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Three Wild Cats

Answer the questions 1-10 by referring to the article below. Choose from the list
of wild cats(A-C) for each question. Some of the choices may be required more
than once.

Three Wild Cats

The Leopard

The leopard is a member of the Felidae family with a wide range in some parts of
Africa and tropical Asia, from Siberia, South and West Asia to across most of sub-
Saharan Africa. It is listed as Near Threatened because it is declining in large parts
of its range due to habitat loss and fragmentation, and hunting for trade and pest

Compared to other members of the large cat family, the leopard has relatively
short legs and a long body with a large skull. It is similar in appearance to the
jaguar, but is smaller and more slightly built. Its fur is marked with rosettes
similar to those of the jaguar, but the leopard's rosettes are smaller and more
densely packed, and do not usually have central spots as the jaguars do.

The species' success in the wild is in part due to its opportunistic hunting
behavior, its adaptability to habitats, its ability to run at speeds approaching 58
kilometres per hour (36 mph), its unequaled ability to climb trees even when
carrying a heavy carcass, and its notorious ability for stealth. The leopard
consumes virtually any animal that it can hunt down and catch. Its habitat ranges
from rainforest to desert terrains.

Most leopards avoid people, but humans may occasionally be targeted as prey.
Most healthy leopards prefer wild prey to humans, but injured, sickly, or
struggling cats or those with a shortage of regular prey may resort to hunting
humans and become habituated to it. Although usually slightly smaller than a
human, an adult leopard is much more powerful and easily capable of killing them.

The Lion

With some males exceeding 250 kg in weight, it is the second-largest living cat
after the tiger. Wild lions currently exist in sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia while
other types of lions have disappeared from North Africa and Southwest Asia in
historic times. Until the late Pleistocene, about 10,000 years ago, the lion was the
most widespread large land mammal after humans. They were found in most of
Africa, across Eurasia from western Europe to India, and in the Americas from the
Yukon to Peru.
The lion is a vulnerable species. Lion populations are untenable outside designated
reserves and national parks. Although the cause of the decline is not fully
understood, habitat loss and conflicts with humans are currently the greatest
causes of concern. Within Africa, the West African lion population is particularly

Lions live for 10-14 years in the wild, while in captivity they can live longer than
20 years. They typically inhabit savanna and grassland, although they may take to
the forest. Lions are unusually social compared to other cats. A pride of lions
consists of related females and offspring and a small number of adult males. While
lions do not typically hunt humans, some have been known to do so. Sleeping
mainly during the day, lions are primarily nocturnal.

The lion has been an icon for humanity for thousands of years, appearing in
cultures across Europe, Asia, and Africa. Despite incidents of attacks on humans,
lions have enjoyed a positive depiction in culture as strong but noble. A common
depiction is their representation as "king of the jungle" or "king of beasts"; hence,
the lion has been a popular symbol of royalty and stateliness, as well as a symbol
of bravery.

The Bobcat

The bobcat is a North American wild cat, appearing around 1.8 million years ago.
With 12 recognized subspecies, it ranges from southern Canada to northern
Mexico. The bobcat is an adaptable predator that inhabits wooded areas, as well
as semi-desert, urban edge, forest edges, and swampland environments. It
persists in much of its original range, and populations are healthy.

With a grey to brown coat, whiskered face, and black-tufted ears, the bobcat
resembles the other species of the Lynx genus. It is about twice as large as the
domestic cat. It has distinctive black bars on its forelegs and a black-tipped,
stubby tail, from which it derives its name.

Though the bobcat prefers rabbits and hares, it will hunt anything from insects,
chickens, and small rodents to deer. Prey selection depends on location and
habitat, season, and abundance. Like most cats, the bobcat is territorial and
largely solitary, although with some overlap in home ranges. It uses several
methods to mark its territorial boundaries, including claw marks and deposits of
urine. The bobcat breeds from winter into spring and has a gestation period of
about two months.

Although bobcats have been hunted extensively by humans, both for sport and
fur, their population has proven resilient. The elusive predator features in Native
American mythology and the folklore of European settlers.
Which wild cat ... (A-C):

1. physically marks its territory?

