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Unlearning Process: Its Effect on Students’

The title Double space
must Mathematical Misconceptions
form an
inverted 2 Double spaces
of not Felimon A. Pimentel Jr.
than 3 2 Double spaces
Chapter 1
Double space
Introduction to the Study

2 Double spaces
Chapter 1 includes; (1) Background and Theoretical

Framework of the Study, (2) Statement of the Problem and

the Hypotheses, (3) Significance of the Study, (4)

Definition of Terms, and (5) Delimitation of the Study.

Part One, Background, presents the rationale for

selecting the present problem and the study’s frame of

reference that strengthens the reason for investigation.

Part Two, Theoretical and Conceptual Framework,

discusses the principles and the ideas on which the study

is anchored, and the various variables surrounding the

problems onto which the problem may have relation with or


Part Three, Statement of the Problem, states the

general and specific objectives of the study, which are to

be addressed in the study.

only the second page and the succeeding pages have 2
the page numbers at the upper right hand corner
Part Four, Significance of the Study, discusses the

benefits each end – users may derive from and how each can

profit from the results.

Part Five, Definition of Terms, defines both

conceptually and operationally the key terms and variables

used in the study.

Part Six, Scope and Delimitation of the Study

specifies the limits as well as boundaries of the research

in terms of variables, participants, instruments and

statistical tools used in the study.

3 spaces
Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study italicized,
3 spaces
Teachers usually describe the class performance of

their students in mathematics as dismal or perhaps way

below the expected performance. Whenever teachers are in

this kind of situation they normally asked themselves, why?

To address this question, they then strategically modify

their approach to adapt to the level of the students’

learning skills. However, most often than not, they would

find themselves regressing towards spoon-feeding type of

teaching. Because even how the teachers tried to tone down

or lower down the subject matter or the strategies to the

students level, yet no significant improvements in their

performance can be evidently observed.


McNeil and Alibali (2005) argued that students'

misconceptions may be caused by their previous learning

experiences. Students' learning difficulties can be

presented in the form of errors. Some errors in procedures

can simply be due to students' carelessness or overloading

working memory (Lemaire, Abdi, & Fayol, 1996).

To ascertain the mathematical misconceptions of the

students and its eventual eradication are the reasons which

prompted the researcher to conduct this research.

The mathematics’ misconceptions are the dependent

variables while the independent variable is the unlearning


Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

3 spaces

Unlearning Mathematics
Process Misconceptions

3 spaces
Figure 1. Mathematics misconception as affected by
unlearning process.

3 spaces italicized,
Statement of the Problem and the Hypotheses center

3 spaces
The study aimed to ascertain the effect of unlearning

process on the mathematical misconception of the students


of Filamer Christian University for the academic year 2011

- 2012.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the


1. What is the level of mathematical misconceptions of

students in the pretest and in the posttest?

2. Is there a significant difference in the level of

mathematical misconceptions of students in the pretest and

in the posttest?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the

rankings of mathematical misconceptions in the pretest and

the posttest?

In view of the aforementioned statement of the

problem, the following were hypothesized: hypotheses must be in the

null form
1. There is no significant difference in the level of

mathematical misconceptions of students in the pretest and

in the posttest.

2. There is no significant relationship between the

rankings of mathematical misconceptions in the pretest and

the posttest.
3 spaces
Significance of the Study italicized,
3 spaces
This study provided new ideas regarding the effect of

unlearning process on the mathematical misconception of


students. The study may be beneficial to the students,

teachers, parents, and administrators. Enumerate the beneficiaries

Students. Students may gain greater awareness of
with a
unlearning task they need to undergo in order to eradicate,
if not, to minimize their mathematical misconception, which

actually hampers their appreciation of mathematical

knowledge and concepts. They may be motivated to unlearn

and eliminate their misconception thereby improving their

creative and critical thinking skills.

italicized Teachers. Teachers may gain enough insights on the

with a
period unlearning process of the students so that they may use it

in classroom setting to enhance the mathematical learning

of the students by making use of it as a strategy in

teaching mathematics, especially in the basic mathematics.

3 spaces center
Definition of Terms
3 spaces
The following are the conceptual and operational

meanings of the terms used in the study.

italicized Mathematical Misconceptions – refers to the intuitive

extrapolations from not fully understood basic concepts.

Once firmly fixed in the student’s mind they are difficult

to eradicate without going back to re-education. (Cockburn

& Littler, 2008). indicate author and date

conceptual definition
enclosed in quotation 6
As used in this study, “mathematical misconceptions”

referred to the number of wrong answers a student obtained

in a 22-item mathematical misconceptions test comprising of

22 common misconceptions in mathematics. operational definition

3 spaces
Delimitation of the Study
3 spaces

The participants of this investigation were the 37

third year BEEd students who were enrolled in GEC 322,

descriptively titled Analytic Geometry and Introduction to

Calculus of the academic year 2011 – 2012 of Filamer

Christian University, College of Teacher Education.

N.B. Delimitation includes

respondents, sampling,
instruments, research design,
variables, statistical tools, level
of significance and other

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