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Juhász Martin 13.

1. Introducing yourself, your family and describing your best friend

My name is XY. I'm ___ years old and I live in _____ with my parents and my brother.
My family isn't big. When we are together we always have fun. I love Christmas,
because the family is always together that time.

A normal day of a family with children is the following: everybody gets up in the
morning, has breakfast and gets ready to work or school. In the afternoon after
school or work the parents help with their children's homework. After that they talk,
watch TV and have dinner. Then they take a bath, brush their teeth and go to sleep.

I have 2 uncles, an aunt, a grandmother, a grandfather and 6 cousins. Everybody lives

in _____. I often meet my grandmother, because we live in the same street. I meet
my other relatives on holidays.

The advantages of having a big family are that they get a lot of benefit and they
support each other for example. The disadvantages are that there are more cost and
the housing can be difficult.

I'm going to have 1, maybe 2 children and I would like to get married at the age of 25,
but the first is marriage, because I'm a Christian.

My best friend's name is XY. She lives in _____. What is more, we live in the same
street. I think I've known her for 13 years. When we met the first time we were at the
kindergarten. She has long, blondish brown hair and she's tall. I like her humour and I
can trust her.

But the most important for me is Jesus Christ. He's the Son of God and he died for us
on the cross.

I think a good boss is strict, but fair, determined and chaste.

A good actor is who can reflect the emotions and whose acting is authentic. My
favourite actors are Jim Carrey, Matthew McConaughey and Adam Driver. They are
very talented.

In my opinion the good looks and the personality are important too.
2. Housework

I often help at home: I sweep, take the trash out, do the vacuum-cleaning and water
the plants. My brother and I usually clean our own rooms and I sometimes help my
mom in the kitchen. If something breaks down, my dad fixes it. We have 2 dogs, a
rabbit and an African white hedgehog. The rabbit and the hedgehog live in separate
cages. My mum or I clean those twice a week.

The chores that are usually done by teenagers are tidying their room, vacuum-
cleaning and dusting the furniture, but young people often don't help at home,
because of the technology or because of the lots of homework they have to do.

Men usually do the gardening, they plant trees, tinker or fix something. Women cook,
bake, wash up the dishes, clean the house etc.

The jobs that should be done every day are the following: taking the trash out,
sweeping, cooking, tidying up, feeding your animals and washing the dishes. And the
chores that should be done every week is tidying the house for example.

There are some household machines, for example vacuum cleaner, washing machine,
dish-washer etc.
3. Family occasions, birthdays, namedays, Christmas, Easter and public holidays

We celebrate birthdays, namedays, Christmas, Easter and New Year's Eve in my family.

I usually don't do anything on my birthday. I always stay at home with my family. When I
attended primary school I had 2 birthday parties. If I had a party, I would invite my
friends and my family would be there of course. We would eat, chat and just chill. I
would cook or I'd buy food, I would send invitations and I would decorate our house and
my room before the event. At a party I would serve cakes, popcorn and soft drink.

I don't often ask for a gift, but I would like to get food or something useful.

The greatest family festival is Christmas in my family. Then we celebrate the birth of
Jesus Christ. We always decorate our Christmas tree, watch TV, eat, talk, read the Bible
and give away the gifts to each other.

Last year I got _____. We gave my mum _____ and we gave my dad _____.

The traditional Christmas meals are clear soup, meat, potato, stuffed cabbage and cakes.

Last year we put blue ornaments and blue-green lights on the Christmas tree.

We also celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are Christians. We
usually stay at home, eat and give some chocolate and candy to each other. Two years
ago we went to a wellness weekend. It was in Siófok and that outing was very good.

On New Year's Eve I always stay at home. My brother goes somewhere with his friends.
My parents and I eat, talk, watch TV and calm down our dogs, because they fear of the

There are some public holidays in Hungary. There are 2 important revolutions: the first
one was on 15th March, 1848. The other was on 23rd October, 1956. The third holiday is
on 20th August. On that day we celebrate our first king, Stephen.

Our wider family usually meet at Christmas. We always organize a family lunch on 25th
or 26th December.
4. Clothing and fashion

I'm wearing a middy blouse, a blazer, a black skirt, stockings and beige shoes now.

