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On the 28th of February 2023, I had the privilege of attending a court hearing at the

State Court of Singapore, located at State Court Towers, Court 11D. The case being heard

pertained to the Misuse of Drugs Act (Cap 185, Rev Ed 2008) & others, Criminal - For

Mention (Plead Guilty), involving charges of Cannabis and methamphetamine usage. Public

Prosecutor v XYZ (HC/CC 12/2023) and charge number DAC-900581-2023. The accused

was represented by lawyers from the Law Society Pro Bono Services, and the trial was

presided over by District Judge Paul Chan in the High Court. Throughout the hearing, it was

evident that the accused individual was provided with adequate support in the form of a

translator and an audio device to aid in their comprehension of the proceedings as they

unfolded. District Judge Paul Chan demonstrated an impartial approach in his handling of

the case and was vigilant in ensuring that both sides' lawyers were treated with parity.

Notably, he intervened and corrected them when necessary, maintaining a fair and equitable

environment in the courtroom.

The legal proceedings in Singapore court were conducted in a manner that piqued

my interest. The lawyers presented a substantial amount of documentary evidence, and the

questioning and cross-examination of witnesses was carried out in a distinct format that was

enlightening for me. I also noticed that the witness examinations were conducted with

precise attention to the time frame, with witnesses being required to respond to specific

questions regarding incidents that occurred during particular months and years. The

rigorousness of the witness examination, including cross-examination and re-examination,

was especially noteworthy, preceding the eventual closure of the case.

I left the court with the impression that the court system in Singapore is fair and just

in its manner of allowing all evidence to be presented for a fair judgment. As the judge

pronounced the verdict of guilt for drug possession, the defendant visibly exhibited signs of

emotional distress. He appeared agitated, with his eyes scanning the courtroom nervously,

and struggled to suppress his emotions. His body language was indicative of a high level of

anxiety, as he hunched forward with his shoulders tense, and his hands trembling while
gripping the table in front of him. It was evident that the gravity of the situation had dawned

on him, and he was cognizant of the consequences that lay ahead. Despite his efforts to

appear composed, his demeanour betrayed an overwhelming sense of apprehension and

fear regarding the outcome of the case.

Furthermore, it is important to note that a Gag Order was issued during the hearing I

attended. The nature of the crime and the parties involved necessitated this measure to

prevent their identity from being disclosed. This crucial step was taken to safeguard the

privacy and safety of the witnesses and victims associated with the case. During one of the

breaks, the Registrar approached me as she had noticed me taking down notes. She had

initially assumed that I was a journalist or from a news agency. I clarified that I was present

solely for academic purposes, which prompted her to highlight the importance of the Gag

Order in maintaining confidentiality and protecting the individuals involved in the case. This

experience was a valuable learning point for me, emphasizing the significance of such legal

provisions in ensuring justice is served while also upholding the privacy and safety of those

affected by the proceedings.

In conclusion, my visit to the State Court of Singapore was an enlightening and

educational experience. The proceedings demonstrated the meticulous and thorough nature

of the Singaporean legal system. The presentation of material evidence and the examination

of witnesses was remarkable and highlighted the importance of a comprehensive and

objective approach to justice. However, it was also a sobering experience, as it highlighted

the gravity of the consequences of a court case's outcome. It was a stark reminder of the

need for fairness and impartiality in the court system. Overall, this experience provided me

with a newfound appreciation for the intricacies of the legal system and its importance in

upholding justice for all.

As an observer in the court, it was also quite intimidating to witness a criminal trial

first-hand. The realization that the decision made in that room would determine whether

someone is found guilty and would spend their life behind bars or not, made the atmosphere
quite tense. At times, the proceedings were also emotionally charged, with witnesses

recounting their experiences and the accused defending themselves vigorously. The stakes

were high, and it was evident that the lawyers and judge took their roles very seriously.

However, it was reassuring to see that the court system was methodical and impartial

in its handling of the case. Every piece of evidence was considered, and each witness was

examined thoroughly to ensure that justice was served fairly. In conclusion, attending a court

hearing at the Supreme Court of Singapore was an unforgettable experience. Witnessing

how the court proceedings were executed and observing the professionalism and impartiality

of the lawyers and the judge gave me confidence in the Singaporean justice system.

Although the atmosphere in the court was tense and intimidating, I was glad to have been

present to witness the fair administration of justice in action.

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