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thầy Tuấn – ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học - 01663247755

I. Find the word that has underlined part pronounced differently
1. A. close B. pose C. toe D. lose
2. A. crush B. push C. hush D. punch
3. A. heart B. scarce C. parcel D. barber
4. A. against B. surface C. world D. earth
5. A. truth B. trust C. tuck D. thumb
II. Find the word that stress pattern different
6. A. fluctuation B. possibility C. variation D. historical
7. A. constant B. magnetic C. sensitive D. atmosphere
8. A. absolute B. responsible C. familiar D. distortion
9. A. particular B. distinction C. material D. specialize
10. A. establish B. regional C. residence D. maximum
III. There are ten mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them. Follow the example.
Excavations, or "digs" are the more important means by which archaeology get their information. By
examining aerial photographs, old pictures, maps, documents and landmarks, they make the decision about
where a good place might be to dig. After painstaking removing layers of soil, often using small tools, and
towels, they look for artifacts.
This process continues until they reach an disturbed layer of soil which has no trace of human occupation.
Brushing away the soil that hides an artifact is as brushing away time. The tiny fragments help to create a much
complete picture of the past. Although archaeologist is the study of the remains of past human societies, it is
not the same as history. Historic use written records to find out about the past, whereas archaeologists use the
objects they find so as pots, bones, and tools to find out about the past.
IV. Choose the best answer
1. It was the .............................. warning from the seismologists that helped save the lives of the island
inhabitants before the volcano erupted.
A. preliminary B. hasty C. cursory D. advance
2. My grandfather bought this .............................. of land here and set up a ranch which was later turned into a
huge plantation by my father.
A. ground B. space C. plot D. terrain
3.I advise you to stop giving support to the venture. To me, it looks like a lost .............................. with little
hope of making any advance at all.
A. idea B. cause C. point D. goal
4. She said she was disturbed by the shadow of somebody .............................. behind the trees.
A. luring B. lurking C. lurching D. launching
5. This quiet village is .............................. of the one I grew up in.
A. reminiscent B. similar C. remnant D. identical
6. Bob was in terrible pain, but none of us knew how to .............................. his suffering until the ambulance
A. dissolve B. exclude C. cease D. relieve
7. Don’t worry, you are as sate as houses here as long as you are in my good
A. graces B. feelings C. likes D. regards
8. Your daughter may not do her best at mathematics or chemistry, but she definitely .............................. at
English literature.
A. improves B. accomplishes C. excels D. masters
9. This wonderful sports centre .............................. for almost all disciplines.
A. devises B. affords C. supplies D. caters
10. You shouldn’t have .............................. in so much icecream first thing last evening. This is probably why
your stomach is aching.
A. indulged B. consumed C. enjoyed D. feasted
11. It's apparent now that the domestic customers have lost their .............................. in the imported goods.
A. confidence B. assurance C. reliability D. credibility
thầy Tuấn – ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học - 01663247755
12. Samuel couldn’t find any reasonable arguments to .............................. his claims in the court.
A. assure B. enforce C. persist D. uphold
13. Do you think they are going to .............................. any pressure on us to pay the damages for the broken
A. administer B. implement C. exert D. deploy
14. They say that when you turn 40, you are over the ...............................
A. cloud B. threshold C. hill D. line
15. The expectations are that most of these derelict buildings will be renovated in the .............................. of this
A. run B. term C. course D. time
16. When everything is said and .............................. , we can’t deny Muriel is a hard-working woman.
A. done B. assumed C. claimed D. mentioned
17. It is good that Anthony's birthday .............................. with our anniversary otherwise we'd have to go to the
trouble of launching two parties.
A. corresponds B. identities C. harmonizes D. coincides
18. He's a mysterious character, indeed. It's only anybody's .............................. whether his intentions are good
or bad.
A. thought B. guess C. clue D. suspicion
19. The expedition cost us a lot and still we didn’t succeed in .............................. our eyes on the Yeti.
A. fixing B. laying C. placing D. staring
20. This new model of the spectrometer constructed by the Japanese designers is even more precise than its
English ...............................
A. double B. type C. pattern D. counterpart
21: Wilson had_ an alibi for the time of the robbery.
A. made up B. made do C. made into D. made over
22: It’s no good__ me of getting to figures wrong!
A. scolding B. blaming C. criticizing D. accusing
23: He fell_ his best friend over a girl they both liked.
A. over B. down C. out with D. off
24: They bought the children an ice cream to__ for their disappointment.
A. reconcile B. compensate C. get over D. make
25:I love karaoke , I’m not _ of a singer, though.
A. much B. becoming C. proud D. good
26: They were warned never_ with the members of any extremist group.
A. to assume B. to assimilate C. to assign D. to associate
27: Youngsters need all the help and they can get nowadays when applying for jobs. ,
A. enticement B. encouragement C. incentive D. stimulation
28: It tasted so of lemon that the other flavors were lost.
A. hardly B. forcefully C. strongly D. fully
29: The noise got__as the car disappeared into the distance.
A. fainter B. smaller C. weaker D. slighter
30: Unsalted butter best for this recipe but__ that, margarine will do.
A. except B. failing C. for all of D. given
