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Международный научно-исследовательский журнал ▪ № 4 (118) ▪ Часть 3 ▪ Апрель

Научная статья
Шмелева Ж.Н.1, Капсаргина С.А.2, *
ORCID: 0000-0002-7346-3896;
ORCID: 0000-0003-2102-4776;
1, 2
Красноярский государственный аграрный университет, Красноярск, Россия
* Корреспондирующий автор (kpsv[at]
В статье проанализированы принципы формирования профессионально-значимых качеств будущих менеджеров
по персоналу. На современном этапе развития общества любому работодателю для нормального функционирования и
развития его предприятия необходимы профессионалы, умеющие быстро адаптироваться к окружающей среде,
добывать необходимые знания и применять их на практике, поэтому проблеме компетентности уделяется все больше
внимания. Компетентность формируется в процессе обучения и деятельности; и только при наличии
профессионально-значимых качеств, знаний и умений работник сможет добиться успехов в профессиональной
деятельности. Растет востребованность в специалистах, которые обладают развитыми управленческими качествами,
свойственными менеджерам, умеющими творчески использовать в своей профессиональной деятельности знания,
полученные в вузе.
Ключевые слова: менеджеры по персоналу, университет, компетентность, профессионально значимые качества,
Research article
Shmeleva Zh.N.1, Kapsargina S.A.2, *
ORCID: 0000-0002-7346-3896;
ORCID: 0000-0003-2102-4776;
1, 2
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
* Corresponding author (kpsv[at]
The article analyzes the principles of formation of professionally significant qualities of future personnel managers. At
present stage of society development, any employer needs professionals who are able to adapt quickly to the environment,
extract the necessary knowledge and apply it in practice for normal functioning and development, therefore, more attention is
being paid to the problem of competence. Competence is formed in the process of training and activity; it requires constant
monitoring and adjustment; it can and should be managed; and only then an employee with professionally significant qualities,
knowledge and skills will be able to achieve a lot in professional activity. There is a growing demand for specialists who have
developed managerial qualities characteristic of managers who are able to use creatively the knowledge gained at the
university in their professional activities.
Keywords: personnel managers, university, competence, professionally significant quality, stages.
Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university has been training future personnel managers in the training direction 38.03.03 for
more than 20 years and has gained a lot of experience to provide the graduates with a wide range of competences: universal,
general professional and professional. The Curriculum of this training direction is peculiar as it includes the English language
learning for all period of studying. Moreover, 25% of disciplines in the Curriculum are taught by practitioners: mangers that
are the leaders in the state and private companies. The role of HR managers is becoming more and more important and allows
future graduates to acquire the ability to communicate with a large number of people; to increase the level of intellectual
development as the recruiter must solve multifaceted tasks, complex issues related to personnel reshuffle; provides the
opportunity to improve the personality, learn new skills, gain new knowledge. This job may seem simple at first glance. In fact,
a specialist should both understand legal issues and know the office work. Moreover, he must be a good psychologist in order
to understand within a short period of time what this or that candidate is. The most important goal of higher education is to
train competent, creative-minded, competitive workers and specialists who are able to adapt to changing economic conditions,
respond promptly to labor market requirements, navigate information flows, and are ready for further continuous professional
self-development and self-realization. The training of such a specialist is associated with the formation and development of his
professionally significant qualities, which are the main factor of successful professional activity [1], [7].
The purpose of the article is to analyze the principles of the professionally significant qualities formation in future
personnel managers.
The tasks are as follows: to consider the concept of professionally significant qualities; to define their structure; to reveal
the stages in the professional qualities formation; to determine the factors that facilitate this process.
To solve the above-mentioned tasks, the following methods were used: the analysis of theoretical and practical
fundamental works of domestic and foreign researchers, analysis, generalization, induction, deduction, practical experiment,
direct and indirect observation, questioning, testing.
Международный научно-исследовательский журнал ▪ № 4 (118) ▪ Часть 3 ▪ Апрель