Scruffy jeans, scruffy clothes and black leather jacket are very fashionable and
popular for young people. I like wearing comfortable clothes, for example a baggy
pullover with leggings. I don't like high-heeled, because I can't walk in them and they
are uncomfortable.

When it's hot in summer I usually wear shorts, sandals and a T-shirt or a croptop. I
don't wear sunglasses, because without my glasses I can't see far away. But I want to
buy diopter sunglasses.

When it's snowy in winter I usually wear stockings, furry clothes, a warm coat and

When it's rainy and windy in autumn or in spring I usually wear temporary clothes, for
example a thinner coat or a jacket and maybe a skirt with stockings.

When it starts raining I take an umbrella, but I often forget to take it into my bag.

I usually like wearing fancy dresses, if it's comfortable and I love elegant clothes too.

I wear a dress or a dungarees at a wedding and I'd wear jeans and a T-shirt with shoes
at the disco, but I don't go to disco, so I don't know what I should wear.

I love jeans, I often wear them. At school I like wearing clothes like this. I love fashion,
but the most important thing for me is comfort. I always try to stay unique.

In PE lessons we wear a white T-shirt, black or dark trousers and trainers.

I would like to wear a uniform at school every day. I don't know why, it can be boring
after a while, but I would like it. It would be elegant and it would show that you
belong somewhere.
5. Shopping

The most comfortable way of shopping is if you go to a big supermarket. You can buy
everything, not just food, but electronic devices, books, magazines, cosmetics, plants,
bicycles etc. There are wider choices of products. It's self-service which means you
choose the product you will buy. You don't have to hurry, you can study all the
products. However the supermarkets have disadvantages. They can be crowded,
especially at the weekends and it's hard to find a shop assistant. There can be a lack
of different products.

Women like going to the market place, because you can get fresh fruit and vegetables
there, also home-made products, like cheese or sausages. You can talk to the sales
men-or women and bargain over prices. They can be cheaper than supermarkets.
There's a wider choice of vegetables and fruits.

If you go to a big supermarket, you just take a shopping cart or a basket. You walk
from shelf to shelf and collect the things you need into the basket. When you have all
the necessary things in your basket, you go to the cashier and pay in cash or by credit

In a small shop there aren't too many people. You may know the shop assistant who
is friendlier than in a supermarket. Shops are usually cleaner than supermarkets, but
they tend to be more expensive and there isn't a wide choice of goods.

The biggest supermarket near my town is Penny Market. We usually go to this

supermarket once or twice a month. My mom sometimes goes to the market on

Online shopping can be unsafe, but there are some advantages. You can save time
and efforts, this is more comfortable, there are lower prices and good discounts and
we can compare various models/brands. But the online payments aren't much
secured. The rate of cyber crimes has been increasing, so customers have to be
careful in revealing their personal information. And quality of products are not
assured many times and there are problems with refund policy on many sites.

I live in _____ and there is a post office. We can pay checks or mail letters. Many
people buy instant lottery tickets here. And also we can send a letter or a parcel. If
you want to send a letter, you have to write some things on the envelope. For
example the sender and the addressee and you have to put a stamp on it.
6. The place you live in

I live in _____. This is a small village and ca. 110 years old. I am happy to live here.
The neighborhood is quiet and there aren't so many crimes. This village has about
3000 inhabitants. There are a few bus stops, supermarkets, candy stores and pubs.

My room is medium-sized and it's furnished. There is a bed, a wall unit, a dressing
table, a desk with a swivel chair. There are a few pictures on the wall. The main
colour in my room is blue. I think we have some old furniture. In the past few years
there were a lot of innovations: we have painted the walls and renovated some parts.

I think it's better to live in a house, because it's more comfortable, quieter, the
neighbours aren't very close to you, you have more space, you have a garden, you
can keep pets, grow vegetables and fruits. The disadvantages are the following: you
have to do the gardening, you usually have to commute to school or work as it isn't in
the centre and you have to do more housework. The advantages of flats are the
following: it's usually close to lots of facilities (shops, schools, bus stops etc.), you
don't have to do much housework and you don't have to do the gardening. The
disadvantages are that the neighbours are very close to you, you can't keep pets, you
can't grow plants, you don't have much space and maybe you have to share your
room with someone else.