31: For a while I was at a_to know what to say.
A. blank B. pain C. loss D. crisis
32: A boycott of other countries’ sporting events appears a politically more expedient form of protest than
trade_ against them. - ,
A. treaties D. actions C. locks D. sanctions
33: The group’s image_to young people in general and the less well off in particular.
A. attracts B. appeals C. excites D. draws
34: Technology is advancing so quickly that machines become almost overnight.
A. second-hand B. archaic C. stale D. obsolete
thầy Tuấn – ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học - 01663247755
35: If you bathe your finger in cold water, that should_the pain.
A. deaden B. blunt C. restrain D. curb
36: As the managing director was dictating the letter, his secretary_what he was saying in shorthand.
A. took up B. tookdown C. took on D. took off
37: This jacket would be ideal in winter: it has a fur_.
A. coating B. filling C. lining D. backing
38. Robinson’s _ as Sale Manager is now Export Manager of our main competition.
A. predecessor B. ancestor D. precedent
39: This new law will take _ from the beginning of next month
A. influence B. power C. effect D. force
40. Tom made a living _ works by famous painters
A. shamming B. devising B. pretending D. faking
1. Women don't like to be taken for .............................. by their husbands no matter how busy the men are.
2.I think it goes without .............................. that you must love animals if you hope to make a good veterinary
3. Ever since Paula started earning her own money, she's called herself a woman of
independent ...............................
4. Unfortunately, we have been at the .............................. of the weather. We can't go on climbing until the
heavy snowfall subsides.
5. The doctors didn't make any special selection. They chose a few patients at .............................. for their
experimental treatment.
6. It's much better for the children that we have bought a house in the .......................... of their school. Now,
they won't have to waste time waiting for their schoolbus.
7. Don't worry, everybody will get a free ticket for the concert. They are in .............................. in our studio.
8. The defence minister lost .............................. with the public after his controversial past was revealed.
9. My sister won't go out after dark. She is so timid that she’s afraid of her own
10. It's pointless to declare war on a country which has many thousands of skilled soldiers
11. Tommy, stop being so impatient. You'll be allowed to drive your own car in due
12. We all lauged like a .............................. when Simon told us about his adventures in the amusement park.
13. I'm curious whether the desserts that the chief has prepared will be to our guests'
14. There's only one fault in my husband's character. He is so overcome with his job that he keeps
talking .............................. even on Sundays.
15. Ronald has been trying to learn to operate the conveyor belt, but he hasn't got the .............................. of it
V. Complete the passage
The early railway in Britain
In 1830, there were under 100 miles of public railway in Britain. Yet within 20 years, this (0) ... .. had grown to
more than 5,000 miles. By the end of the century, almost enough rail track to (1).....the world covered this small
island, (2) ... .. the nature of travel forever and contributing to the industrial revolution that changed the (3).....of
history in many parts of the world.
Wherever railways were introduced, economic and social progress quickly (4)...... In a single day, rail
passengers could travel hundreds of miles, (5).....previous journey times by huge margins and bringing rapid
travel within the (6) ..... of ordinary people. Previously, many people had never ventured (7) ..... the outskirts of
their towns and villages. The railway brought them (8).....freedom and enlightenment.
In the 19th century, the railway in Britain (9)..... something more than just the business of carrying goods and
passengers. Trains were associated with romance, adventure and, frequently, (10) ..... luxury. The great steam
locomotives that thundered across the land were the jet airliners of their (11)....., carrying passengers in comfort
thầy Tuấn – ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học - 01663247755
over vast distances in unimaginably short times. But the railways (12).....more than revolutionise travel; they
also (13) ... .. a distinctive and permanent mark on the British landscape. Whole towns and industrial centres
(14)... .. up around major rail junctions, monumental bridges and viaducts crossed rivers and valleys and the
railway stations themselves became (15) ..... places to spend time between journeys.
0 A amount B figure C sum D quantity
1 A revolve B enclose C encircle D orbit
2 A altering B amending C adapting D adjusting
3 A route B way C line D course
4 A pursued B followed C succeeded D chased
5 A cancelling B subtracting C cutting D abolishing
6 A reach B capacity C facility D hold
7 A further B over C beyond D above
8 A larger B higher C bigger D greater
9 A served B functioned C represented D performed
10 A considerable B generous C plentiful D sizeable
11 A date B stage C day D phase
12 A caused B did C produced D turned
13 A laid B set C settled D left
14 A jumped B stood C burst D sprang
15 A preferable B liked C desirable D wanted
A team of experts has arrived in Venice to save it from increasing incidences of flooding. A controversial plan
to construct a barrier with 79 gates, each weighing 300 tonnes, has been given permission to (1)..........ahead.
Once constructed, this will be (2)..........whenever a high tide (3) cover the city.
Everyone has known for centuries that Venice is (4)...........further into the mud, but floods are becoming a
regular nuisance. Rising sea levels have gradually (5) .......... the salt marshes and mud-banks that (6) ..........
between the city and the Adriatic. Winter storms cause higher.waves, which are (7)..........the walls of the old
But there are fears about how the (8)..........of such a barrier might affect the Venice lagoon, particularly the
possibility that it could further (9).......... the flushing of the city's waterways by the tide, making the famous
