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Orofacial Pain Quiz

The model answer:
I) Case 1:
“X” is a 50 years old female patient who is complaining of continuous burning
tongue sensation that disappears only with sleeping. On clinical examination,
the oral cavity is free of any local causes.
1- The case is: (Psychogenic pain)
2- Your diagnosis is based on certain information listed in the case description:
Blue colored phrases are mentioned in the case.
3- Treatment is: (antidepressants)
4- In this type of pain, most of the patients are afraid of: cancer
5- This type of pain is more common in female in menopause stage due to
hormonal disturbance.

II) Case 2:
“X” is a 40 years old male patient who complained of an intermittent pain attacks
up on slight touching his lower right angle of mouth 3 month ago. No clinical
abnormality or palpable lymph nodes were noticed. You advised him to do
radiographic of CNS!!!
1- The case may be: (neurogenic pain)
2- Your diagnosis is based on certain information listed in the case description:
Blue colored phrases are mentioned in the case.
3- The radiographic examination is properly based on: (MRI)
4- It is one of the most suitable treatment lines of this case: (anticonvulsants)
5- If you know that the MRI report shows idiopathic de myelination of the
trigeminal mandibular nerve; your diagnosis is: Trigeminal Neuralgia

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