I have good neighbours and luckily they are quiet and friendly. A good neighbour isn't
noisy and tries to cultivate a good relationship.

In the future I would like to live in a house with central heating. I think it's more
comfortable, than a fireplace. Moreover, you have to collect wood for example.
7. Living in the city or in the country

I come from Hungary. I live in _____. This is in the North of Hungary. There are about
3000 inhabitants who live there. This is a good neighborhood.

Maybe I'd prefer to live in a town, because it's more exciting for me. The advantages
of living in a town are the following: it is usually close to lots of facilities, there is
bustle, there are more entertainment options and there are more jobs. The
disadvantages of living in a town are that this is noisy and there are more criminals
and crimes. The advantages of living in the country are that the neighborhood is
quiet, there is more beautiful landscape, there isn't so much environmental pollution
and I think it's friendlier. The disadvantages are that it isn't close to lots of facilities
and entertainment options and it can be boring.

In a town I can find more entertaining facilities. For example I can go to the cinema or
go shopping. There are more shops, cafés, candy stores and pubs.

I'm going to have 1 or 2 children, but I don't know yet where to bring up they. Maybe
in a town. I really don't know.

I think the public transport is better in towns and in the beehives.

8. Seasons and weather

In Hungary in spring the weather is usually changeable. It can be quite warm and
sunny, or cold and rainy and windy. Summer is hot, sultry and dry. Sometimes there
are storms and even hail. People don't like autumn very much, because it is usually
cold and rainy with strong winds. In winter the weather is cold, the temperature is
usually below zero and it often snows. The mornings are foggy and frosty. Hungary's
climate is continental.

I like all seasons, but my favourite is winter, because of the snow and Christmas. I
love rainy, stormy, gloomy weather, because I think it's so lovely. There are many
rainy days, even in winter.

People like summer, because you don't have to get dressed well and generally the
weather is good, not to mention that young people don't have to go to school. We
can go on holiday and swimming.

People usually listen to weather forecasts on radio or television. With the extensive
use of computers and satellites weather forecasts have become more and more

The weather in Britain is very changeable and unpredictable even from one day to
the next. England's climate is temperate.

If I lived in England I would wear temporary and warm clothes with an umbrella or a
rain coat.

The hottest month of the year is July and the coldest is January in Hungary. Autumn is
the rainiest season of the year. The days are getting colder and colder and leaves are
falling down from the trees, so this is the most colorful season.

An Indian summer is usually dry and warm and it's usually in September.

The least popular season for me is spring, because usually the weather is cold in the
mornings and it's warm in the afternoons.
9. School, studies, favourite subjects

I study at the _____High School. I go to school by bus. It takes 10 minutes to get there.
The school is 50 years old. There are a few hundred students there and 37 students in my

In my school there are a lot of classrooms, 2 laboratories, a library, a canteen, dressing-

rooms, toilets, a gym and a court.

The school usually starts at 8 a.m., sometimes 7:15. We have 11 subjects: grammar,
literature, maths, history, English, German, P.E., history of art, ethics, physics and
biology. I chose 2 extra courses: IT and history. My favourite subject is literature, because
I'm good at it and I don't like science objects. I'm also good at grammar and history.

I learn English because people who want to go to university must have a language exam.
We have 5 English lessons a week. In lessons we do a lot of exercises and prepare for the
final exam.

The advantages of speaking more than one foreign language are that you have sense of
achievement, you can communicate with other people while you are travelling, you can
enjoy books, films and lyrics of songs etc. So learning foreign languages is really

The most popular languages are English, German, Spanish and French maybe.

There are some jobs in which it's essential to know foreign languages, for example
politicians, diplomatists and tourist guides.

There are some languages schools, where I can improve my English knowledge and also I
can listen to English music, read or chat with foreign people.

English language is very popular, because I think it's beautiful and easier, than German
for example.

