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This started the trading of people basic

necessities in exchange of their goods.
New and more business opportunities were provided as
well as the development of the structures like religious
Entrepreneur originated from a thirteenth century centers, courts and marketplaces.
French verb “ENTREPRENDRE” which means to do
something or to undertake.
Discovery of Steam engine (1765) (Construction of
And in the 16th century, the noun from
ENTREPRENEUR was used to refer to someone who
undertakes a business venture. Emergence of electricity, gas and oil (1870)
It was noted that in 1730, an economist by name of Inventions of automobile and planes
Richard Cantillon first used the term entrepreneur and
Invention of electronics, Telecommunications and
identified it as a person with the willingness to bear the
computers (1969)
personal risk of a business venture as its defining
characteristics. The discovery of the internet
Examples of famous entrepreneurs are: Standards of living continued to increase then. There
was innovation then came the appearance of cities. This
Mark Zuckerberg American media magnate, internet
started the trading between cities and cultures upon
entrepreneur, and philanthropist who founded Facebook.
realizing that they will gain profits from it.
Bill Gates an American business magnate, a software
Trades began in different parts of the globe, such as:
developer, an investor and a philanthropist and is best
Arabian, coffee, lemon and oranges reached Europe,
known as the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation. They
gunpowder from China were brought to other parts of
were both college dropouts.
the world, the rice from China were traded across Asia
HISTORY and means of warfare were also traded around the world.
The original entrepreneur were the traders and Another key development in the history of
merchants. This will be way back 20,000 year ago. entrepreneurship was the invention of money. The first
form of which were the forms of Silver rings and Gold
Trading between humans took place in Papua New
bars in Iraq.
Guinea where locals exchanged obsidian for other
needed goods like tools, skin and food. This was brought about by limitation of barter trade
known as coincidence of wants.
That earliest form of entrepreneurship continued till this
day. Hunter-gatherer tribes traded goods from different So, starting 2000 before the current era, early forms of
parts of their respective regions to provide overall money were discovered
benefit for their tribe.
During the 15th century, markets became more popular
It was originally as the Barter Trade which is a system
Then started banking, providing additional capital to
of trading goods and services directly for other goods
and services directly for other goods and services
without the use of money. From 1500 to 1800 came new advance related to goods
and materials, there was importing of gold and silver.
The first shift of entrepreneurship took place during the
Agricultural Revolution about 20,000 years ago. Then came the advances in accounting where
Animals and plants were domesticated meaning humans entrepreneurs got the way to track their accounts
remain stationary in one location and farm the land.
Lands were cultivated having efficient food rather than Came the fueling of entrepreneurship by growth of
by hunting all day and that made a fundamental shift in global economy, there was the modern infrastructure and
human history. the different forms of communications that lead to
connecting one country to different parts of the world.
Then came their specializations in hunting, fishing,
cooking, tool making shelter and clothes making to
With the discoveries and inventions of the different
mode of transportation, advances in skills and Helps realize that risk is something to live with
technology and even the invention of money, Teaching you to realize that
ENTREPRENEURSHIP has been a way of life of many risks are natural, making you know how
nations and in the Philippines as well. It has brought to adjust, live and manage risks that will
about both positive and negative effects of our way of come your way.
living and will stay as an opportunity for young minds
like you. Develops critical thinking
Learning entrepreneurship
exposes students to numerous
opportunities to learn how to think
Entrepreneurship is the process of creating something critically and analyze the pieces on the
new of value by devoting the necessary time and effort, board. Being aware of all the important
by accepting and acknowledging the necessary financial, factors and seeing how they affect each
psychological, and social risks and finally receiving the other is the foundation of a smart
resulting rewards be it monetary and personal decision-making process.
satisfaction and freedom to do what you want.
Gives benefits able to society
This is also a process of creating something new and The benefits of entrepreneurship
assuming the risk and reward studies go beyond being purely
What is an Entrepreneur? personal, alongside with the
advancements of technology, create jobs
An individual who actively form or lead their own thus are beneficial to society.
business and nurture them for growth and prosperity
Makes you able to make a difference
A person who creates and manages change by the
Entrepreneurship bring about
recognition of opportunities (needs, wants, opportunities,
unique mindset that is, find problems
problem and challenges) and develops peoples and
that need to be solved, invent a solution
manages resources to take advantage of the resources to
for them, and, ultimately, make the
take the opportunity and creates a venture.
world a better place.
Importance of Entrepreneurship
A preparedness for real life
Nurtures personal growth and development The subject teaches and
The study of entrepreneurship develops opportunities to innovate,
will benefit you in a way that it can collaborate and demonstrate proficiency
create opportunities while instilling in real life situations.
confidence as it helps develop unique
skills and the ability to think outside the

Gives relevance
Learning entrepreneurial skills
will be relevant in starting your own
business or in any field and would also
help develop desirable attributes for MODULE 3: BENEFITS & DRAWBACKS OF
being an employee. ENTREPRENEURSHIP
It taps into unrealized talents The Benefits of Entrepreneurship
The very concept of the subject
is to help you students to identify your Opportunity to reap extra ordinary profits
strengths and talents and work on Greater achievement and
improving them. motivation are brought about by good
profit earned. Better performance is
indicated too for easier way of achieving Long hours and hard work
success To meet what is expected,
entrepreneurs should be workaholic and
Societal responsibility and recognition undergo tremendous pressure. Some
Business owner especially of may even make big sacrifice to the
small business are mostly admired, extent of depriving themselves of a
respected and trusted individuals of the personal life.
society and they help contribute Low quality of life until the business gets
employment, and business opportunity established
in a particular area or locality An entrepreneur can’t rest on
his success and earnings until the
Opportunity to engage in work of their choice business has stabilized and fully
Through working for ling hours established.
and engaging in very industrious work,
small business owners tend to engage in High level of stress
business that gives them personal Though it can be a very
satisfaction. rewarding experience, starting a
business can be very stressful.
Choosing who to work with
With having your business, you Complete responsibility
are able to choose who your markets or Entrepreneurs should be good decision
clients would be, who the employee to makers most especially in the times of
hire and partnerships to pursue. tremendous pressure that may arise with
the business.
Leadership Experience
Leadership traits are honed, Discouragement
such as self-discipline, communication Certain emotions of discouragement and
skills, optimism, patience and disillusion are common during running a
unrelenting work. business.

Greater Self-Confidence
Seeing what they are truly
capable of, entrepreneurs become more
confident and self sufficient as time
goes on.
Drawbacks of Entrepreneurship
Uncertainty of Income
The start of every business
provides no guarantee that an
entrepreneur will earn enough money
and survive, hence engaging in the
wrong business and not able to gain an
advantage in the short run can be
disastrous in the long run.

Risk of losing your entire investment

Entrepreneurs must be prepared
to face the consequences of a failure, for
it may be successful initially but may
face difficulty in the coming years.

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