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The Forgotten Memory

Heavy breathing/ sounds of dried leaves that were trampled on / and painful fresh scars can be seen all over her. She was
trying to escape from her obsessed boyfriend / after he tried to lock her up in a huge mansion in the middle of nowhere /
and that is why she was running as if this is where her life depends on it. She was running and running / until she realized
that no one was following her / she stopped and fell to the ground which there were full of dry leaves / that makes a sound
as she fell on them. She laid back on the ground / and saw a little part of the sky that is painted in orange / indicating that
is nearly evening / she took a deep breath before releasing it and closed her eyes feeling her surrounding / savoring the
moment where she is now out of the cage she was on. Hearing the birds chirping and the cold fresh air that was touching
her skin / made her feel calm and free / she hoped that she could stay at that moment forever. Her peaceful time was
interrupted as she heard a muffled voice not so far from her / the fear of being inside that mansion while being physically
beaten by her boyfriend came back to her system. In reflexes / she stood up and ran again with nowhere to go / but all she
had in her mind is to escape those traumatic situations she had gone through.

As the night gets deeper and the moon shined brighter / she was still running not minding her surroundings and the cold
wind of the night that sent a shiver to her spines / as long as she would not go back to that mansion / but little did she
know that she passed by already two big trees that have a mesmerizing appearance /with its golden leaves and smooth
trunks you can tell that there is something not ordinary on those trees. She ran and ran / until she tripped on a rock and fell
/ luckily she had both hands to stop her upper body from landing on the ground / but both of her knees got scraped on the
ground sending her pain as she winced from the stinging pain. She sat on the ground / and that is when she noticed her
surroundings / it is given that it is dark since it is nighttime / but the sky where she is was covered with black and red like
it was raining soon / the trees around her were all dead trees unlike what she saw earlier / and the atmosphere of the place
was really heavy / that she should breathe heavily and she is still catching her breath from running. She decided to get
back to where she came from / as she found the place where she is as creepy and unusual.

Walking in the middle of the dead trees makes her shiver in fear and coldness / overthinking what will happen to her if she
stayed too long in that place. She was walking while wincing / experiencing the pain from the fresh wound on her both
knees / every walk for her feels like torture / as she was running the half-day trying to escape /and she was currently
feeling a little dizzy since she did not eat food since yesterday. She was walking back to where she came from / and saw
not far from her two big trees with a mesmerizing and unusual appearance. These are the only trees that are alive / unlike
their surrounding trees but they had leaves that are new to her eyes. She hurriedly approaches the tree so that she could see
it / but as she is near to the tree suddenly she hide behind the dead big tree that is near to her / when she saw some
shadows passing by and going in the same direction as her. Her heart suddenly beats fast of the taught that it was the
people of her boyfriend finding her and she will be caught right now. But when she took a peek at where those two
shadows are headed / she was stunned at what she saw / the shadow that she saw earlier belongs to the two people
guarding the trees / and both of them had a fire on their hands and lit up the two golden cauldrons that are beside of the

She feels confused and starts to breathe heavily because of too much fear of what place she had gotten to. As she walks
back / she bumped into a hard surface but to her surprise / she know that it was a person / a man to be specific because of
its shadow that was caused by the moon / and based on the shadow he was taller than her. “So you are the trespasser,” said
by a man in a deep voice that send a shiver to her spine / as that voice is very familiar to her. Tears started rolling down
her face / while her mind said she was done for as he found her / it was like the end of the world to her / after all those
efforts just to escape from his grasp / yet she ended up being captured. She did not notice her body was already shaking
from fear / until her eyesight suddenly gets blurry and she felt dizzy / which cause her to lose consciousness and fall.
Luckily / the man catches her before she falls to the ground / but he was stunned as he saw the women’s face / tears
suddenly rolled down his face because of too much happiness. “Phoebe,” he said as he carried her in bridal style / he
chanted some unfamiliar words / and suddenly a black hole appeared before them / and without hesitating / he entered the
black hole that leads them to the entrance of a big dark castle that was surrounded by dead trees / and above the castle is
the dark sky with some lightning to it. Some people may have not entered this place because of its creepy appearance and
dark atmosphere.
As he entered the castle / all the people who he passed by were too stand to speak and some also cried in happiness / as
they saw who is the woman their king was carrying. The man ignored the people around her with a goal in mind to put the
woman inside a room for her to rest. After he put the woman on the bed / he gaze at her face and saw the scars on her
body; he sighted at what he saw and got out of the room. Not a little longer the woman woke up in an unfamiliar place /
the room was covered in cream white color / the bed she was in was too soft and comfortable to sleep on / and there were
some gold accessories and things inside the room / but even how bright the place was / she noticed on the terrace window
that the outside was all covered in darkness. First / she was confused about where she is / but memories came rushing to
her mind before she lost consciousness / all the fear she felt a while ago came back to her / and she started to panic that
the man who brought her to this place is the man he hoped is not who she think he is. She started to find a way out of the
room but not through the door / cause she heard some voices outside of it / she got out of the terrace to escape / but her
heart nearly jump out of her chest as she saw how high is the room from where she was. “Where are you going?” she
heard a familiar deep voice of a man that makes her heart beat faster and makes her face pale. Suddenly she cannot think
of anything and a force was pulling her to go back inside the room / she tried to fight back but none of her efforts was