I think I met an English speaking person, but I don't remember the situation.

There are some differences between secondary and primary schools. The Hungarian
elementary schools have eight classes and the pupils have to take a Common Entrance
exam to get to higher education.

We have 182 school-days in a school year. There are some breaks during the school year:
summer, spring, autumn and winter. And there are some events, for example the prom,
the farewell ceremony, the school year opening and closing ceremony.
10. Daily routine

On weekdays I usually get up at 6:55, because school starts at 8. a.m., but on

Wednesdays and Fridays I have to get up at 6:30, because the school starts at 7:15.
Before I start school I brush my teeth, get dressed and comb my hair. I never have
breakfast. Most often I haven't got appetite because of the stress, but my mum
prepares food, usually a sandwich or fruit salad.

I go to school by bus, it takes 10 minutes to get there. I have 8 classes on Monday,

Tuesday and Friday, 6 or 7 on Wednesday and 6 on Thursday. I always have lunch at
home, because I don't eat in the canteen.

I usually eat, relax and study after school. In the evenings I usually pray, read, talk
with my family and take a shower. I usually spend 2 hours learning, but it changes.

I usually go to bed at 11 p.m. or sometimes at midnight. I usually need 9 or 10 hours

of sleep.

There are some differences and similarities in my daily programme on weekdays and
at weekends. I usually get up late at weekends. We don't have to go to school and we
have more free time, but then I usually study too.

I always stay at home on Saturdays and Sundays. I don't like going to clubs or house
parties. I spend my whole weekend with my family. If I can't do anything at home, I
often go for a run. I live in _____ and there is nice landscape, where I can go.

My daily routine is going to change during my summer holiday. For example I don't
get up early, I don't study, there is more free time and I can read more.

I'm going to work this summer too, but not in the whole holiday.
11. Meals and eating habits

There are 3 main meals in Hungary: breakfast, lunch and dinner. The main meal is the
lunch. It's substantial and it has 3 courses: the soup, the main course and the dessert.

Breakfast is very important. We eat cold food for breakfast in Hungary: some
sandwiches with tea, milk or coffee. I never have breakfast because of the stress. My
mom cooks in my family, she makes lunch too. I really like meat, potatoes and pasta.

If you want to be healthy you have to forget fat, alcohol and spicy meals. You should
eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and drink lots of water. It's important that you shouldn't
eat after 6 p.m., because it's very unhealthy for your stomach.

The Hungarian cuisine has a good reputation abroad. Goulash, stuffed cabbage,
pancakes, paprika chicken with sour cream, noodles with cabbage are world-famous
dishes for example. Hungarian specialities are prepared with paprika.

I like to drink soft drinks after a meal. My favourite is Pepsi.

I usually don't eat out. If there is a family occasion, for example farewell ceremony,
we go to a restaurant.

I like fast food restaurants, because it doesn't take too much time to wait for a dish.
You can have a meal in 10 minutes and you are not obliged to give a tip to the waiter.
But this kind of restaurant is crowded, noisy and it's not easy to find a free table.

We always pay in cash and we usually give a tip in a traditional restaurant. That
means 5 or 10% of the whole price.

In self-service restaurants you can take the food and fill the drink and then you pay
for it. I think that's a great idea, but it can be crowded and expensive. You can also
ask your meal for take away.

I lay the table as I sometimes do for over the dining table and I put out the dinner
plates first, then the soup plates. The knife and spoon go on the right-hand side, the
napkin and the fork on the left. I put the side plates, glasses and dessert spoons in
front of the plates.
12. Free time activities, hobbies

People can do many things today if they have free time. When children finish school,
they go home, have lunch and do the homework first. Later they go out and meet
their friends. In the evenings they like playing computer games, chatting with their
friends and watching films. But many teenagers don't like sitting in front of the
computer for hours. They can do sports or go to the gym. Only few teenagers like
reading, collecting stamps, drawing or playing a musical instrument.

At the weekend teenagers go to parties, go to the cinema or go on trips. They rarely

go to the theatre or museum, but they sometimes go bowling, play pool or go

I don't listen to music so often. I like rap, pop, rock and classical music too, so I'm
an ,,omnivorous".

