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Introverts prefer solitary activities, whereas extroverts prefer activities

involving other people.
Context clue: d. done alone; without anyone else

2. Examples of common allergens include pollen, ragweed, dog and cat dander,
and dust.
Context clue: c. substances that cause allergic reactions

3. Mean-spirited people enjoy spreading malicious gossip. The rumors they

spread damage the victim’s reputation unfairly and cause underserved pain
and embarrassment.
Context clue: a. harmful

4. But what is most remarkable about golfer Tiger Woods is his relentless drive
for what the Japanese call kaizen, or continuous improvement.
Context clue: d. continuous improvement

5. At the formal dinner party, the employee made an embarrassing faux pas
when he drank the water in the finger bowl instead of rinsing his fingertips
in it.
Context clue: d. social blunder

6. The manic pace of Saigon is evident even in the streets, where swarms of
motorbikes zip through intersections.
Context clue: b. excessively active ; intense

7. The cast of the television series is currently enjoying a three-month hiatus,

but they will start work again in the fall.
Context clue: a. break

8. Both twins are extremely talented and intelligent. One has aspirations of
obtaining a master’s degree and becoming a social worker, the other has
aspirations of attending graduate school, and then becoming a concert
Context clue: a. ambitions

9. It is not lawful to practice medicine without first obtaining a valid medicine

Context clue: c. legal

10. By age four-and-a-half, boys usually display better spatial skills than girls
do. Although biology does play a role, so does nurture. In daily play, girls
are not encouraged as much as boys to engage in spatially oriented activities
such as playing with blocks and puzzles.
Context clue: c. pertaining to blocks and puzzles

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