2. cannot live in un-managed wild areas?

3. used to live over a large percentage of the planet?

4. is very good at silent, unseen hunting?

5. is an extremely good climber?

6. is not the stereotypical independent lone creature?

7. has a healthy population?

8. is well regarded in most cultures?

9. can sometimes be seen in city areas?

10. looks very similar to another big cat?

A. leopard

B. lion

C. bobcat
Three South American Leaders
Answer the questions 1-9 by referring to the article below. Choose from the list of
leaders (A-C) for each question. Some of the choices may be required more than

Three South American Leaders

Juan Domingo Per�n

Juan Domingo Per�n was an Argentine military officer and politician. After serving
in several government positions, including those of Minister of Labour and Vice
President of the Republic, he was three times elected as President of Argentina,
serving from June 1946 to September 1955, when he was overthrown by a coup
d'�tat, and from October 1973 to July 1974.

During his first presidential term (1946-1952), Per�n was supported by his
second wife, Eva Duarte ("Evita"), and the two were immensely popular among
many Argentines. Eva died in 1952, and Per�n was elected to a second term,
serving from 1952 until 1955. During the following period of two military
dictatorships, interrupted by one civilian government, the Peronist party was
outlawed and Per�n was exiled. When the left-wing Peronist Hector C�mpora was
elected President in 1973, Per�n returned to Argentina and was soon after elected
President for a third time. His third wife, Mar�a Estela Mart�nez, known as Isabel
Per�n, was elected as Vice President on his ticket and succeeded him as President
upon his death in 1974.

Juan and Evita Per�n are still considered icons by the Peronists. The Per�ns'
followers praised their efforts to eliminate poverty and to dignify labor, while their
detractors considered them demagogues and dictators. The Per�ns gave their
name to the political movement known as Peronism, which in present-day
Argentina is represented mainly by the Justicialist Party.

Salvador Allende

Salvador Allende was a Chilean physician and politician, known as the first Marxist
to become president of a Latin American country through open elections.

Allende's involvement in Chilean political life spanned a period of nearly forty

years. As a member of the Socialist Party, he was a senator, deputy and cabinet
minister. He unsuccessfully ran for the presidency in the 1952, 1958, and 1964
elections. In 1970, he won the presidency in a close three-way race, formally
elected by Congress as no candidate had gained a majority.

As president, Allende adopted a policy of nationalization of industries and

collectivization; due to these and other factors, increasingly strained relations
between him and the legislative and judicial branches of the Chilean government
(who did not share his enthusiasm for socialization of Chile) eventually culminated
in a declaration of a "constitutional breakdown" by the parliament. On 11
September 1973 the military moved to oust Allende in a coup d'�tat. As troops
surrounded La Moneda Palace, Allende gave his last speech vowing not to resign.
He was killed later that day.

Following Allende's deposition, army General Augusto Pinochet declined to return

authority to the civilian government; and Chile became ruled by a military junta
that was in power from 1973 to 1990, ending almost 48 years of Chilean
democratic rule. The military junta that took over became known for persecuting
dissidents extensively.

Sim�n Bol�var

Sim�n Bol�var was a Venezuelan military and political leader. Bol�var played a
key role in Latin America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish
Empire, and is today considered one of the most influential politicians in the
history of the Americas.

Following the triumph over the Spanish monarchy, Bol�var participated in the
foundation of the first union of independent nations in Hispanic-America, a
republic, now known as Gran Colombia, of which he was president from 1819 to
1830. Despite ordering widespread atrocities in his Decree of War to the Death,
Bol�var is regarded as a hero, visionary, revolutionary, and liberator in Hispanic-

During his lifetime, he led Venezuela, Colombia (including Panama at the time),
Ecuador, Peru (together with Don Jos� de San Mart�n), and Bolivia to
independence. Admirers claim that he helped lay the foundations for democracy in
much of Latin America.

