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There is certain number of boxes which are placed in three stacks i.e. stack 1, stack 2 and stack 3 from west
to east respectively. At least two boxes are placed in each stack and only one box on one shelf. Each stack
has seven shelves in such a way that lowermost shelf is numbered as 1 and the shelf immediately above the
lowermost shelf is numbered as 2 and so on. No two boxes are placed in the same stack in same shelf. Also,
some boxes are of different colors. Each of the shelves is of same dimension. Box N is not in the west of V.
Box which is of Purple color is neither placed in stack 3 nor in odd number shelf. The black colored shelf is

six places above or below the shelf of violet color and both are not in same stack. Box T and the box which is
of Violet color are not placed in same stack. Box T is placed in stack 1. Box P is placed below the box, which
is in the east of box V. Box P is exactly west of box which is of Green color. Box V is not placed at the
topmost position. Box N is placed two places above the box which is of Green color and both are placed in
the same stack. Box which is of Black color is above the box which is in the east of Red color. Box S is three
places above or below box P. Box S is placed to the exactly east of box which is of Violet color. Box T is
placed at even number shelf. More than two boxes are placed in the stack 1. Box which is of Red color is
placed three shelves above T in the same stack. Purple color box is placed somewhere above the box, which
is in the east of T. Only two boxes are placed between Purple color box and Yellow color box but purple
color box is placed somewhere above the yellow color box also both the boxes are placed in the same stack.
V is at least three places above or below the yellow colored box. Boxes of purple and red color are not
placed in the same stack.
कुछ संख्या में boxes को पश्चिम से पर् ू व तीन stacks क्रमशः stack 1, stack 2 और stack 3 में रखा जाता
है |प्रत्येक stack में कम से कम दो boxes है और एक shelf पर केर्ल एक box है |प्रत्येक stack में सात shelves
इस तरह है कक सबसे ननिले shelf को 1, सबसे ननिले shelf के तत्काल ऊपर shelf को 2 और इसी तरह
अन्य shelf को भी अंककत गया है |एक stack में एक ही shelf पर दो boxes नहीं रखे गए हैं|साथ ही, कुछ
boxes का रं ग अलग-अलग है |प्रत्येक shelves का आयाम बराबर है | Box N box V के पश्चिम में नहीं है | र्ह
box, श्जसका रं ग Purple है , उसे ना ही stack 3 ना ही एक वर्षम संख्या से अंककत shelf पर रखा गया है |

Black रं ग के box को violet रं ग के box के छह स्थान ऊपर या नीिे रखा गया है पर एक stack में नहीं| Box T
और र्ह box एक stack में नहीं है श्जसका रं ग Violet है | Box T stack 1 में है | Box P उस box के नीिे है जो box
V के पूर्व में है | Box P उस box के ठीक पश्चिम में है जो Green रं ग का है | Box V को शीषवतम स्थान पर नहीं
रखा गया है | Box N उस box से दो स्थान से ऊपर है श्जसका रं ग Green है और दोनों एक ही stack में है | र्ह
box, श्जसका रं ग black है , र्ह उस box के ऊपर है जो Red रं ग के box के पर् ू व में है | Box S box P से तीन
स्थान ऊपर या नीिे है | Box S उस box के ठीक पूर्व में है श्जसका रं ग Violet है | Box T एक सम संख्या से
अंककत shelf पर है | दो से अधिक boxes को stack 1 में रखा गया है | एक ही stack में Red रं ग के box को box
T के तीन shelves ऊपर रखा गया है | Purple box को उस box के कहीं ऊपर रखा गया है जो T के पर् ू व में
है |केर्ल दो boxes को Purple और Yellow box के बीि रखा गया है पर purple रं ग के box को yellow box के
कहीं ऊपर रखा गया है और दोनों boxes एक ही stack में है | V को yellow box से कम से कम तीन स्थान
ऊपर या नीिे रखा गया है | Purple और red रं ग के box को एक stack में नहीं रखा गया है |
There is certain number of boxes which are placed in three stacks i.e. stack 1, stack 2 and stack 3 from west
to east respectively. At least two boxes are placed in each stack and only one box on one shelf. Each stack
has seven shelves in such a way that lowermost shelf is numbered as 1 and the shelf immediately above the
lowermost shelf is numbered as 2 and so on. No two boxes are placed in the same stack in same shelf. Also,
some boxes are of different colors. Each of the shelves is of same dimension. Box N is not in the west of V.
Box which is of Purple color is neither placed in stack 3 nor in odd number shelf. The black colored shelf is

six places above or below the shelf of violet color and both are not in same stack. Box T and the box which is
of Violet color are not placed in same stack. Box T is placed in stack 1. Box P is placed below the box, which
is in the east of box V. Box P is exactly west of box which is of Green color. Box V is not placed at the
topmost position. Box N is placed two places above the box which is of Green color and both are placed in
the same stack. Box which is of Black color is above the box which is in the east of Red color. Box S is three
places above or below box P. Box S is placed to the exactly east of box which is of Violet color. Box T is
placed at even number shelf. More than two boxes are placed in the stack 1. Box which is of Red color is
placed three shelves above T in the same stack. Purple color box is placed somewhere above the box, which
is in the east of T. Only two boxes are placed between Purple color box and Yellow color box but purple
color box is placed somewhere above the yellow color box also both the boxes are placed in the same stack.
V is at least three places above or below the yellow colored box. Boxes of purple and red color are not
placed in the same stack.
Shelf Stack Stack Stack Stack Stack Stack
1 2 3 1 2 3

Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting in a row facing towards the north. Each person earns
different points in a competition among, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 but not in the same order.
Following are the conditions used to determine the points earned by some person.
a.) ‘%’ means that the points earned by that person are the sum of the points earned by both the
immediate neighbors of that person. (For example: if it is given ‘Z%’ means points earned by Z are
the sum of the points earned by the persons sitting on the immediate left and immediate right of Z.

b.) ‘$’ means that the points earned by that person is twice of that the points earned by persons
sitting 2nd to the right of him (For example: If it is given ‘Z$’ means points earned by Z is twice the
points earned by the person who sits 2nd to the right of Z)
c.) ‘@’ means that the points earned by that person is half the number of points earned by the
person who sits to the immediate right of him (For example: If is given ‘Z@’ means points earned
by Z is half of the points earned by person sitting on the immediate right of Z)
U sits second to the left of the one who earned 50 points. The one who earned 50 points is sitting
to the immediate left of the one, who earned the highest points. W is sitting with the one who
earned highest points. Only two persons are sitting between W and V, who is not sitting adjacent
to U. Only one person is sitting between V and Q, who does not earn the highest points. P is sitting
adjacent to R and S. R earns 10 points more than S.
It is also known that: S%, R$ and T@
आठ व्यश्तत P, Q, R, S, T, U, V और W एक पंश्तत में उत्तर की ओर मुख कर बैठे हैं|इनमे से प्रत्येक व्यश्तत एक
प्रनतयोधगता में अलग-अलग अंक प्राप्त करते हैं जो कक 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 और 80 है पर जरुरी नहीं कक
इसी क्रम में हों|
कुछ व्यश्ततयों द्र्ारा द्र्ारा प्राप्त ककए अंकों को ज्ञात करने के ललए ननम्नललखखत शतें हैं:
a.) '%' का अथव यह है कक उस व्यश्तत द्र्ारा अश्जवत अंक उसके तत्काल पड़ोसी द्र्ारा अश्जवत ककए गए अंको का
योग है | उदाहरण के ललए: यदद यह प्रदान ककया गया है कक 'Z%', तो इसका अथव यह है कक Z द्र्ारा अश्जवत अंक Z
के तत्काल दाएँ और तत्काल बाएं स्थान पर बैठे व्यश्तत द्र्ारा अश्जवत ककए गए अंकों के योग के बराबर है|

b.) '$' का अथव यह है कक उस व्यश्तत द्र्ारा अश्जवत अंक उस व्यश्तत के अंक का दोगन

अश्जवत अंक Z के दाएँ से दस ु रे स्थान पर बैठे व्यश्तत द्र्ारा अश्जवत अंक का दोगन
ु ा है |
ु ा है जो उसके दाएँ से दस
स्थान पर बैठा है | उदाहरण के ललए: यदद यह प्रदान ककया गया है कक 'Z$', तो इसका अथव यह है कक Z द्र्ारा

c.) '@' का अथव यह है कक उस व्यश्तत द्र्ारा अश्जवत अंक उस व्यश्तत के अंक का आिा है जो उसके तत्काल दाएँ
ओर बैठा है | उदाहरण के ललए: यदद यह प्रदान ककया गया है कक 'Z@', तो इसका अथव यह है कक Z द्र्ारा अश्जवत
ु रे

अंक Z के तत्काल दाएँ स्थान पर बैठे व्यश्तत द्र्ारा अश्जवत अंक का आिा है |
U उस व्यश्तत के बाएं से दस ु रे स्थान पर बैठा है जो 50 अंक अश्जवत करता है | 50 अंक अश्जवत करने र्ाला व्यश्तत
उस व्यश्तत के तत्काल बाएं ओर बैठा है जो अधिकतम अंक प्राप्त करता है | W उस व्यश्तत के साथ बैठा है जो
अधिकतम अंक प्राप्त करता है | केर्ल दो व्यश्तत W और V के बीि बैठा है और V U के बगल में नहीं बैठा है |केर्ल
एक व्यश्तत V और Q के बीि बैठा है और Q सबसे अधिक अंक अश्जवत नहीं करता है | P, R और S के बगल में बैठा
है | R, S से 10 अंक अधिक अश्जवत करता है | यह भी ज्ञात है कक: S%, R$ और T@
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting in a row facing towards the north. Each person earns
different points in a competition among, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 but not in the same order.
Following are the conditions used to determine the points earned by some person.
a.) ‘%’ means that the points earned by that person are the sum of the points earned by both the
immediate neighbors of that person. (For example: if it is given ‘Z%’ means points earned by Z are
the sum of the points earned by the persons sitting on the immediate left and immediate right of Z.

b.) ‘$’ means that the points earned by that person is twice of that the points earned by persons
sitting 2nd to the right of him (For example: If it is given ‘Z$’ means points earned by Z is twice the
points earned by the person who sits 2nd to the right of Z)
c.) ‘@’ means that the points earned by that person is half the number of points earned by the
person who sits to the immediate right of him (For example: If is given ‘Z@’ means points earned
by Z is half of the points earned by person sitting on the immediate right of Z)
U sits second to the left of the one who earned 50 points. The one who earned 50 points is sitting
to the immediate left of the one, who earned the highest points. W is sitting with the one who
earned highest points. Only two persons are sitting between W and V, who is not sitting adjacent
to U. Only one person is sitting between V and Q, who does not earn the highest points. P is sitting
adjacent to R and S. R earns 10 points more than S.
It is also known that: S%, R$ and T@
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