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Outline for RRL

I. Influence of Teenage Relationship

Original Text:

Teenagers in particular engage in romantic relationships for a variety of reasons.

Aristotle claimed that because people are “social animals,” they yearn to develop close
relationships in which love can be expressed and reciprocated which psychiatrists
referred to as “the yearning to belong” (Myers, 2010). They can be secure in the trust
and faith that they are acceptable to those they can rely on for the love and care that
are provided by the people near to them. The fulfillment of their wants

Paraphrased Text:

For many kinds of reasons, teenagers, in particular, engage in romantic relationships.

Because people are “social animals,” Aristotle believed, they seek to form close
relationships in which love may be expressed and reciprocated, which psychiatrists
referred to as “the yearning to belong” (Myers, 2010). They can be confident in the
confidence and faith that they are acceptable to those on whom they can rely for the
love and care that individuals close to them supply. Fulfillment of their desires


II. Study Habits of Teenage Relationship

Original Text:

Knowledge gained through reading is vital for the cognitive, behavioral, and attitudinal
development of learners ( because it is a person’s ability to enhance information and
comprehend the words effectively An individual reads for numerous reasons, i.e.,
knowledge development, recreation, joy, relaxation, and so on. However directed that
reading is an active part of life that is not just about pleasure when needed. )
conjectured that reading helps to develop critical and judgmental thinking abilities used
to solve problems by conceptualizing context.

Paraphrased Text:

Acquiring knowledge through reading is crucial for the overall growth of individuals, as it
enables them to better understand and process information. People read for various
reasons, including education, leisure, entertainment, relaxation, and more. Regardless
of the purpose, reading is an active and necessary aspect of life that goes beyond mere
enjoyment. It is believed that reading fosters the development of critical and analytical
thinking skills, which are essential for problem-solving by comprehending the context.


Original Text:

The importance of reading in learning could not be ignored because it is an

emancipatory tool that releases students’ academic frustration, ignorance, and
destitution. Distinguished that reading is an instrument used to exchange information,
while reading habit is an academic activity that enables students to benefit from reading
materials. Therefore specified that reading habits require complex skills, such as
perceiving a message, skimming and scanning information, and understanding the
context. Thus, compelling reading depends on readers’ behaviors, known as study skills
that enable them to conceptualize the new knowledge.

Paraphrased Text:

Reading is crucial for learning as it helps students overcome academic challenges and
gain knowledge. It is an essential tool that enables students to exchange information
and develop academic skills. Developing good reading habits requires various complex
skills, such as understanding messages, scanning and skimming information, and
comprehending context. Effective reading depends on study skills that allow readers to
grasp new knowledge.


Original Text :

According to the available literature, students’ reading habits and study skills have been
of great importance for decades; while several deficiencies were found in previous
studies, thus researchers considered few of them that are related to the study context.
First, the researchers mainly focused on the influence of reading habits and study skills
on academic achievement separately in Western countries.

Paraphrased Text :

In academic literature, the significance of students’ reading habits and study skills has
been acknowledged for decades. However, previous studies have identified several
limitations, prompting researchers to narrow their focus to specific contexts. For
instance, studies mainly examined the impact of reading habits and study skills on
academic performance individually in Western countries


III. Behaviors in Teenage Relationship

Original Text:
Teenage interactions are crucial to the development of adolescents’ capacity for
committed partnerships. The connections aid in personality development. She further
stated that it is a means of identifying one’s distinctive characteristics of opposite sex
while also selecting the ideal life partner. Researchers also hypothesized that the
development of adolescents in other areas, including “the alteration of family ties, close
relationships with peers, sexuality, and career planning,” depends on romantic

Paraphrased Text:

During adolescence, social interactions with peers are crucial for developing the ability
to form committed relationships later in life. These interactions aid in personality
development and help adolescents identify distinctive characteristics of the opposite
sex, potentially leading to the selection of an ideal life partner. Research also suggests
that adolescent development in other areas, such as family ties, peer relationships,
sexuality, and career planning, is influenced by romantic relationships

References :

IV. Adolescents Romantic Relationship

Original Text:

This study examined the interrelations between employment status and romantic
relationship status, work and romantic relationship identity in emerging adulthood, and
school and friendship identity in adolescence. Dutch participants (N = 1,026) from two
age cohorts (16-year-old cohort comprised 735 participants and 20-year-olds comprised
291, at Time 1) reported about school and friendship identity during adolescence, and
about status of and identification with work and romantic relationships during emerging
adulthood 5 years later. Employment status and romantic relationship status were
significantly related to each other. Employment status was also significantly related to
relational identity, and relationship status was significantly related to work identity.
Moreover, work and romantic relationship identity, but not employment status and
romantic relationship status, could be predicted by school and friendship identity in
adolescence. These results confirm the interdependence of role transitions in emerging
adulthood and suggest that the base of the successful attainment of these transitions is
laid in adolescence.