On 17 December 1830, at the age of forty-seven, Sim�n Bol�var died after a

painful battle with tuberculosis in Santa Marta, Gran Colombia (now Colombia). On
his deathbed, Bol�var asked his assistant, General Daniel F. O'Leary to burn the
remaining, extensive archive of his writings, letters, and speeches. O'Leary
disobeyed the order and his writings survived, providing historians with a wealth
of information about Bol�var's liberal philosophy and thought, as well as details of
his personal life, such as his long love affair with Manuela S�enz.

Which South American leader ... (A-C):

1. attempted to prevent people reading his thoughts?

2. led a country that doesn't exist any more?

3. was repeatedly leader of his country?

4. had political views that put him in conflict with the country's parliament?

5. failed in repeated attempts to gain power?

6. was forced to leave the country?

7. was killed by unnatural causes?

8. fought against a colonial power?

9. had a very popular wife?

A. Bolivar
B. Peron
C. Allende
Three Magicians
Answer the questions 1-9 by referring to the article below. Choose from the list of
magicians (A-C) for each question. Some of the choices may be required more
than once.

Harry Houdini

He began his magic career in 1891. At the outset, he had little success. He
performed in sideshows, and even doubled as "The Wild Man" at a circus. Houdini
focused initially on traditional card tricks. At one point, he billed himself as the
"King of Cards". But he soon began experimenting with escape acts.

In 1893, while performing with his brother, Dash, at Coney Island as "The
Brothers Houdini", Harry met a fellow performer, Wilhelmina Beatrice "Bess"
Rahner. She and Houdini married in 1894, with Bess replacing Dash in the act,
which became known as "The Houdinis." For the rest of Houdini's performing
career, Bess would work as his stage assistant.

Houdini's big break came in 1899 when he met manager Martin Beck in rural
Woodstock, Illinois. Impressed by Houdini's handcuffs act, Beck advised him to
concentrate on escape acts and booked him on the Orpheum vaudeville circuit.
Within months, he was performing at the top vaudeville houses in the country. In
1900, Beck arranged for Houdini to tour Europe. After some days of unsuccessful
interviews in London, Houdini managed to interest Dundas Slater, then manager
of the Alhambra Theatre. He gave a demonstration of escape from handcuffs at
Scotland Yard, and succeeded in baffling the police so effectively that he was
booked at the Alhambra for six months.

Derren Brown

Derren Brown is a British illusionist, mentalist, trickster, hypnotist, painter, writer,

and sceptic. He is known for his appearances in television specials, stage
productions, and British television series such as Trick of the Mind and Trick or
Treat. Though his performances of mind-reading and other feats of mentalism
may appear to be the result of psychic or paranormal practices, he claims no such
abilities and frequently denounces those who do. Brown states at the beginning of
his Trick of the Mind programmes that he achieves his results using a combination
of "suggestion, psychology, misdirection and showmanship".

Brown was born to Bob and Chris Brown in Purley, Croydon, London, England. He
has a brother, who is nine years his junior. Brown was privately educated at
Whitgift School in South Croydon (where his father coached swimming), and
studied Law and German at the University of Bristol. While there, he attended a
hypnotist show by Martin Taylor, which inspired him to turn to illusion and
hypnosis as a career. Whilst an undergraduate, he started working as a conjuror,
performing the traditional skills of close-up magic in bars and restaurants. In
1992, he started performing stage shows at the University of Bristol under the
stage name Darren V. Brown.

Brown was an Evangelical Christian in his teens, and became an atheist in his
twenties. Brown said he sought to strengthen his belief and provide answers to
common criticisms of religion by reading the Bible and other Christian religious
texts, but upon doing so found none of the answers he sought and came to the
conclusion that his belief had no basis.

Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger was born in New York City. He headlined throughout the Keith-
Orpheum Circuit, and was much in demand for private entertainment. At the age
of seventeen he was invited to perform at the home of Theodore Roosevelt in
Oyster Bay and at the home of the inventor Thomas A. Edison, both of whom were
avid admirers of his mysticism.

Dunninger was a debunker of fraudulent mediums. He claimed to replicate

through trickery all spiritualist phenomena. He wrote the book Inside the
Medium's Cabinet which exposed the tricks of mediumship. He also exposed how
the indian rope trick could be performed by camera trickery.

