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Moose Population on Isle Royale 1915-1956

Isle Royale is an uninhabited 200 square mile island in Lake Superior. The island resembles a typical
northern forest with lots of trees and vegetation. Before 1915, no moose lived on the island. Around
1915-1916, a herd of moose swam to the island. Moose have been living on the island ever since.

1. In what years was the moose population at its lowest? About how many moose were on the
island then? 2pts

1940 and 1916 and there was about 100 moose

2. In what year was the moose population at its highest? About how many moose were on the
island then? 2pts

1930 and there was about 3000 moose

3. What could have contributed to a fast increase in the moose population? 3pts

when they came to the island they started having moose babies
and the new mooses brought up the population numbers
4. Do you think the moose population could have reached 10,000 if something didn’t happen?
Why or why not? 3pts
Moose Population on Isle Royale 1915-1956

i think it could have because the moose would have just kept
having babies and the number would grow

5. What could have caused the fast decline in moose population before 1936? 3pts

hunters on the island or other predators

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