Paraphrased Text:

In this study, the relationships between employment status and romantic relationship
status, the identity of one’s work and romantic relationships as one enters emerging
adulthood, and the identity of one’s school and friendships as one enters adolescence
were all looked at. Dutch participants (N = 1,026) from two age cohorts—the 16–19
cohort included 735 participants and the 20–24 cohort included 291—reported on their
school and friendship identities during adolescence as well as their status in and
identification with their jobs and romantic relationships five years later when they were
entering emerging adulthood. Employment status and the presence of romantic
relationships were substantially correlated. Relationship status and work identity were
both highly correlated with one other, as were employment status and relational identity.
Additionally, in adolescence, the identities associated with friendship and school might
be used to predict work and romantic relationship identity, but not employment status or
romantic relationship status. These findings show that adolescence is where the
foundation for successfully achieving these transitions is set and that role shifts in
emerging adulthood are interdependent.


Arnett J. J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens
through the twenties. American Psychologist, 55, 469–480. Doi:10.1037//0003-

Original Text:

On the other side, “late adolescence” is the period when kids learn how to be
completely and socially independent. Now is the time to be curious and investigate
having a companion, as well as any form of inquiry that can conceivably lead to a love
engagement. Unfortunately, this form of connection might not result in a fulfilling and
passionate love affair. This is only the outcome of their curious nature and their attempt
to fit. In world. “What is life all about? These kinds of questions take on a special
relevance for teenagers as they search for their position in the larger social sphere.
Adolescents go a variety of routes on their quest.

Paraphrased Text:

Late adolescence is the time when individuals seek complete independence and
explore relationships and other endeavors that could potentially lead to romantic
involvement. Their inquisitive nature and desire to fit into society can result in
connections that may not always be fulfilling. During this phase, teenagers ponder
questions about the purpose of life and pursue various paths to find their answers.


Original Text:

The significance of romantic relationships to teenage growth and their “long lasting”
impacts on self-confidence. Research confirmed that having a romantic connection
develops children moral ideals. “Intimate relationships and sexuality,” romance. Also, a
healthy love connection may be advantageous for students’ academic success. A
romantic connection gives teenagers a positive attitude on life, which inspires them to
achieve goals like doing well “motivation is the extent to which a person behaves in a
way that is consistent with his interests, attitudes, and aspirations to achieve his
intended goal. It is a desire to fulfill an objective (p. 212). If there is a healthy romantic
relationship. Adolescents would work hard to achieve success studies to ensure a more
promising future for their relationship.

Paraphrased Text:

Romantic relationships have a significant impact on teenagers’ personal growth and can
have lasting effects on their self-confidence. Research indicates that such relationships
can help develop moral ideals and have a positive impact on academic success.
Adolescents in healthy romantic relationships often exhibit a positive attitude towards
life and are motivated to achieve their goals. Motivation is defined as the desire to fulfill
an objective, and a healthy romantic relationship can inspire teenagers to work hard
towards academic success to ensure a more promising future for their relationship.


Original Text :

Students today are more prone to engage themselves in romantic relationships, not
thinking of the consequences that would arise from their decisions. Today, being in a
relationship is a “trend”. Teens are becoming more aggressive because of love. As a
result, romantic relationship gains more importance among teenagers nowadays.
Adolescents crave to have romantic relationship to which love is given without
restrictions. During adolescence, teenagers start to crave attention from fellow peers.
Teenagers become more interested and involved in dating because of their desire to
belong with others.

Paraphrased Text :

Today, teenagers are increasingly likely to pursue romantic relationships without

considering the potential consequences of their actions. In contemporary society, being
in a relationship has become a trend, which has led to increased aggression among
teens. As a result, romantic relationships have gained more importance among
adolescents. Teens crave the type of love that is given without restrictions and are
drawn to dating as a way to satisfy their desire for attention and sense of belonging
among peers. This interest in romantic relationships often intensifies during


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