She was now sitting on the bed with the familiar face of the man facing her / as she saw his face all her anger and fear
mixed up “Could you please set me free? I am tired, really tired. Is this what you call love? If this is the definition of love
for you then I don’t want it” she said as she started to cry. The man in front of her was shocked at what he saw / he was
clueless about what she was saying, “Stop crying please it hurts me to see you cry and I would never hurt you” the man
said as he also started to cry / as he feels the pain of the women / he tried to approach her to wipe her tears / but the
women flinched in his action. He felt pain / sadness / and loneliness from the women’s action toward him, “I’m just happy
to see you again, Phoebe” the man said as tears rolled down his face. The woman was confused about what she heard; she
looked up and saw the man crying / she was confused because her boyfriend would never cry in front of her / and one
thing he calls her on another girl's name which is not her name. “What did you say? I’m not Phoebe, I’m Irish, wait / you
are not Ash?” she asked in confusion / the man nodded in agreement that he is not Ash / that’s when she remembered all
the unusual happening she saw when she entered this unusual place. “Who are you? Why is there a fire on those people’s
hands? And how can you control the air a while ago? Wait! Are you monsters? “she asked in fear / and run off again on
the terrace to escape. The man followed her “Let me explain please / we are not what you think we are / just get inside the
room / and let’s talk it out / it is dangerous here” the girl did not listen to him / all she thought was to escape from this
place / especially from the man in front of her. The man gets closer to her / but she is walking back in exchange “Stay
there or I will jump here” she said to warn the man / even though she felt fear because of the height where she is / and her
eyes were wandering to find a safer escape route. “Please Phoebe let me explain everything” the man continued to say
while walking towards her “I said I’m not Phoebe-“ she did not finish her sentence when she leaned on the rock on the
terrace that collapsed in an instant.

She felt the cold air while she was falling / all she could hear was the fast rushing of air / and her heartbeat getting loud
every second. All her memories came back to her / when suddenly a flash of light came out of her body / and she was
inside a bubble of light that stopped her from falling / then suddenly an unfamiliar memory came rushing to her as her
appearance changed / starting from her black short hair that changed into a long straight ash hair / eyes that were hazel
turned into silver / all her scars and the wound was healed in an instant / and her torn dirty dress was now changed into a
silky white dress like the clothes worn by the goddesses. When she opened her eyes / a blast of white light suddenly burst
throughout the whole place / then suddenly the trees were brought back from the dead / the skies now are clear and
sunny / and there were little human creatures called fairies surrounding the women.

When she landed on the ground that was now made out of grass / she smiled at what she saw and said “I’m back” / then
suddenly a familiar warmth hugged her behind / it was the man earlier. She started crying because of the different
emotions she felt at that moment. “I’m sorry / I-i took long enough to come back Achlys / and I’m sorry I did not
recognize you earlier,” she said as she faced the one she loved. “I was afraid of what you did / I taught I lost you forever
but the creator was good and merciful / he brought you back to me / you are now back my queen,” he said and kissed her.
She felt the familiar feeling of butterflies in her stomach / and her heart was beating fast at what her husband did. “I’m
sorry I had to sacrifice myself / I did that to save you all / in return / I should have lost my life but luckily / I only had lost
all of my memories / more importantly / I’m back now and will never leave by your side anymore,” she said and wiped
the tears of her husband and smiled sweetly. They smiled at each other as the sun sets / to start a brand new day
tomorrow / with their lives living together up until their time has stopped. The end.

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