Dunninger had a standing offer of $10,000 to anyone who could prove that he
used paid assistants for his tricks. He often said he could raise that offer to
$100,000. Through Scientific American magazine and the Universal Council for
Psychic Research, Dunninger made this offer to any medium who could produce by
psychic or supernatural means any physical phenomena that he could not
reproduce by natural means. Dunninger appeared on radio starting in 1943, and
on television frequently in the 1950s and 60s.

Which magician ... (A-C):

1. made it clear he doesn't use real magic?

2. went to have a lot of success abroad?

3. enjoyed showing other performers were dishonest?

4. enjoyed media success late in his career?

5. had ambitions to work in magic after seeing another performer?

6. was initially a failure?

7. abandoned many of his beliefs as he grew up?

8. worked with a family member?

9. was already performing before becoming an adult?

A. Brown
B. Houdini
C. Dunninger
Four Sports
Answer the questions 1-9 by referring to the article below. Choose from the list of
sports(A-D) for each question. Some of the choices may be required more than


Cricket is a sport which is played between two teams of eleven players each who
score runs (points) by running between two sets of three small, wooden posts
called wickets. Each of the wickets is at one end of a rectangle of flattened grass
called the pitch. Around the pitch is a much larger oval of grass called the cricket
ground. The edge of the cricket ground is often marked by a rope. If a player hits
the hard red ball to the rope, he gets four runs. If it gets past the rope without
hitting the ground, he gets six runs which is the most runs you can get with one

The game started in England in the 16th century. The earliest definite reference to
the sport is in a court case of 1598. The court in Guildford heard a coroner, John
Derrick, that when he was a scholar at the "Free School at Guildford", fifty years
earlier, "he and diverse of his fellows did run and play [on the common land] at
cricket and other players". Later, the game spread to countries of the British
Empire in the 19th and 20th centuries.


Baseball is a sport played on a field by two teams against each other. In baseball,
a player on one team throws a small round ball at a player on the other team,
who tries to hit it with a bat. Then the player who hits the ball has to run around
the field. Players score points by running around in a full circle around three
markers on the ground called bases, to back where they started, which is called
home plate. They have to do this without getting caught by the players on the
other team.

Baseball started in the United States in the 1700s and 1800s, but historians are
not sure who invented it. Many people in North America, South America, and East
Asia play baseball, but the sport is most popular in the United States and Japan.
In the U.S., baseball is called the national pastime, because so many people in the
United States used to spend a lot of time playing or watching baseball games.
Today, though, most Americans follow football more than baseball, especially
when it comes time for the Super Bowl.

Badminton is a sport for two or four people. The game is either one player against
one player or a team of two players against another team of two players. Players
use rackets to hit a shuttlecock over a net.

The aim of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net in a way that the other
player or pair cannot hit it back properly before it hits the floor. Every time this is
done, the player or pair gets one point. They also get to serve. The first player or
pair to reach 21 points wins a game. The winner of the match is the first to win 2

Badminton traces its history to a game called George Cajoles, which was played in
Pune, India in the 19th century by the British military officers stationed there. This
game was taken by retired officers back to England where it developed and
quickly grew in popularity.

In 1877, the first set of written rules were arranged by the newly formed Bath
Badminton Club. The All England Open Badminton Championships, the first
badminton competition in the world, was held in 1899. Badminton has been an
Olympic sport since 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona. Although badminton
originated in England, it is mainly played in countries of Asia such as China,
Indonesia and the Republic of Korea that now dominates this sport.


Basketball is a handball game usually played by two teams of five players on the
court. A basketball is a spherical object that rolls and bounces. The objective is to
get the ball through a hoop mounted high on a backboard at back end. It is a very
popular sport worldwide, played with a round and usually orange ball that
bounces. Basketball players mainly use skills such as dribbling, shooting, running,
and jumping.

The game is played between men's teams or between women's teams. Basketball
has been played in the Summer Olympic Games since 1936. The shot clock rule
started in 1954. The first basketball game took place in 1892, where the court was
half the size of what it is today.