foul-smelling canals even more (10)...........
1. A. be B. proceed C. go D. advance
2. A. erected B. raised C. lifted D. installed
3. A. threatens B. endangers C. risks D. jeopardizes
4. A. decaying B. sinking C. collapsing D. falling
5. A. eroded B. worn C. corrupted D. broken
6. A. faced B. occurred C. featured D. stood
7. A. offending B. crashing C. assaulting D. opposing
8. A. building B. theory C. intention D. result
9. A. delay B. direct C. restrict D. impose
10. A. motionless B. stationary C. inactive D. stagnant
VI. Read the passage carefully and complete it with ONE suitable word
1 Enjoy the benefits of stress!
Are you looking forward to another busy week? You should be according (0) ..... some experts. They argue that
the stress encountered in (1) .....daily lives is not only good for us, but essential to survival. They say that the
response to stress, which creates a chemical called adrenalin, helps the mind and body to act quickly
(2).....emergencies. Animals and human beings use it to meet the hostile conditions (3).....exist on the planet.
Whilst nobody denies the pressures of everyday life, what is surprising is that we are yet to develop successful
ways of dealing with them. (4).....the experts consider the current strategies to (5).....inadequate and often
thầy Tuấn – ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học - 01663247755
dangerous. They believe that (6).....of trying to manage our response to stress with drugs or relaxation
techniques, we must exploit it.
Apparently, research shows that people (7).....create conditions of stress for (8) doing exciting and risky
sports or looking for challenges, cope much better with life’s problems. Activities of this type (9).....been
shown to create a lot of emotion; people may actually cry or feel extremely uncomfortable. But there is a point
(10).....which they realize they have succeeded and know that it was a positive experience. This is because we
learn through challenge and difficulty. That’s (11) ..... we get our wisdom. Few of (12) ..... , unfortunately,
understand (13).....fact. For example, many people believe they suffer from stress at work, and take time off
(14) ... .. a result. Yet it has been found in some companies that by far (15) ..... healthiest people are those with
the most responsibility. So next time you're in a stressful situation, just remember that it will be a positive
learning experience and could also benefit your health!
2 Man is a unique being. He is different from all other (1)............... ............ because he does not merely
form part of the environment. Man reshapes his environment at will to suit his purposes. He does not have a
natural (2)...............................and is able to adapt himself to living in different environments. Among the many
ways in which Man has (3 )........................his environment are the building of cities and roads, the utilization of
(4 )...............................for farming and the reclaiming of land from the sea. While some of the changes are
(5).......................some are extremely harmful to the environment.
An example of a harmful consequence of Man’s (6)............................. is that of pollution. Through the use of
scientific knowledge and advanced technology, Man has (7) .................................. his well being and life
expectancy. In the (8) ............................... however, he has also brought about the growing problem of
worldwide population. One of the main sources of air pollution is motor vehicles.
Gases emitted from the car (9)............................contain many chemicals, which are harmful to people, animals
and plants. Industry also contributes significantly to the pollution of the (10)................................There is no
majority city in the world today in which we can breathe fresh, clean air.
It is therefore important for us to be environment -conscious and avoid actions, which bring about harmful
effects to our environment.
VII. Give the correct form of the word
1. Patricia's skill in playing the piano is quite ..............................(COMPARE). No other child in this group can
play the difficult pieces with similar mastery.
2. Have our arguments convinced you or do you need any more .............................. (ASSURE)?
3. Mr Simpson's ...............................(DEVOTE) to his fishing hobby is absolutely exceptional.
4. His trembling voice and the illogical story he produced prove that his............................ (SINCERE) leaves
much to be desired.
5.1 think Arnold is ..............................(USE) his great musical talent by singing in a country band. He should
have become an opera soloist.
6. The central heating system can easily be ..............................(ACTIVE) by turning this green knob.
7. Due to my complete ..............................(IGNORE) of the tribal customs I was wrongly considered an enemy
rather than a friend.
8. The boy's account lacked ..............................(ACCURATE). For example, he didn't mention anything about
such a relevant event as the Queen’s presence.
9. You can't expect to keep healthy if your diet is ..............................(DEFICIT) in fruit and vegetables.
10. That vaccum cleaner he showed us was too ..............................(COST) and we decided to opt for a cheaper
11. What they told us had no ..............................(FOUND) in reality. It was just an imaginary story they made
up to deceive us.
12.I wonder if he is ever going to grow out of his ..............................(CHILD) behaviour.
13. One more thing necessary for putting the bill into operation is the prime minister's ..............................
thầy Tuấn – ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học - 01663247755
14. Let's replace Ann with a more resolute person. I can't stand her being so .............................. (HESITATE)
about her every decision.
15. Gordon Ashley is going to stand trial for the daring bank ...............................(ROB) he made in
Southampton in 1993.
The museum of advertising and packaging
In the heart of the (0) ..... city of Gloucester, visitors can experience a sentimental journey back through the
