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Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning

(Deemed to be University)
Vidyagiri, Prasanthi Nilayam

Second Semester Examinations, May 2022

Additional English: Literature and Life-II

Duration : 3 Hours 25/05/2022 Max. Marks : 100
Note: 1. Answer Sections A, B & C in the answer book provided.
2. Time allotted for Section-A is 20 minutes; hand over Section-A of the Question Paper back to the
Invigilator, after answering it in the first twenty minutes.
3. Comply with the instructions given in the Main Answer Book carefully.

(20 Marks)
IA) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow in a sentence or two,:
(5x2=10 Marks)
Insect behaviour generally appears to be explicable in terms of unconscious stimulus-response
mechanisms; when scrutinized, it often reveals a stereotyped, inflexible quality. A classic example is the
behaviour of the female sphex wasp. In a typical case, the mother leaves her egg sealed in a burrow
alongside a paralyzed grasshopper, which her larva can eat when it hatches. Before she deposits the
grasshopper in the burrow, she leaves it at the entrance and goes inside to inspect the burrow. If the
inspection reveals no problems, she drags the grasshopper inside by its antennae. Scientific experiments
have uncovered an inability on the wasp's part to change its behaviour when experiencing disruptions of
this routine.

Charles Darwin discovered that if the grasshopper's antennae are removed, the wasp will not drag it into
the burrow, even though the legs or ovipositor could serve the same function as the antennae. Later Jean-
Henri Fabre found more evidence of the wasp's dependence on predetermined routine. While a wasp was
performing her inspection of a burrow, he moved the grasshopper a few centimetres away from the
burrow's mouth. The wasp brought the grasshopper back to the edge of the burrow, then began a whole
new inspection. When Fabre took this opportunity to move the food again, the wasp repeated her routine.
Fabre performed his disruptive manoeuvre forty times, and the wasp's response never changed.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

2. Explain the ‘inflexible insect behaviour’ with an example from the passage.

3. Which word in the passage serves the same function for the wasp as the grasshopper’s antennae. Does the
wasp use it in its operation?

4. How does Jean-Henri Fabre strengthen the insect behaviour theory?

5. Pick a word each from the passage that is antonymous to the following words:
a) incomprehensible,
b) quiet.

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B) State whether the following sentences from the prescribed texts are ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’
(5x1=5 Marks)

6. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born to a successful family with strong communist ties.

7. Slant rhyme is also called rhyme royal.

8. Sarojini Naidu was the first woman to become the Governor of Andhra Pradesh state.

9. Dante ‘s Divine Comedy was translated into English by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

10. J. C. Hill’s “Good Manners” is an extract from his famous book An Introduction to Democracy.

IC) Match the words in Column A with those in Column B: (5x1=5 Marks)

‘A’ ‘B’

11. Winston Churchill A) Thinker

12. John Keats B) “prince of paradox”

13. Mazie Hall C) “The Broken Wings”

14. G.K. Chesterton D) Boer War

15. Dr. Radhakrishnan E) Hellenism

F) Adam Adverb

G) Punch

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Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning

(Deemed to be University)
Vidyagiri, Prasanthi Nilayam

Second Semester Examinations, May 2022

Additional English: Literature and Life-II

Duration : 3 Hours 25/05/2022 Max. Marks : 100


(40 Marks)
II. Annotate ANY THREE of the following in about 150 words each. (3x5=15 Marks)

1. “The wiser man shapes into God‘s plan

As water shapes into a vessel.”

2. “What care I for the world‘s desire and pride,

Who know the silver wings that gleam and glide,
The homing pigeons of Thine eventide?”

3. “And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -

And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -.”

4. “It takes two to speak the truth-one to speak, and

another to hear.”

III. Answer ANY ONE of the following questions in about 150 words. (1x5=5 Marks)

5. Discuss Churchill’s observations on Painting as illustrated in “Painting as a Pastime”.

6. ‘To appreciate anything we must always isolate it’. Justify the statement with reference to the essay, ‘The
Advantages of Having One Leg’

IV. Answer ANY ONE of the following questions in about 150 words. (1x5=5 Marks)

7. With Hill’s views in mind, bring out the significance of good manners in life.

8. Attempt a thematic analysis of the poem ‘A Psalm of Life’.

V. Answer ANY ONE of the following questions in about 350 words. (1x15=15 Marks)

9. Justify the title of the essay “The Town Week” by E. V. Lucas.

10. Recount Dr. Radhakrishnan’s views on Humanities and Religion as enunciated in his “Science,
Humanities and Religion.”

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(40 Marks)
VI. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 250 words. (2x10=20 Marks)

11. Discuss in detail the basic tenets of Christianity from the play, The Bishop’s Candlesticks.

12. Describe how things take a turn for a naïve couple who capitalizes on the concept of EMI in The Never-
Never Nest.

13. Bring out the moral of the play The Dear Departed?

14. Trace the supernatural element in the play The Monkey’s Paw.

VII. Do as directed: (5x2=10 Marks)

15. Abstract (Supply the Meaning and use it in a sentence of your own)

16. Emanate (Supply the Meaning and use it in a sentence of your own)

17. Gallivant (Supply one Antonym and Synonym each)

18. Seize (Supply the Noun form and use it in a sentence of your own)

19. Trifle (Supply the Meaning and use it in a sentence of your own)

VIII. Provide the meaning of ANY ONE of the following proverbs and expand it into a paragraph.
(1x10=10 Marks)
20. A soft answer turns away wrath.

21. An archer is known by his aim, not by his arrows.


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