In early December 1891, James Naismith, a Canadian physical education teacher

at Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts invented an indoor game
called basketball. He invented the sport to keep his students from becoming bored
during the winter. Naismith wrote the basic rules and then nailed a peach basket
onto a 20-foot tall pole. Unlike modern basketball hoops, the bottom of the peach-
basket was still there, so after a point was scored, somebody had to get the ball
out of the basket with a long stick. Over time, people made a hole at the bottom
of the basket so the ball could go through more easily.
Which sport... (A-D):

1. Involves the lowest number of players?

2. Used to be played on a much smaller area?

3. Originated with people working overseas?

4. Has become less popular in the country that invented it?

5. Has the longest history?

6. Involves players running in circles?

7. Was invented by someone involved in education?

8. Was made easier by destroying something?

9. Is not played with a coloured ball?

A. Cricket
B. Baseball
C. Badminton
D. Basketball
Four Hotel Reviews
Answer the questions 1-8 by referring to the hotel reviews below. Choose from
the list of reviews(A-D) for each question. Some of the choices may be required
more than once.

The Yarborough

Well, where do I start? We booked a long weekend away and I had requested a
quiet room as we're not into the late night revelry. We arrived early and the duty
manager offered to put our bags in storage to allow us the chance to get out and
about without the hindrance of our luggage. We returned at 2 pm to check in
where all was dealt with quickly and efficiently. The duty manager allocated us
room 329 on the 3rd floor.

Wow, what a room, we have stayed in many 5-star hotels and this was on par
with all of them. It was absolutely immaculate. The bedroom was large and
comfortable, the air conditioning was a touch of luxury given the standard of hotel
and there was a quality TV with crystal clear pictures. Iron and ironing board in
the room and even bottled water to compliment the hot drinks selection. We both
enjoyed the lunches and breakfasts that we ate here, very tasty and very
reasonably priced and the service was second to none. Despite the restaurant and
bar being constantly busy, all the staff members had time to smile and chat to
you. I would have preferred a buffet breakfast, but that is a small thing.

The hotel is located adjacent to the railway station and ideally placed for shopping
in the town centre. This is a real hidden gem of a hotel good and at only £49 per
night was excellent value for money. I will definitely return to this hotel for our
next visit to Grimsby in the summer when we are having a big anniversary party.
We will be singing its praises to all of my friends, family and work colleagues.
Thank you to all at the Yarborough.

Humber Royal

My fiancé and I came to stay at The Humber Royal Hotel. After meeting with
Melissa, the owner, we instantly felt comfortable and reassured that our wedding
would be in good hands! Unlike most wedding venues, there was absolutely no
pressuring us into making any decision and every detail that we requested was
listened to. Vanessa dedicated a lot of time and effort into making us feel
comfortable and assured us that no corners would be cut and put together a
beautiful plan together for our special day.

The rooms are to a very high standard, very spacious and excellent value for
money. Our room had an excellent view of the harbour too, which we weren't
expecting. We stayed for an evening meal within the venue, the service was
incredible and the food was absolutely delicious. Excellent value for money! We
can't wait to show off our venue to our family and friends and to spend our
wedding day with the staff at The Humber Royal.

The St. James

Stayed here for Valentine's Day. We eventually found our room through the
labrynth of corridors and thought it was OK. Nothing more, nothing less. Around
7pm, there was very loud music which we soon realised was the live music
performance downstairs. We didn't have to leave the room to experience the
entertainment as could hear every word in the bedroom! We could even hear
people's conversations from the street below! We went down for the meal at 8pm
and that was lovely, I couldn't fault it whatsoever. When we mentioned the loud
music to our waiter, he acted as if he didn't believe us!

We went back to the round around 10pm and the music was louder than ever and
went on for another hour or so. I understand it's for everyone else's benefit that
was still down there but to hear every song as clear as day is just ridiculous! The
bed felt as though it had been there for fifty years, with springs in your back when
you move and very noisy. All in all, the worst night's sleep we've ever had!

Partly we're glad we stayed as we wanted to book our wedding here for next year,
but definitely will not be doing so now! Will not be recommending nor returning!