memories of their childhood, all brought vividly to life again at the Museum of Advertising and Packaging. The
result of one man’s (1) ... .. , the museum is the (2) ... .. of twenty-five years’ research and collecting by Robert
Opie. This (3)... .. remarkable collection, the largest of its type in the world, now numbers some 300,000 items
relating to the (4) ... .. of our consumer society. The (5) ..... of packets, tins, bottles and signs shows the variety
which was introduced into the shops. For this reason, the colourful exhibition is called a Century of Shopping
History. The change in shopping habits is in part attributable to the development of the (6) ..... power of
advertising, together with (7).....advanced technology.
It is (8) ..... believed that paper was invented in China. A (9)... .. Chinese court official by the name of Ts’ai
Lun first developed a material that was (10) ..... similar to the paper that we use today. The (11) ..... details of
the story are unknown, but it is thought that among his ingredients were bits of tree bark, old rags and fishing
nets. Ts’ai Lun’s inspiration came (12) ..... from making observations of insects that construct a thin-shelled
nest from tiny pieces of wood fibre. The first industrial machine for making paper in a continuous roll was
perfected in France in 1799. Since then, the world has had an (13) of paper. Today paper (14) .... . can
offer a wide variety of paper types, from fine white paper to tough brown (15) ..... paper. These days, paper-
making is no longer such a time-consuming activity.
1. How much does.....................of this club cost? (MEMBER)
2. She is extremely.....................about the history of art. (KNOW)
3. Traveling in big cities is becoming more and more.....................every day. (TROUBLE)
4. He is completely...................,.! Not only is he lazy but he is dishonest too. (EMPLOY)
5. His boss told him off because he had behaved................... RESPONSIIBLE)
6. He won the discus event at the Olympic Games but was later..................... when a medical check proved that
he had been taking drugs. (QUALIFY)
7. Women who are slimming can never enjoy a meal without being afraid of...............their diet. (ORGANISE)
8. The trouble with Mr. Brown is that lie’s so....................................One minute he goes mad when you come
late; the next he says nothing. You never know where you are! (CONSIST)
9. It is forbidden to hunt for that kind of bird. It has been listed as one of the...................................species .
10. I didn’t know who it was - with a mask on she was completely............................................(RECONGNISE)
Exercise is one of the best ways of keeping (0)........................DEPRESSED away. It improves your body and
your mind and (1)............. ABLE you to perform better in the work place and at home.
Proper (2)................ BREATH is essential if you want to get the most from exercise.and you should also take
into (3)........................CONSIDER your heart rate. It can be (4)................... HARM To do too much, which is
why all good fitness instructors emphasise the (5) ......IMPORTANT of “listening to your body.
When you first start, you should use good (6).................JUDGE because it’s easy to make the mistake of using
the equipment (7)............ CORRECT or doing too much at one time. Start slowly and build up gradually.
. Exercise should not be seen as a (8)................... DEMAND task; It can be as easy as a quick walk. To increase
your fitness (9)....... STEADY . Exercise for 20 minutes a day, 4 to 6 times a week and you will notice a
(10)...................... DIFFERENT in your body and mind in a few weeks.
thầy Tuấn – ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học - 01663247755
1. As ____________________ as he is, it’s not surprising that he believed their lies. (IMPRESS)
2. Our factories, cars and power stations may poison the environment with ____________________ gases and
chemical waste. (POLLUTE)
3. The monument was erected in ____________________ of the fallen soldiers for posterity. (REMEMBER)
4. Being a career woman, Angelina devoted herself exclusively to ____________________ her career. (FAR)
5. Hopefully, patients infected with influenza A/H1N1 can be treated with ____________________ drugs
like Tamiflu and Relenza. (VIRUS)
6. Urban sewage and industrial waste that man discharges into the sea have a(n) ____________________ effect
on marine life. (DELETE)
7. We should make young people realize that drug-taking is ____________________. (DESTROY)
8. Good jobs are in short supply these days and you need to be on the ____________________ for them as a
9. The invention of software by Bill Gates brought ____________________ wealth to him when he was 25.
10. Mind your language, you guys. It is ____________________ rude. (EXCUSE)
11. His contribution to the development of sports makes him a(n) ____________________ figure. (REPLACE)
12. He bought that tie in a(n) ____________________ shop at the airport. (DUTY)
13. In all ____________________, they will be successful in their project. (PROBABLE)
14. The composition should be ____________________; there may be spelling mistakes in it. (READ)
15. It is education that helps with the ____________________ of knowledge for the young.(BROAD)
16. We need greater ____________________ in how we deal with the problem of traffic congestion. (FLEX)
17. The principal has placed a great number of ____________________ on picnicking activities.
18. Delays at the International Airport are far from ____________________. (NEGLECT)
19. Several ____________________ have been used, which is environmentally damaging.
20. I feel that he is ____________________ helping us this time; he doesn’t seem wholehearted.
21. The minister made a(n) ____________________ visit to the north of the country. (PROFILE)
22. She has received ____________________ awards for her services to industry. (NUMBER)
23. With a new hairstyle and skilful make-up, she was sure she would be absolutely ____________________ to
anyone. (RECOGNISE)
VIII. Fill in correct prepositions in each gap
1. Robert resembles his grandfather_many respects.