I usually stay at home, because I don't like going out and parties.

When the whole family is together, we always have fun. We talk, watch a film or a
series, play board games etc. We often go to the cinema or the theatre.

I don't go to concerts. I don't remember the last one, which I went to.

Our class went to Aquincum, which is a museum in Budapest and we are going to go
to the Museum of Fine Arts.

I like romantic films and thrillers. I don't like horrors, because of my belief and also
I'm afraid of these. I prefer true stories and dramas too. My favourite actors are Jim
Carrey and Matthew McConaughey. They are very talented.

If I can't do anything at my place, I often go for a run. I live in _____ and there is nice
landscape, where I can go.
13. Sports, living a healthy way of life

If you want to be fit, you have to do sports and eat healthy. You mustn't smoke and
drink alcohol or coffee. You have to eat more fruits and vegetables, than sweets. You
must drink more water and you have to get enough sleep. That means 8 or 9 hours,
but it changes by age.
I do sports 3 times a week, because of the P.E. lessons. We usually play volleyball. I
don't go to fitness clubs, but there are some machines, that you can use. There are
some advantages of fitness clubs, for example you are among people and you can
train with your friends who can motivate you. But it can be expensive and crowded,
not to mention the smells.
I don't live the healthiest way of life, but I think if we don't eat too much of
everything, it can not be wrong.
My mom buys and prepares food in my family. She buys food at the market, at the
local convenience store or in the nearby supermarket.
I don't want to be vegetarian or vegan and I don't agree with those people who live in
this way. Vegetarians don't eat meat and fish, although vegans don't eat food of
animal origin and they don't use products which are tested on animals for example.
The forementioned foods are important to the human body.
If I wanted to lose weight, I would drink more water and greentea and I'd do a lot of
exercise. If I wanted to give up smoking, I would search another act of compensation
and I'd ask my family for help.
Children learn about healthy way of life in kindergarten, at school or in their family.
I love fast food restaurants, because the food is delicious and they prepare food
faster, than in traditional restaurants, but it's unhealthy. They often use a lot of fat,
but the food is cheaper.
There are some water sports, for example water polo, swimming, diving, surfing,
high-board diving etc. There are some winter sports: skiing, snowboarding, ice
hockey, ski jumping etc. There are some ball games: badminton, baseball, basketball,
football, volleyball, netball etc.
The most popular sports in Hungary are football and water polo. The Hungarians are
good at water polo and swimming. Hungary's climate is good for water polo and
I think outdoor sports are healthier, because you are in the fresh air.
I prefer individual sports, because I love to be alone and there is less pressure that my
teammates might put on me.
There are some major sport events in the world, for example the Football
Championship and the Olympics. I usually watch these events.
To sum up, sport is good for us, because it's healthy, you have sense of achievement,
fun and it keeps you fit.
14. Transport

Vehicles include buses, bicycles, ships, subways, trams, cars, trains and airplanes.

I always go to school by bus. I haven't got a driving licence yet. I think the most
comfortable vehicle is the car, because it's door to door, you can travel when you
want and you can take as many bags as you want. The airplanes are comfortable too.
The quickest way of travelling is by airplane. An airplane can be quicker, than the
sonic speed. The cheapest vehicle is the bicycle I think, because it's cheaper to
produce and it doesn't need any fuel. People say that airplanes are the safest
vehicles, because these are technically the best.

In big towns there are bad public roads and public lighting. I would spend money to
make them right. There is noise. I should force people to use buses after 7 p.m. There
is air pollution, a lot of litter and homeless people, accidents, crimes and criminals.
There are traffic jams.

In a big town I prefer travelling by car.

People get angry and impatient when they get stuck in a traffic jam. The most
common causes of accidents are fast driving, people often use their phones while
driving or they fall asleep.
15. Holidays

People often travel on business, for pleasure, for relaxation or even for education or
for their health. I love it too, but I can't afford to travel as much as I'd like to. I usually
go for a trip/journey at least once a year in summer with my family.

In a package tour you travel with others and you pay a single, all-inclusive price that
covers everything such as meals, accommodation, guides etc.