Healing Manor

This hotel is not quite as dog friendly as we had hoped and as a result should be
more described as a hotel with dog-friendly rooms. Firstly you cannot take your
dog to breakfast, you have to leave them behind in the room, or for no extra
charge you can have room service but there are no table and chairs in the room to
eat your food at.

The rooms were clean and a good size. The shower was amazing, probably the
best shower I have had in years! The bed was a little bouncy for my liking and I
have to say I'm never a fan of a double room that is actually two beds pushed
together - those beds just are not comfortable for two cuddlers!

We received a handwritten note and some macaroons to wish us a Happy New

Year, which was a lovely touch. The grounds of the hotel are stunningly beautiful
and I bet make the perfect setting for a wedding.

On checking out, we noticed a few errors with our bill that we questioned and they
rectified immediately. Just annoying that the errors were there in the first place.

In short, decent value overall but rooms are a bit tired and in need of care and
think their dog policy in the main hotel could do with being reviewed. Why not
offer dog-friendly breakfast in the Pig and Whistle pub, which is undoubtedly the
jewel in your crown?
Which guests ... (A-D):

1. Were made to feel as though they were lying?

2. Double checked how much they were having to pay?

3. Had a surprise when they looked out of the window?

4. Thought the hotel was conveniently located for transport connections?

5. Were impressed with the sales technique of the business?

6. Wanted more choice for what they had at breakfast?

7. Found the layout of the hotel confusing?

8. Are NOT planning a big future family event?

A. The Yarborough's
B. Humber Royal's
C. The St. James'
D. Healing Manor's
Four Letters To Neighbours
Answer the questions 1-9 by referring to the letters written by neighbours below.
Choose from the list of neighbours(A-D) for each question. Some of the choices
may be required more than once.


Hello, it's Darren at number 6. I've noticed three times this week that our parking
space has been taken. I've mentioned this before and you kept to your own space
for a few weeks. Last week, your daughter's red Fiat was in our space for the
whole of Sunday afternoon. I know she visits you every weekend and it's not
always easy to find somewhere to park. But it's equally unfair to cause problems
to us. My mother-in-law came to visit on the same day and she had to park quite
some distance away. I will contact the council if this happens again. One other
thing I wanted to mention, it's just a silly thing but it drives my wife crazy. There's
a small hole in the fence between our two gardens and our Tommy has got
through there into your garden three or four times. Maybe he's been chasing your
cat! I think I'm right in believing that fence is your legal responsibility, so could
you get that hole fixed as soon as possible. I would hate to think what would
happen if Tommy went out of your gate, which is usually open, and got onto the


Hi, my name is Samantha and I live on the floor below you. I wanted to chat to
you this morning, but there was no answer when I knocked on the door. I've only
been here for a couple of weeks, so wouldn't like to cause any problems. It's just
that someone in your place is playing music very loudly. I understand you have a
son who's about sixteen years old: perhaps it's him? The problem is that his room
is directly above my young daughter's bedroom and it means she can't sleep with
so much noise. The other night, the music was being played after midnight and
she was woken up and got very confused and frightened about what was
happening. She's only six years old! We don't expect to live in a library and it's
normal to expect a certain level of noise when there are so many people living
close together. I would just like to request that the volume is kept down a little
and that music is not played too late. I will come round and try to speak to you
face to face about this at the weekend.


Hello, Terry at number 42 again. I'm tired of writing these silly little notes to you.
Yes, it's your cat again! If you don't do something about this problem, I will report
you. If it was up to my wife, this would have already happened! This whole
situation is becoming ridiculous. I am not responsible for telling you about your
sick cat every few weeks. Do something or I can report you for animal cruelty. I
went out into our garden the other night, about midnight, and your poor cat was
on our lawn once again. It looked very ill and it had obviously been sick. Your cat
is not old and you told me last time that it didn't have any known condition, so
why does it keep coming into our garden in such a state? Only two weeks ago, my
young son found your cat in our shed and he ran into the house in tears. Please
take your cat to the vet and get it checked out, it clearly has something wrong
with it and I don't want to see it in our garden anymore.