2. His betrayal was brought_our knowledge only recently.
3. Everybody must have noticed how embarrassed she was_the unexpected question.
4. He spoke_such assurance that we couldn't but believe him.
5. I asked him to repeat his request. I couldn't make_what it was.
6. We all knew that when the old man was out of temper, we'd better keep from him..
7. I've away found his attitude__me rather puzzling.
8. The train is due at five, which leaves us twenty minutes_ a quick meal.
9. See what the sign reads: "Entrance _request".
10. He wasn't sure_[_the effect it might have on the man's heart.
11. The girl s listened_fascination as the story unfolded.
12. Larhe areas of countryside have been swallowed_town.
13. Last night she was reunited_her children.
14. She contributes a number of articles_the magazine.
15. the book coming out_papaerback?
16. She seemed totally absorbed_her book.
17. She wrote the book _collaboration with one of her students.
18. A child’s vocabulary expands_reading.
19. I remember the book_all my students.
20. Do you have any information ._train time?
thầy Tuấn – ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học - 01663247755
1. Please, take this money as a token of my great gratitude .............................. saving my life.
2. The mechanic was most kind and repaired my carburettor .............................. no time at all.
3. We don't need any extra supplies, we can do with those we have .............................. store.
4. The court has sentenced the two men .............................. exile for spying .............................. the military
bases in the country.
5. The farmers* hopes .............................. any better weather faded away after they had heard the forecast for
the weeks to come.
6. Their political opinions have always been .............................. harmony with ours and therefore we have been
getting on so well.
7. The Greenpeace movement is going to launch another campaign .............................. whaling.
8. She is too weak .............................. mathematics to ever pass the exam. She won't succeed
even.............................. her hundredth attempt.
9. Are you still ............................ an illusion that Mr Spike will agree to your conditions?
10. He said he wouldn't be able to turn up .............................. person, and so he would have to send his deputy
to the conference.
11. We can safely trust Iris. She is .............................. the know about everything that happens on the Stock
12. Andrew is a draftsman .............................. profession, but he works as a clerk at the post office.
13. You cannot expect absolute obedience .............................. Tommy. He's still a teenager full of wild ideas.
14. The code says people under eighteen aren't eligible .............................. membership in the party.
15. Bob, don't be cruel and stop mocking .............................. the way Lucy pronounces French words.
IX. Complete phrasal verbs
1.It was so hot in the theatre that I almost dropped off.
a) decided to leave b) fell from the balcony c) fainted d) fell asleep
2.When the Russian army occupied Belanon, many people refused to knuckle under.
a) submit to them b) bow down before them c) pay their taxes d) shake hands with them
3. Some conference speakers have very little to say, but they are still able to spin out material.
a)change the subject when necessary b)remember their words
c)make it seem important d)make it last a long time
4. As it was getting late, the chairman wound up the meeting,
a)postponed b) ended c) cancelled d) timed
5. The boss sometimes lets her typists knock off at four o’clock.
a) hand in their work
b) stop for a tea break
c) finish work
d) meet to make suggestions or complaints about their work.
Use your dictionary and explain the meaning of the following idioms
commit something to memory take a stroll/trip down memory lane
jog someone’s memory in/within living memory
come/spring to mind slip your mind
bear/keep something in mind your mind goes blank
cross your mind out of sight, out of mind
X. Trios
-.The customers were thrilled when the owner of the pub told them everything was on the
-.Judging by the way people reacted to his jokes, he really brought the........ down. He was given a standing
ovation for his dazzling performance.
thầy Tuấn – ôn thi chuyên và luyện thi đại học - 01663247755
-.The castle used to......................a posh restaurant and a luxurious hotel.
1. Ethnic violence and fighting...................following the assassination of a black human rights activist.
2. The courtroom...................into laughter when the woman said she locked up her husband in the attic because
he'd been disturbing her while she was watching a soap opera.
3. Residents began to flee the area in panic soon after the volcano....................... sending plumes of ashes into
the air.
1. The incumbent President won in the second round of the presidential elections by a .........................margin.
2. I had a..................escape the other day. If it hadn't been for my mother, the car would have hit me.
3. He felt there were too many candidates on the list, so he thought it appropriate to down to
only three.
1. You didn't have to ask him twice. He.................all the information to memory in no time.
2 The tribunal was provided with sufficient evidence that the dictator had................ some of the worst atrocities
in human history.
3. A lot of funds have the restoration process in parts of Asia ravaged by the tsunami.
1. The jeweller was careful not to fall in the...................set by the conman who tried to swindle him out of his
2. The mafia man died in a booby...................blast 10 yards from his house.
3. Jane was caught in the poverty........................She couldn't take this low-paid job as it would mean losing her
substantial welfare benefit.
XI. Writing
1. I put a lot of care and attention into the letter.
1 took_
2. Haven’t you got any cheaper television?
Are these
3. I would prefer you not to smoke in here.
I’d rather
4. The Americans have just recalled their ambassador.
The American
5. Because I believed his lies, he got a lot of money from me. conned

