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No Vocabulary pengucpan mining and using

1 abruptly

2 Sesuai dengan/menurut. Contoh: the mechanics n

do the job accordance with the check list.
3 accumulator
4 acknowledged
5 actuator
6 adequete
7 adjacent
8 Aircraft Flight Manual: Panduan Penerbangan n
9 aft
10 aft
11 aft
12 terhadap; ex:Try to score against this goal prp
13 aggregation
14 aileron
15 alignment
16 AoB
17 approach
18 approx
19 approx
20 approx
21 approximately
Aquaplaning atau hydroplaning adalah peristiwa
pemantulan pesawat terbang ke atas dari
/ˈäkwəˌplān, permukaan landasan karena pesawat mendarat
22 aqualaning ˈakwəˌplān/ pada landasan yang becek atau basah dan
menyebabkan sistem pengereman pesawat tidak
bekerja sempurna.
evasion, avoidance, aversion
23 avoidance of cure is still prevention and avoidance
... menyembuhkan masih pencegahan dan
24 battery bus
25 bisects
26 bite
27 bowden
28 buckle
29 osilasi tidak teratur dari bagian pesawat akibat
30 bulkhead
31 cantilever
32 capable
33 compartment
mengimbangi/offset, compensate,
counterbalance; expl: Lack of depth can
34 compensate compensate for the projection step.Kurangnya
kedalaman dapat mengimbangi langkah
35 comprises
36 considerably
37 corrective
38 counteract
39 counteract
40 cowling
41 crossunder
42 damper
43 de-aeration
44 debris
considered, regarded, deemed, thought,
45 perceived, counts, supposedly, deems; expl: was
well within the range the government deems
acceptable= adalah baik dalam jangkauan
pemerintah dianggap diterima.
46 deflection
47 deflection
48 described
49 desired
50 determining
different, differ, distinct, differently, unlike, vary
51 differ Modes of employment will differ from person to
mode kerja akan berbeda dari orang ke orang.
52 dorsal
53 downwards
54 draw
exempli gratia;misalnya/contoh. Contohnya: IAF
55 e.g have many kind of Aircraft. E.g F-16, SU-30 and
many more.
56 ensure
57 equiped
58 errorneous
59 especially
60 excessive
61 eyebolts

62 pembakaran; burning, combustion, arson, ...kept

in check but capable of flaring up under specific
63 fore
64 Asap, smoke, fumes, smoked, smog. Fumes
are also produced while welding.
65 further
66 governor
67 ignore
dekat, terdekat, sekitarnya, berdekatan
68 imminent Ada juga kafe dan restoran di dekat hotel.
There are also cafes and restaurants nearby.
69 impending
70 inadvertent
71 incipient
72 incipient
73 incorporated
74 initially
75 inner brake
76 innermost
77 intermediate
78 jettison
79 magnitude
80 margin
81 microns
82 minor
83 moderate
84 momentarily bank
85 mounted
86 muhlbauer
87 neutralize
88 occurs
89 onset of light
90 opposite
91 orifice
92 orifice
93 pedestal
94 permitting
95 pitch
96 pivot
97 pneumatic
98 polyurethane
99 precautionary n
100 pre-selected
101 primarily intended
102 progressively
103 prolong
104 promptly
105 ram air intake
106 rapidly
107 refer
108 reservoir
109 retractable
110 reverse
111 rod
112 roving
113 satisfactory
114 sideslip
115 single-trapezoidal
116 slightly
117 slipstream
118 slotted
119 smouldering
120 spar
121 spherical
122 spillage
123 spooling
124 spring
125 spring-loaded up-
126 stare
127 steerable
128 stowed
129 straight
130 strut
131 sump
132 swept
133 symptoms
134 tendency
135 toe brake
136 torque n
137 typically
138 unfavorable
139 valves
140 wingtip
141 worse

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