. Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and_______.
A. communicate B. communication C. communicative D. communicator
61. Despite his......................... he succeeded in learning foreign language.
A.disable B. disabled C. disability D. disablely
62. I tried to know the........................................of my new house as much as possible.
A. surround B. surrounded C. surrounds D. surroundings
63. the war should be taken care of.
A, injuring B. injure C. injures D. injured
64. Our school has many well-.............................teachers.
A. qualified B. qualify C. quality D. qualification
65. I saw your school' today's edition of the Viet Nam News.
A. advertiser B. advertisement C. advertising D. advertise
66. The restaurant has excellent..................................for serving some of the finest food.
A. repute B. reputed C. reputation D. reputable
67. We are talking about the preservation of..................................resources.
A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. naturalize
68. Everyone must take part in............................................ deforestation.
A. preventing B. prevent C. prevention D. preventive
69. The air in the city is very..................................
A. pollute B. polluted C. pollution D. pollutant
70. She has.................................provided a picnic lunch for us.
A. kind B. unkind C. kindly D. kindness
71. We'll make this beach clean a n d ................................ again.
A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify
72. A large number of inhabitants have made........................................... on how to protect the environment.
A. suggestive B. suggest C. suggestion D. suggestible
73. I was very.........................................that you won that first prize.
A. amazed B. amaze C. amazement D. amazing
74. I want to see the....................... ..............of environment from the local authority.
A. protect B. protected C. protecting D. protection
75. If people stop using dynamite for fishing, a lot of sea creatures will be well-.................
A. preserve B. preservation C. preserved D. preservative
76. Scientists are looking for an ................................. way to reduce energy consumption.
A. effect B. effecting C. effective D. effectively
77. The..........................................Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey with potatoes and vegetables.
A. tradition B. traditional C. traditionally D. traditionalist
78. An old..........................................of my father showed me round the city during my stay there.
A. acquaintance B. acquainted C. acquaint D. acquainting
79. The story about UFOs caught the............... ................. of the whole class.
A. imagine B. imaginative C. imaginatively D. imagination
80. Most of films are produced for...................
A. entertain B. entertainment C. entertained D. entertaining
81. I'm......................... ..............that people have spoiled this area.
A. disappoint B. disappointment C. disappointing D. disappointed
82. Tam has a big .....................................of foreign coins.
A. collector B. collection C. collecting D. collective
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
There are three valid arguments to support the preservation of endangered species. Aesthetic justification
contends that biodiversity contributes to the quality of life because many of the endangered plants and animals
are particularly appreciated for their unique physical beauty. The aesthetic role of nature in all its diverse forms
is reflected in the art and literature of every culture attaining symbolic status in the spiritual life of many
groups. According to the proponents of the aesthetic argument, people need nature in all its diverse and
beautiful forms as part of the experience of the world.
Another argument that has been put forward, especially by groups in the medical and pharmacological
fields, is that of ecological self-interest. By preserving all species, we retain a balance of nature that is
ultimately beneficial to humankind. Recent research on global ecosystems has been cited as evidence that every
species contributes important or even essential functions that may be necessary to the survival of our own
species. Some advocates of the ecological argument contend that important chemical compounds derived from
rare plants may contain the key to a cure for one of the diseases currently threatening human beings. If we do
not protect other species, then they cannot protect us.
Apart from human advantage in both the aesthetic and ecological arguments, the proponents of a moral
justification contend that all species have the right to exist, a viewpoint stated in the United Nations World
Charter for Nature, created in 1982. Furthermore, if humankind views itself as the stewards of all the creatures
on Earth, then it is incumbent upon human beings to protect them, and to ensure the continued existence of all
species. Moral justification has been extended by a movement called “deep ecology,” the members of which
rank the biosphere higher than people because the continuation of life depends on this larger perspective. To
carry their argument to its logical conclusion, all choices must be made for the biosphere, not for people.
(Adapted from Reading Practice for the TOEFL)
Question 1: Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
A. The balance of nature B. The quality of life
C. The beauty of the world D. The preservation of species
Question 2: The word "diverse" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.
A. limited B. rare C. similar D. varied
Question 3: According to the passage, what do we know from the research on global ecosystems?
A. Nature is very different. B. Humans have a responsibility to nature.
C. A balance of nature is important. D. Nature represents spiritual values.
Question 4: The author mentions all of the following as justifications for the protection of endangered
species EXCEPT ______.
A. the intrinsic value of the beauty of nature. B. the natural compounds needed for medicines.
C. the right to life implied by their existence. D. the control of pollution in the biosphere.
Question 5: The word "them" in the third paragraph refers to ______.
A. stewards B. creatures C. human beings D. humankind
Question 6: The word "perspective" in the third paragraph could best be replaced by ______.
A. event B. view C. truth D. ideal
Question 7: It can be inferred from the passage that the author ______.
A. participated in drafting Charter for Nature. B. does not agree with ecological self-interest.
C. supports all of the arguments to protect species. D. is a member of the "deep ecology" movement.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 42 to 46.
Accidents do not occur at random. People, eighty-five years of age and older, are twenty-two times
likely to die accidentally than are children five to nine years old. The risk for native Americans is four times
that for Asian-Americans and twice that for white Americans or African-Americans. Males suffer accidents at
more than twice the rate of females, in part because they are more prone to risky behavior. Alaskans are more
than three times as likely as Rhode Islanders to die in an accident. Texans are twenty-one times more likely
than New Jerseyites to die in a natural disaster. Among the one hundred most populous counties, Kern County,
California (Bakersfield), has an accident fatality rate three times greater than Summit County, Ohio (Akron).
Accidents happen more often to poor people. Those living in poverty receive inferior medical care, are
more apt to reside in houses with faulty heating and electrical systems, drive older cars with fewer safety
features, and are less likely to use safety belts. People in rural areas have more accidents than city or suburban
dwellers because farming is much riskier than working in a factory or office and because emergency medical
services are less readily available. These two factors - low income and rural residence - may explain why the
south has a higher accident rate than the north.
(Adapted from Proficiency Reading)
Question 8: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. All people face an equal risk of having an accident.
B. The risk of having an accident is greater among certain groups of people.
C. Children aged five to nine face the greatest accident risk.
D. One in every 22 people aged 85 and over will die in an accident.
Question 9: The word “accidentally” in line 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. mistakenly B. unsurprisingly C. unintentionally D. purposefully
Question 10: According to the passage, which of the following groups of people in America face the highest
risk of having an accident?
A. African-Americans B. White Americans C. Native Americans D. Asian-Americans
Question 11: The word “they” in line 4 refers to ______.
A. females B. accidents C. males D. children
Question 12: Which is NOT mentioned as a reason for a higher accident rate among the poor?
A. Little knowledge about safety.
B. Inadequate medical services.
C. Poor housing and working conditions.
D. Use of cars incorporate fewer safety features.

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