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Bachelor of Law (LL.

B) Examination: MAY 2023

Day & Date Semester Subject Name Time Code Marks

11:00 AM
- Criminology And
Prelims To 2044 75
01:30 PM

Instructions: 1) Question No.1 and Question No. 5 are compulsory.

2) Attempt any two questions from Q.No.2 to Q.No.4.
3) Q.No.1 to Q.No.4 carries 20 marks.
4) Q.No.5 carries 15 marks.

Q.1 Answer the following questions in one or two sentences: 20

a) Define Criminology.
b) Name the types of Prisons in India.
c) Explain Avarice under Victimology.
d) Explain Women and domestic violence.
e) State any two duties of a Probation officer.
f) Define Parole with some conditions.
g) Explain Lombroso’s Born Criminal Theory.
h) Inter-relation between Criminology & Penology.

Q.2 Explain in brief The Schools of Criminology. (20)

Q.3 What is white Collar Crime, It’s Nature & Definition and Types. (20)

Q.4 Write about Prison System, It’s basic functions & administrative (20)
organizations of it.

Q.5 Write short note on any three: 15

a) Women offenders in India.
b) Note on Organized Crimes.
c) Drawbacks of Indian Police and Remedies for the same.
d) Background of Prison System.

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