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When the idea came up, we were dead set against the idea of using animals for
2. if you've been on a plane provided by this airline, when you ask for a blanket,
they'll usually respond in kind
3.That musical performance really came to life when the lights started to turn on at
the back of the stage
4.he called and asked me to borrow the traditional cake recipe of this bakery; not
on your life
5. he really put his life at risk by smoking while he and his teammates tried for a
new project
6. She was worried sick with anxiety when her daughter attended the final for the
first time in her life
7. she wasn't feeling well this morning with cough and fever so she called in sick
and got reply by the manager
8. She said that she only decorates the outside of her door for effect and to impress
the neighbors
9. new regional government regulations come into effect only from the beginning
of next month
10.Spending two weeks in a summer camp abroad is truly an experience which is a
far cry from any other in Vietnam
11. By incorporating regular exercise into your routine, you can feel the benefits of
strength training and improve your overall health and well-being.
12. As a loyal soldier for the government, I must act on his orders and follow
through with the mission.
13. If you want to maintain a positive relationship with him, you should treat him
with a bit more respect.
14. It's not uncommon to be taken ill with food poisoning after eating contaminated
or undercooked food.
15. I hope you don't take it amiss, but I think it's important to address this issue.
16. To kick yourself when you miss an opportunity can be a painful reminder of
what could have been.
17. Sometimes in life, you have to face difficult situations and have to grin and bear
18. Hey, keep your hair on! There's no need to get angry over such a small mistake.
19. It's important to stay calm and not let your emotions get the best of you, instead
of flying off the handle.
20. When you're feeling stressed or frustrated, it can be helpful to let off steam by
engaging in physical activity or relaxation techniques.
21. Although it may not be the most mature approach, sometimes people need to be
given a taste of their own medicine to understand how their actions affect others.
22. The proposed changes to the policy have caused many citizens to be up in arms
and demand immediate action.
23. When someone offers you a gift, it's best to graciously accept it and not look a
gift horse in the mouth.
24. There's no use crying over spilt milk, so it's better to learn from your mistakes
and move forward.
25. If you're passionate about a cause and want to make a difference, one way is to
become a political activist.
26. Many people derive great pleasure from spending time with loved ones,
pursuing hobbies, or exploring new places.
27. It's important not to overreact in difficult situations and to take a moment to
assess the best course of action.
28. It's always interesting to watch a story unfold, whether it's in a book, movie, or
real life
29. When it comes to health, prevention is always better than cure, so it's important
to prioritize healthy habits.
30. If a company is found to be negligent in their safety protocols, they may face
serious consequences and legal action.
31. After months of hard work and planning, it was exciting to see our project
finally come to fruition.
32. The proposed changes to the education system have been met with widespread
disapproval from teachers and parents alike.
33. Neglectful behavior towards pets can result in serious harm to the animals and
may even lead to legal consequences.
34. Switching to energy-efficient light bulbs can result in significant savings over
time, despite their initially negligible cost.
35. It's important to reflect on regretful decisions and learn from them in order to
avoid repeating the same mistakes.
36. The team's poor performance in the final game was regrettable, especially
considering the hard work they had put in all season.
37. If you're feeling discontent with your current situation, it may be helpful to take
steps towards making positive changes.
38. The topic of euthanasia is a complex ethical issue that often elicits strong
emotional responses and differing opinions.
39. Receiving a diagnosis of a terminal disease can be devastating, but it's
important to seek support and care during this difficult time.
40. From a moral point of view, it is important to consider the impact of our actions
on others and society as a whole.
41. Coping with the reality of an incurable disease can be a difficult process, but
seeking support can help ease the burden.
42. It can be overwhelming to handle such a difficult and complex issue, but
seeking professional guidance can provide valuable support.

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