The authors believe that professionally significant qualities of future personnel managers should be considered as a system
of personal qualities, professional abilities, attitudes, ways and types of thinking that are a factor of efficiency and success in
various types of activity. The structure of professionally significant properties of future personnel managers includes the
following elements: properties that are connected with relationships, individual-personal properties, special abilities, social-
personal abilities. Each element is differentiated by general and excess properties. General abilities meet the requirements for
the professional suitability. Excess abilities meet the modern requirements of the competitive and constantly changing labor
market. If we talk about properties that are connected with relationships and divide them into these two groups, then we see
that the general are situational professional motivation, knowledge of professional ethical principles; stable civic position and
excess are dominant professional motivation, professional values, stable civic identity and behavior. In the individual-personal
properties the general are emotional balance, discipline, objectivity and honesty and excess are represented by flexibility of
thinking, professional mobility, ability to self-education, self-development. Special abilities in terms of this division are as
follows: the general are analytical, synthetic and predictive abilities and excess are critical, project and lean thinking. Social-
personal abilities: the general include sociability, ability to resolve conflicts and excess include the ability for team building
[2], [3], [4].
Work practice shows that young people choosing a profession often do not know its main characteristics, the requirements
that it imposes on the individual psychological qualities of a future specialist, real life prospects associated with this
profession. An unreasonable choice can further lead to unwillingness to work in this specialty: the process of professional self-
determination becomes long, protracted, which negatively affects the development of personality. If we take into account that
many schoolchildren have to start vocational training in vocational education institutions after the end of the 9th grade, the
question of what ideas they start learning a profession with and how these ideas change during training is especially relevant.
Different professions require different professionally significant qualities, and the degree of their awareness has a
noticeable impact on the choice of tasks, on the progress of activities, on self-confidence, etc.
Any profession requires a certain pace of performance, the ability to switch from one type of task to another, etc., that is, it
is characterized by certain requirements for the psycho-physiological characteristics of a person. Along with professionally
significant qualities, the model of professional and personal potential includes: psycho-physiological properties; professional
orientation (value-motivational sphere); professional competence (the ability to implement professional knowledge and skills
in socio-professional conditions). Considering professionally significant qualities, it is necessary to talk about individual
typological features of the personality, which include: perception features: sensitivity, emotional reactivity; features of
attention: concentration of attention, stability of attention, speed of psychophysical reactions, presence of connection of
attention with memory and intelligence; psychomotor: precision of movements, activity; memory features: the speed of
memorization, the strength of preservation of the learned material, the speed of reproduction, the speed of recognition of the
previously studied material; features of thinking: professional thinking (theoretical, practical, reproductive, productive, visual-
figurative, visual-effective, verbal-logical, analytical-logical, intuitive); speech: sociability; emotional: empathy, emotional
intelligence; qualities connected with will: purposefulness, concentration, exactingness, confidence, independence,
perseverance, conscientiousness, diligence, determination, responsibility, efficiency, diligence, practicality, self-criticism,
emotional stability, morality, discipline [5], [6], [10].
Therefore, there is a need to create organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of a competitive
personality of a new generation, its socio-professional culture and professional orientation, as well as the reorientation of the
educational process to new living conditions and educational needs of the individual, society and the state. To achieve this
goal, it is important to form professional competence, which includes, along with theoretical knowledge and practical skills,
professionally significant personal qualities, as well as her ability and willingness to implement them in practice. Professional
competence is an integrated professional and personal characteristic of a specialist, expressing his willingness and ability to
perform professional functions.
The process of forming professionally significant qualities of future personnel managers includes the following stages:
goal-setting, methodology choice, professional qualities content definition, organization, assessment and analyzing the results.
The first stage includes the formation of professionally significant qualities in the structure of professional competence.
Professional competence is an integrated professional and personal characteristic of a specialist, expressing his willingness and
ability to perform professional functions. In the structure of professional competence, a number of competencies are
distinguished: general (universal, key, supra-professional) and subject-specialized (professional). When choosing methodology
we select various approaches: systemic, environmental, contextual, competence, activity-based, learner-centered, project-
oriented and principles: consistency, continuity, integration professional, humanitarian and fundamental education, learning
activities, involving social, personal and professional contexts, formal unity, non-formal and informal education. The third
stage includes the analysis of the structural components of professionally significant qualities. The organizational stage
represents the mechanisms for managing the content of education, human resources, and the educational process. At this stage
the practitioners are attracted to the teaching process; English is taught with the professional and practical orientation; the
educational process becomes multi-faceted as various digital and educational technologies are used (flipped classroom,
blended learning, case-study, digitalization of HR process is described) [8], [9]. The assessment stage is a description of the
criterion-evaluation apparatus of the study. Criteria and indicators are correlated with the components of professionally
significant qualities and their content: axiological (professional motivation, professional values, civic position), individual-
personal (emotional balance, discipline, objectivity and honesty, flexibility of thinking, professional mobility, ability to self-
education, self-development), professional and personal (analytical abilities, synthetic abilities, predictive abilities, critical
thinking, project thinking, lean thinking), social and personal (sociability, ability to resolve conflicts, customer orientation,
team building) criteria. At this stage the levels of emotional intelligence, tolerance and empathy are evaluated with the help of
special tests [1]. The results analysis stage describes the final outcomes of the professional qualities formation in the structure
of graduates’ professional competence.

Международный научно-исследовательский журнал ▪ № 4 (118) ▪ Часть 3 ▪ Апрель

In conclusion it should be noted that these principles of professionally significant qualities proved to be effective as the
graduate in this training direction are successfully employed, are able to defend their diploma projects in English and are
competitive on the labor market not only in Russia but also abroad.

Конфликт интересов Conflict of Interest

Не указан. None declared.

Список литературы / References

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