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Matthew 12:39 and 40

Yeshua HaMeshiach was definitely not crucified on the (“Good”) Friday. Instead, He was crucified on the “Day of Preparation” (for the Passover which was
on the Thursday). The Passover was also kept as and called a Sabbath and particularly referred to as the High Sabbath. Hence, that particular week there
were two Sabbaths – the High Sabbath, which was on the Thursday and the Normal Weekly Sabbath which commences on Friday evening at 18h00 and
lasts until Saturday at 18h00.

The tragedy and lie is that common tradition has it that Yeshua was crucified on the Friday. However, given His own words in Matthew 12:39 and 40, that
the Son of Man would be in the grave for three days and three nights, it is impossible that He would have been crucified on the Friday and resurrected on
the Sunday morning.

Furhtermore, it is tragic and ironical that some of the modern translations perpetuates this lie that Yeshua was crucified on the Friday. In this regard I
provide comparisons in the following tables between seven different translations1 which reveal the erroneous translations to the effect that Yeshua was
crucified on the Friday. I have not looked at many other, even more erroneous translations, and know the deception is ever increasing! But do the study
yourself and you will be shocked what you will find.

Furthermore, there are also some commentators that say that Yeshua was mistaken when referring to Jonah in Matthew 12:39 and 40. No, Yeshua was not
wrong, and what He said is of critical importance. Because if what He mentioned was not true, then He was mislead and all is a lie!

The root of the problem is that the Gentile Christians did not understand and they discarded, ye, even rejected the so-called “Jewish” festivals, which are
not Jewish Festivals, but are YHWH’s festivals, of which the Passover was very important and prominent. [As a side note, the Jews are the descendents of
the Southern Kingdom of the tribes of Judah and Simeon. However, the Feasts were mandated by YHWH long before the split of the combined kingdom of
Israel and Judah – when the twelve tribes where still one nation]. Furthermore, as time went on after the resurrection, from the 2nd centuray onwards, a
major rift developed between the Christians of the Gentile world and the Jews, particularly as the Jews were also complicit in persecuting the Christians
along with heathen Gentiles. This rift also had the effect that the Gentile Christians adopted many of the heathen feasts, in particular Easter, which was
commemorated on a Friday. Similarly, they also adopted the heathen day of worship of the sun, the Sunday, as the Sabbath and so replaced the Biblical
Sabbath that was always on a Saturday with the Sunday. Other divinely ordained feasts, such as the Feast of Succoth (Tabernacles or Booths) and the Feast
of Trumpets were totally done away with, without even being replaced by any other heathen feast.

1ASV: American Standard Version; ESV: English Standard Version; RV: Revised Version; ISV: International Standard Version; KJV: King James Version; GNB: Good News Bible (which is used for
the wording of the Gospel of John which is used as the bases for the film “The Life of Jesus”); GW: God’s Word.
Matthew 27:15. Pilate releases a prisoner on the Day of Preparation, as a Passover Gift to the People. It is remarkable that the GNB and GW
translations mention the Passover Festival, whereas, as will be shown in other verses lower down, they confuse the Passover with the normal weekly
John 18:28. On the Day of Preparation the Jewish Leaders did not want to enter the Praetorium in order not to defile themselves before Passover. All of
the seven translations allude to the Day of Preparation (for the Passover, which commenced on the Wednesday Evening at 18h00).
Joseph of Arimathaea takes down Yeshua’s Body and buries it on the Day of Preparation (Luke 23:54). Here we see that the first five translations refer
to the Day of Preparation (for the Passover). However, the GNB and GW translations say it was a Friday and confuse the High Sabbath (Passover) with
the normal weekly Sabbath.
Luke 23:56.On the Day of Preparation the women prepared spices and ointments. And on the Sabbath (which was the Sabbath of Passover on the
Thursday – the High Sabbath), and not the normal weekly Sabbath. The GW translation only talks about the “day of worship”.
John 19:14. Here it is shown that the first five translations refer to the Preparation; the GNB translation speaks about the day before the
Passover. However, the GW translation replaced “Preparation” with “Friday”.
John 19:31 (Breaking the Bones). Here it is shown that the first 5 translations refer to the Preparation. However, the GNB says it was a Friday, but that
coming Sabbath was especially holy (which is the Passover) – but confused by the mention of the Friday. And although the GW translation mentions
that “the next day was an especially important day of worship” (obviously the Passover), it ironically still says it was a Friday!
John 19:42 (The Burial). In this verse most of the translations, even the GW translation (strangely enough!) speak about the Preparation.
However, the GNB translation does not speak about the Preparation, but says “..the day before the Sabbath..”, which is obviously
confusing, as it gives the impression that it was before the normal weekly Sabbath.
Matthew 28:1. The Empty Tomb. On the First Day of the Week (Sunday) the tomb was already empty. Most of the seven translations refer to the End of
the Sabbath, which was obviously the Normal Weekly Sabbath. The ISV says “After the Sabbaths” (plural). The GW translation says “After the day of

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