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Ears Q&A Practice Quiz

1 . The rising of the uvula in a patient saying "ahhhh" is an indicator of the functioning of which cranial

Answer: Cranial Nerve 10

2. The organ of the inner ear that functions to transmit sound waves to nerve impulses is:

Answer: Cochlea

3. A structure that separates the outer and middle ear is called ________.

Answer: Tympanic Membrane

4. A client is asked to stand with feet together, arms at sides, and eye open, with the eyes closed for 20
second to test his balance. This test is called __________.

Answer: Romberg Test

5. The gag reflex is controlled by which cranial nerves?

Answer: Cranial Nerve 9 and 10

6. What is the ear part that is shaped like a snail?

Answer: Cochlea

7. An _________ is a doctor who specializes in medicine only related to the ear.

Answer: Otologist

8. What is the main job of the semicircular canals?

Answer: Balance

9. By asking a person to stick out their tongue, the examiner is testing which cranial nerve?

Answer: Cranial Nerve 12

10. What are the three smallest bones in the human body?

Answer: Stapes, Incus, Malleus

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