6. She’ll be furious when she finds out what’s happened. go

7. 1 don’t want people to order me about any more, enough

8. I’m hoping to go skiing at Christmas, hopefully

9. I can only see bad things*happening in the future, pessimistic

10.1 don't understand how to fill this form, clear

11. You may be disqualified if you don’t obey the regulations.

Failure to
12. He tried hard so that he would win the first prize.
With the hope
13. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.
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The excuse
14. Can I speak to someone about my problem?
Would it
15. He is said to be a very hard bargainer. (REPUTATION)

16. He doesn’t appreciate his wife. (GRANTED)

17. The amount of firm spent on the project initially was $15,000. (OUTLAY)

18. It was a red-letter day.

That day
19. We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.
20. He made no bones about helping me.
He didn’t
21. He never thought of telling her.
It never
22. The dress was so temping that I bought it.
I couldn’t
23. The idea no longer interests her.
She has gone
24. Very little money was raised by the charity appeal. (RESPONSE)
The response to the charity appeal was very poor.
26. His irresponsible attitude is endangering his career as a doctor. (JEOPARDY)

27.He liked the new job straight away. (DUCK)

28. He’s not sure whether to go or not. (MINDS)

29. She has extensive knowledge of ancient Egypt. (VERY)

30. We were very impressed by the new camera but found it rather expensive.
31. At the moment I can’t afford to buy a new car. QUESTION

32. I assume you are hungry. GRANTED

33. I knoe I can convince Dave that I’m right about this matter. BRING

34. Students at the school are not allowed to go into the Rainbow Disco. BOUNDS

35. He has changed his opinion on the house. HEART

36. I treated him in the same way as he had treated me. PAID

37.Mr Pat was completely shocked on hearing the bad news. ARMS

38. Mrs Smith is on a diet and she eats very little. BIRD
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39. She was really crazy about him. HEAD.