Hello Mr. Alston, it's Debbie your neighbour. I was told that I should write to you
about this problem, so that I have something in black and white. As I have
mentioned before, your apple tree is starting to cause real problems with the wall
that runs between our two properties. I think it's the roots. That is what an expert
told me. He said the roots were very close to the surface and they were starting to
damage the wall. We paid a lot of money to build that wall less than three years
ago and you will remember, at the time, we told you the tree was going to cause
problems. You told me that if that happened, you would do something about the
tree, perhaps to cut it down. Well, here we are three years later and the wall is
being very much damaged. What are you going to do about it? My husband said if
nothing is done, he will be going to the council to force you to get rid of the tree. I
would prefer it doesn't come to that point and that you will see sense and help us
avoid a bigger issue.

Which neighbour ... (A-D):

1. Hasn't met the neighbour he/she is writing to?

2. Has a spouse who would like to take sterner action?

3. Doesn't make any sort of threat about future action?

4. Is worried about their own pet?

5. Is writing the letter for legal reasons?

6. Writes about how a problem with the neighbour caused a traumatic situation

for a family member?

7. Doesn't live in a house?

8. Talks about how the layout of the properties worsens the problem?

9. Has a problem which affected a visiting family member?

A. Darren
B. Samantha
C. Terry
D. Debbie
Four Properties
Answer the questions 1-9 by referring to the four property descriptions below.
Choose from the list of street names(A-D) for each question. Some of the choices
may be required more than once.

Villiers Terrace

Great things come in small packages! This studio flat would suit a single first-time
buyer or possibly a property investor looking to build up their portfolio. Large
living area with fold-down bed. A modern kitchen has recently been installed and
there's gas central heating available. The bathroom has a power shower. Owning
this great flat also comes with a secure space in the building's underground car
park with 24-hour security. A green paradise can also be found in the form of a
communal garden, including fountain and barbecue area. The building is currently
pet-free. Full ownership available plus options for shared ownership for first-time
buyers in their twenties. Possibility to buy adjoining roof terrace in the future.
Only a short walk from excellent bus and train connections: a commuter's

Baker Street

Large Victorian house with great potential as a large home or, subject to planning
permission, as a conversion into three or four apartments. The house boasts a
new boiler and central heating throughout. Excellent Victorian features throughout
this property, including three large original fireplaces, make this a property to
aspire to. There are three large double bedrooms, each with an en suite. The
twenty-five metre garden allows you to enjoy the outdoor life. The area's three
most popular schools, one junior and two secondary, can all be found within a
five-minute walk of this property. Book your viewing today to avoid

Penny Lane

Your prayers have been answered! Wonderful opportunity to own this former
church, now a spacious three-bedroom house. Elegant windows throughout the
property allows light to flood in. Outside, enjoy the low-maintenance garden with
parking for up to three cars. The house has excellent environmental credentials
with underfloor heating, double glazing and solar panels installed on the roof. This
property will actually save you money! There are natural wood floors throughout
the property and brand new granite worktops in the American-style kitchen.

Yellow Brick Road

Two-bedroom terraced house with a deceptively large interior and a fantastic

south-facing garden that makes this property a bargain. Hurry or miss it! Open
plan living with a vast kitchen-dining room. Excellently located for the shops and
entertainment of the town centre. You will have your own parking space right
outside your front door. Good potential for an attic conversion, once the required
permission has been granted. The house is situated in an excellent residential area
with a large park around the corner and several local shops within a short walk.
Call today and don't miss out!

Which property ... (A-D):

1. Has nothing written about its future potential?

2. Would be suitable for someone wishing to move around town easily?

3. Could easily be transformed into multiple smaller properties?

4. Is likely to be the cheapest to run, considering its size?

5. Could interest someone who likes walking their dog and jogging?

6. Might interest someone with their children's education in mind?

7. Has the most bathrooms?

8. Has nothing mentioned about how comfortable it might be during a cold


9. Wouldn't suit someone with a dog?

A. Villiers Terrace
B. Baker Street
C. Penny Lane
D. Yellow Brick Road

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