I'm going to work this summer. I haven't got any plans yet.

Previously my family and I went to Lake Balaton every summer and I loved these
journeys, so I would love to, if we could go.

I usually go to bed late and I get up late too during holidays.

Lake Balaton is visited by many tourists, because this is the biggest lake of Middle-
Europe. I love it too. It's a good opportunity for those people who would like to swim
or go on excursions around the lake. And also we can rent a paddle boat.

There are some advantages and disadvantages, if you stay in a camping site. First of
all, you can save a bit more money and you are in the fresh air, close to the nature.
But setting up a tent can be complicated if you haven't learnt to do it before, the tent
can be uncomfortable to sleep in and it will obviously get damaged. And the whole
situation can be difficult because of the shower and toilet.

I would like to go to England to see many famous sights and to practise the English
language. I would like to visit the Big Ben, the Buckingham Palace and the London
Tower. I would travel to England by plane.
16. Technology

Life in the 21st century is very much different from life 100 years ago. Nearly
everything that we do is connected to technology. Even children have mobile phones
and use computers.

Mobile phones are getting more and more popular, because they have a lot of
different functions and they can make life easier. Mobile phones are much more
useful than telephones, because if we have a mobile, we can use it wherever we are,
not just at home. It's also important that we are always available if we have a mobile
phone. For example, if someone from our family or friends needs our help, he or she
can call or text us and it doesn't even take a lot of time or money. However, it isn't
always polite to use our phones, for example in the cinema or theatre or when we
are talking to someone. And also these appliances can be addictive and dangerous.
For example people often use their phones while driving, which causes a lot of

I have a mobile phone and I often use it. I text my friends, surf the Net or watch
YouTube videos.

Many people like using emails, because they are fast and cheap. You just open a
browser, log in to your email account, type your letter and press the send button.
However, if you want to send on ordinary letter, you have to put it into an envelope,
write the addressee on it and take it to the post office and you also have to pay for it.
I only use my e-mail, when I have to send an exercise to my teacher or when I order
something from the Internet. However e-mail is really popular nowadays. I think it's
usually used for sending formal letters, because if we only want to chat with our
friends, we use Facebook or Skype, where we can also make video calls.

Young people like surfing on the Internet, because they use a lot of social networking
sites, they can talk with their friends and there are a lot of videos on YouTube. Young
people often watch youtubers, who make entertaining or educational videos. I watch
youtubers too. But there are some disadvantages of it. There are a lot of dangerous
people on the Internet and also viruses. Or if you use a social networking site and you
talk with somebody, you can't be sure if the other person is telling the truth about
their life. I prefer surfing on the Net, but I always try to use it carefully.
Environmental protection

The main environmental problems are air pollution, water pollution, global warming,
litter in the streets, deforestation and there are some species that are in danger.

People cause most pollution because they use lots of cars, they throw lots of litter
away and factories also pollute the air.

To make this world a better place you should select rubbish and separate plastic,
paper, glass and metal because they can be recycled. You should make compost and
eat leftovers. You can save water if you take a shower instead of having a bath, if you
don't do the washing up or brush your teeth in running water. You should use
environmental-friendly products in your household. You can save electricity if you
switch off the lights when you don't need them or use energy saving bulbs. You can
reduce air pollution if you use public transport instead of cars.

Factories should use renewable energy sources and use filters.

People shouldn't cut down trees or if they do, they should plant new ones. They cut
down trees because they need wood for furniture or heating and they need space for
new buildings. However, animals lose their habitats. People need trees because they
produce oxygen that we can't live without.

People who throw litter away are uneducated and don't care about their
environment. There should be more rubbish/selective bins in the streets and people
should care more about the environment.

We select paper and plastic at home and we take it to a selective rubbish bin. (We
make compost so we don't throw a lot of trash away.)

If you buy environmental-friendly products, you don't pollute the environment and
help to make this world a better place.

I usually drink bottled water because tap water isn't safe or clean to drink. Therefore
we throw away a lot of plastic bottles which isn't really good.

If people don't cut trees down, animals don't lose their habitats.

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