40. She bagan to suffer from irrational fears. PREY

41. It was a long time ago when horsecarts were replaced by motor vehicles, (place)

42. When the official part of the meeting ended, everyone rushed to the buffet, (close)

43. Patrick is not feeling healthy today, (colour)

XII. Reading
1. Gapped text
The best boat design should combine old and new, says Tom Cunliffe. And he put it into practice in his own
craft. The Westerman’.
This week, the Summer Boat Show in London is resplendent with fine yachts, bristling with new technology.
Nearly all are descendants of the hull-shape revolution that took place 25 years ago. By contrast, my own lies
quietly on a tidal creek off the south coast. She was designed last year but, seeing her, you might imagine her to
be 100 years old and think that her owner must be some kind of lost-soul romantic.
It has to be said, however, that despite being an indispensable tool in current design methods and boat-building
practice, sophisticated technology frequently insulates crews from the harsh realities of maritime life. These are
often the very realities they hoped to rediscover by going to sea in the first place.
The occasional battle with flapping canvas is surely part of a seaman’s life. And for what purpose should we
abandon common sense and move our steering positions from the security of the aft end to some vulnerable
perch half-way to the bow? The sad answer is that this creates a cabin like that of an ocean liner, with space for
a bed larger than the one at home.
Her sails were heavy, and she had no pumped water, no electricity to speak of. no fridge, no central heating, no
winches, and absolutely no electronics, especially in the navigation department, yet she was the kindest, easiest
boat that I have ever sailed at sea.
The Westerman has never disappointed me. Although Nigel Irens, the designer, and Ed Burnett, his right-hand
man, are adept with computer-assisted design programs, Irens initially drew this boat on a paper napkin, and
only later transferred his ideas to the computer. After this had generated a set of lines, he carved a model, just as
boatyards did in the days of sail. Together we considered the primary embryonic vessel, then fed the design
back into the electronic box for modification.
Her appearance is ageless, her motion at sea is a pleasure and her accommodation, much of it in reclaimed pitch
pine, emanates an atmosphere of deep peace. Maybe this is because she was drawn purely as a sailing craft,
without reference to any furniture we might put into her. That is the well-tried method of the sea.
Constructed in timber treated with a penetrating glue, she is totally impervious to water. Thus she has all the
benefits of a glass fibre boat yet looks like, feels like and sails like the real thing.
A It’s not that I'm suggesting that sailors should go back to enduring every hardship. It's always been important
to me that my boats have a coal stove for warmth and dryness and cosy berths for sleeping. But why go cruising
at all if every sail sets and furls itself?
B Back on land, however, it is a sad fact that the very antiquity of classic boats means that they need a lot of
looking after. When I had a bad injury to my back, I realised that my 15-year love affair with her had to end.
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Searching for a younger replacement produced no credible contenders, so I decided to build a new boat from
C In her timeless serenity, she is the living proof that it works; that there is no need to follow current fashions to
find satisfaction, and that sometimes it pays to listen to the lessons of history.
D The next version was nearly right and by the time the final one appeared, the form was perfect. The
completed boat has now crossed the North Atlantic and has won four out of her first six racing starts.
water. Thus she has all the benefits of a glass fibre boat yet looks like, feels like and sails like the real thing.
E At the same time, having lived aboard an ancient wooden beauty in the early seventies, it’s easier to
understand more of this area of the mechanics. My designer, for example, knows more about the ways of a boat
on the sea than anyone I can think of.
F Perhaps I am, though I doubt it. This boat has benefited from all the magic of old-fashioned boat design, but it
would have been a much harder job without the advances of modern know-how.
G For me a boat should always be a boat and not a cottage on the water. When I bought an earlier boat, Hirta. in
which I circumnavigated Britain for a TV race series, the previous owner observed that she had every comfort,
but no luxury. During my long relationship with her, Hirta taught me how wise he was.
2. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for the following questions:
Federal Express is a company that specializes in rapid overnight delivery of high-priority packages. The first
company of its type. Federal Express was founded by the youthful Fred Smith in 1971, when he was only 28
years old. Smith had actually developed the idea for the rapid delivery service in a term paper for an economics
class when he was a student at Yale University. The term paper reputedly received a Iess-than-stellar grade
because of the infeasibility of the project that Smith had outlined. The model that Smith proposed had never
been tried; it was a model that was efficient to operate but at the same time was very difficult to institute.
Smith achieved efficiency in his model by designing a system that was separate from the passenger system and
could, therefore, focus on how to deliver packages most efficiently. His strategy was to own his own planes so
that he could create his own schedules and to ship all packages through the hub city of Memphis, a set-up
which resembles the spokes on the wheel of a bicycle. With this combination of his own planes and hub set-up,
he could get packages anywhere in the United States overnight.
What made Smith's idea difficult to institute was the fact .that the entire system had to be created before the
company could begin operations. He needed a fleet of aircraft to collect packages from airports every night and
deliver them to Memphis, where they were immediately sorted and flown out to their new destinations; he
needed a fleet of trucks to deliver packages to and from the various airports; he needed facilities and trained
staff all in place to handle the operation. Smith had a $4 million inheritance from his father, and he managed to
raise an additional $91 million dollars from venture capitalists to get the company operating.
When Federal Express began service in 1973 in 25 cities, the company was not an immediate success, but
success did come within a relatively short period of time. The company lost $29 million in the first 26 months
of operations. However, ; the tide was to turn relatively quickly. By late 1976, Federal Express was carrying an
average of 19,000 packages per night and had made a profit of $3.6 million.
1. The most appropriate title for this passage is:
A. The Problems and Frustrations of a Business Student.
B. The Importance of Business Studies.
C. The Capitalization of Federal Express.
D. The Implementation of a Successful Business.
2. What is stated in the passage about Smith's term paper?
A. Smith submitted it through a delivery service.
B. It was written by a student of Smith's.
C. Its grade was mediocre.
D. The professor though it had great potential.
3. What was a key idea of Smith's?
A. That he should focus-on passenger service,
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B. That package delivery should be separate from passenger service.
C. That packages could be delivered on other companies' planes.
D. That passenger service had to be efficient.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that Smith selected Memphis as his publicity because it..............
A. was near the middle of the country.
