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ALCS Gracias – Science Fair – Trifold and Display

What information should go on the trifold display board?

Your display board should contain a brief summary of each area of your investigation. Since your investigation is
complete, you should write everything in the past tense, using correct scientific terms. All measurements should
be in metric units. If people were tested in the investigation, their names and/or photos should not appear
anywhere on the display.
Include the following:
1. Title – should be interesting, informative, and two or more words
2. Background – your research that laid the foundation for the understanding of your project
3. Problem – a statement of the question/problem you have investigated
4. Hypothesis – what you believed the answer to your question/problem to be before you began the
5. Variable – the one factor or condition that was present only in the experimental group – the thing you
varied or changed
6. Procedure – a list of numbered steps of how you performed your investigation, including drawings
and/or photos
7. Results – a statement of the outcome including graphs
8. Conclusion – the conclusion you reached with an explanation of whether or not it supported your
Your hypothesis can even be wrong, and you can still win the science fair. Either way, your conclusions must do
a good job of explaining why your hypothesis was right or wrong and the practical benefits learned.
If you have more than one experiment, you will need to describe the hypothesis, variable, procedure, results,
and conclusion for each one.

How should the information be displayed?

1. All lettering should be neat and readable. Title letters should be at least 3” tall and subtitles (for
Problem, Hypothesis, etc.) should be at least 1” tall.
2. Type all display information in a type size (16-18 pt) that can easily be read 3-5 feet away from the
board. For longer printed sections like Background and Procedure, it may be necessary to mount typed
sheets on top of each other. Staple them at the top so that the first sheet can be lifted to read the
second, etc.
3. Use a ruler to make sure that all items on your board are straight.

What other items can be displayed with the trifold?

1. Display basic equipment and supplies used in the investigation.
2. Do not display chemicals, bacteria and fungi cultures, or other potentially harmful substances.
3. Along with your display board, you should have other printed materials organized and available for
people to view. These include your Journal, Investigation Plan, Problem Selection Worksheet, Getting
Started Checklist, or any other work you would like to display.

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