B. had a large number of passenger aircraft.
C. already had a large package delivery service.
D. was a favorite passenger airport.
5. It is NOT mentioned in the passage that, in order to set up his company, Smith needed
A. airplanes B. trucks C. personnel D. faculty
6. How long did it take Federal Express to become profitable?
A. Two months B. One year C. Three years D. six years
7. Which paragraph explains what made Smith's model effective?
A. The first paragraph B. The second paragraph
C. The third paragraph . D. The last paragraph
3. Answer questions 1-19 by refereing to the newspaper article about giving up work to travelling.
I may be too old for this lark, but here goes!
At 34, Tim Pozzi has left a good job to go backpacking. He ponders what has made him - and others of his age -
take the plunge.
This summer, I quit my job and resolved to rent out my flat and go travelling in South East Asia for a year. You
might think I'm lucky, but I'm 34 years old and I'm nervous. It's not as I haven't dome the tavelling thing before.
After university, I spent two years backpacking around North and South America, and when I returned, I was
determined to do it again some day. But you know how it is... I fell in love, embarked on a career, bought a flat
anf got used to earning a salary. But I gradually realised I had been sacrificing my own sense of worth for my
salary. When I handed in that letter of resignation, it felt as though I'd taken charge of my life again.
I now have no ties. Many of my friends are now married with children and, while they wouldn't swap places
with me, they envy me my lack of responsibilities. I'm no longer in a relationship, and I have no burning career
ambitions. I feel almost obliged to make the most of that freedom - if only for my friends' sake!
Why am I so nervous? In the first place, it's a question of making the necessary arrangements. How could I bear
to have someone else living in my home? And how would I go about organising the letting? And apart from
anything else, I had to decide where to go.
I'm a shocking procrastinator, and I'm already several weeks behind my intended schedule. "Might as well
enjoy the summer in England," I told myself. Then, "Why not hang arounf for the start of the football season?"
Severing emotional ties makes it even more difficult. I'm putting it off because, deep down, I wonder if I can
still cope with backpacking. Will I be able to readjust to a more basic way of life? Will I feel out of place
among a community of backpackers fresh out of school or university?
Perhaps not. I've discovered it's increasingly common for Britons in their late twenties and thirties to want to
disentangle themselves from the lives they've made for themselves and head off for foreign climes.
Jeniffer Cox, of Lonely Planet guidebook publishers, identifies a growing awareness that adventure is there for
the taking: "The penny's dropped. The sort of people who always say 'I'd wish I'd had that opportunity' are
realising that they can have it any time they want. They just have to be brave enough and organised enough to
do it."
For Danny, a 30-year-old accountant, and his girlfriend Tammy, a 28-year-old teacher, it's a chance to have a
final fling before settling down. They have bought a round-the-world ticket for a year. "I'm prepared to sacrifice
job security to have the trip," says Danny. "There's always a niggling thought at the back of your mind that
"OK, I'm not moving up the career ladder, I'm going to be in the same position I was in before when I come
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back," but I think it's a risk you have to take. When I left the office, I threw my calculator into the river as a
ceremonial act of defiance."
For Matt, who'd just got out of the Army, the year he spent travelling amounted to a period of metamorphosis.
"When you're in the military, there is a set way of doing things, a pattern to the way you approach problems. I
went away because I really needed to temper this, and get rid of this approach in some cases, in order to have a
reasonable existence as a civilian."
While there are as many reasons to go travelling at my time of life as there are travellers, there do seem to be
common factors. "We have a much more flexible workforce today," says Angela Baron of the Institute of
Personnel Development. "There are more people working on short-term contracts and so if your contract has
just come to an end you've got nothing to lose." Larger companies are even adopting career-break policies. "If
you've spent a lot of time and money training someone, it's nice to know they're coming back at some point
rather than going to work for a competitor."
For Dan Hiscocks, managing director of Travellerseye, a publishing company that specialises in the tales of
"ordinary" travellers, an increasing number of thirty-somethings are taking stock of their lives. "If you're not
happy doing what you're doing - and many people aren't - it's no longer a question of just seeing it through.
Now people are aware that opportunities exist and a job isn't "for life" any more. Travel offers a chance to
reassess, to take a step back and think about your life."
Is giving in to wanderlust just another example of my generation's inability to come to terms with adulthood?
Jennifer Cox thinks not. "It's a sign of a better educated, more stable society when we're less concerned with
paying the bills than wanting to live a balanced life. We're actually taking the time to ask "Is this what I want?"
Ben, a 32-year-old picture researcher heading off to Central America for a year, does not believe he's running
away. "It's more a case of running towards something. It's trying to grab some things that I want for myself."
But he does feel some trepidation. "It's the thought of what I'm leaving behind, that comfortable routine - just
the act of going into the office every day, saying "hi" to everyone and sitting down with a cup of coffee."
I share Ben's reservations about leaving behind an ordered life with few challenges and I'm not sure I'd be
making this journey if I hadn't found my boss so intolerable. As Jennifer Cox points out: "That's fairly typical.
There's often a catalyst, like the break-up of a relationship or the loss of a job. Such an event can push people to
go and do it."
It may have taken a helpful kick up the backside to get me moving, but I'm now approaching the next 12
months with a mounting sense of excitement. Whatever the outcome, I'll be able to take satisfaction in having
grabbed life by the horns. And in that I'm sure I speak for all of us ageing backpackers.
In which section(s) of the article are the following mentioned?
the view that going travelling does not represent escaping from something (1)
a belief that going travelling provides a last opportunity for fun before leading a more conventional life (2)
anxiety as to how to deal with a practical issue (3)

the feeling experienced immediately after giving up a job (4) (5)

regret at not having gone travelling (6)
a feeling that the desire to travel may indicate immaturity (7)
a feeling that older people may not fit in with other travellers (8)
delaying the date of departure of a journey (9)
a feeling shared by everybody who goes travelling later in life (10)
losing self-respect by remaining in a job (11)
considering the effect of going travelling on career prospects (12)
the attitude of some employers to employees who go travelling (13)
a belief that going travelling may result in greater flexibility as a person (14)
the personal qualities required in order to decide to go travelling (15)
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the knowledge that permanent employment has become less usual (16)
changes in life that prevent people from going travelling (17)
having no strong desires professionally (18)
looking forward more and more to going travelling (19)

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