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Unit 1: Cell and reproduction

Laboratory Practice 3: “Asexual reproduction”

10 March 2023

Professor: MD. in ECh. Miguel Alberto López Sánchez

Fátima Preciado García

Alan Flores Sanchez

Brenda Daniela Olvera Gallegos

Luna Alejandra Cedeno Ceron

Subject: Biology II
Semester: 4th. Group: 45bb
Bicultural Highschool
Lab practice 2. Mitosis
The student will establish the different phases of mitosis and its relationship to asexual

to be able to differentiate the phases of miosis based on tissue growth in the relationship of
asexual reproduction

Previous knowledge

1. What is asexual reproduction?

Is a mode of reproduction in which a new offspring is produced by a single parent.

2. What is the importance of reproduction in living things?

Reproduction is essential for the continuation of a species. It ensures the continuation of similar
kind of individuals, generation after generation.

3. Describe the types of asexual reproduction

Fission - Division of the parent body into two or more daughter individuals identical to the parent.
It is of two types:

(i) Binary fission: In this process, the parent organism divides into two halves, each half forms an
independent daughter organism.

(ii) Multiple fission: Here the parent body divides into many daughter organisms.

2) Budding- Formation of a daughter individual from a small projection, the bud, arising on the
parent body is called budding. It occurs in Hydra, Scypha.

3) Strobilisation- In this process, a series of a ring-like transverse constriction are developed,

organism looks like a pile of minute saucers. The segmented body is called a strobila.

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4) Fragmentation- Here, the parent body breaks into two or more fragments. Each fragment
develops into an organism.

5) Gemmae- These are specialised structures which are green, multicellular, asexual buds, which
develop in a small receptacles called gemma cups located on the thalli. Its is found in liverworts.

6) Regeneration- Formation of the whole body of an organism from a small fragment or the
replacement of the lost part.

7) Spore formation- Spores are propagules which germinate to produce new individuals. There are
several kinds of spores. These are zoospores, sporangiospores, chlamydospores, oidia, conidia.

8) Vegetative reproduction- It is the formation of new plants from vegetative units such as buds,
tubers, rhizomes, etc. These vegetative units are called as vegetative propagules.

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Asexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction in which an individual organism can

produce offspring that are genetically identical to itself without the involvement of gametes or the
fusion of genetic material from two different individuals. In other words, asexual reproduction
involves the replication or splitting of the genetic material of a single parent to produce new

Asexual reproduction is common among many types of organisms, including bacteria,

protists, fungi, and plants. Some animals, such as starfish, can also reproduce asexually.

Asexual reproduction can occur through various mechanisms, including binary fission,
budding, fragmentation, and spore formation. In binary fission, the parent organism divides into
two equal halves, each of which can develop into a new individual. In budding, a new individual
grows out of a bud or outgrowth on the parent organism. In fragmentation, the parent organism
breaks into several pieces, each of which can regenerate into a new individual. In spore formation,
specialized cells called spores are produced by the parent organism, and each spore can develop
into a new individual.

Asexual reproduction has several advantages, including the ability to rapidly produce
offspring and the ability to colonize new habitats without the need for a mate. However, asexual
reproduction can also limit genetic diversity, which can make populations more vulnerable to
environmental changes and disease.

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Material provided by Material provided by

Qty. Materials
the laboratory the student
1 Plastic Pasteur pipette *
1 Dissection needle *
1 Slide *
1 Coverslip *
1 Microscope *
1 Inoculation loop *
Biological material
Tortilla/bread with mold* *
Yeast *
Aloe vera plant with pups *
A piece of sud *
*Wash your hands thoroughly after touching mold samples.

Budding process in yeast
1. Place the sample on a slide and add a drop of water using the inoculation loop.
2. Mix and heat the slide gently using a match to stimulate yeast reproduction. Do not
overheat the slide.
3. Look at the sample under the microscope using the 10x lens.
4. Locate yeasts in budding.
5. Look at the sample under the microscope with the 40x lens for a few minutes.

Spore formation
1. Place a sample of the mold from the tortilla or bread on a slide using the inoculation loop.
2. Observe the sample under the microscope using the 10x and 40x lenses.
3. Draw all the structures you found.

Plant propagation
1. Observe the pups from the aloe vera plant. Draw your observations.
2. Observe the stems from the suds and identify the rhizomes. Draw your observations.

pág. 5

Budding process in yeast

2Mix and heat the slide gently Look at the sample under the
using athe
1Place match to stimulate
sample on a slideyeast
and Look at the sample under the Locate yeasts in budding. microscope with the 40x lens for
add a drop
Do not
of overheat microscope using the 10x lens. a few minutes.
the slide.

Spore formation
1 Place a sample of the mold from the tortilla or bread 2 Observe the sample under the microscope using the
Draw all the structures you found.
on a slide using the inoculation loop. 10x and 40x lenses.

Plant propagation
Observe the pups from the aloe vera plant. Draw your observations. Observe the stems from the suds and identify the rhizomes. Draw your observations.

pág. 6
Draw the organisms in asexual reproduction. Indicate the names of the structures observed.

Yeast Mold

Aloe vera plant Sud


Complete the following chart. Indicate with an “x” the type of reproduction observed in each
organism. Then, discuss the results found.

Spore formation Stolon Budding Sprouts

Yeast x
Mold x
Aloe vera x
Sud x

pág. 7
1. What would be the biological advantage of asexual reproduction?
they can produce many bacteria very quickly. the population can increase rapidly when the
conditions are favourable

2. Give five examples of organisms that can asexually reproduce and the name of the type
Sea stars: These organisms reproduce by fission.

Hydra: They reproduce by budding.

Yeast: These organisms reproduce by budding.

Paramecium: They produce offspring by binary fission.

Stick insects: They use the mode of parthenogenesis sometimes to reproduce.

3. How do farmers take advantage of plant propagation?

that it may be cheaper and quicker than other methods; it may be the only way to obtain new
varieties and hybrid vigor; in certain species, it is the only viable method for propagation; and it is a
way to avoid transmission of certain diseases

4. What is the relation between mitosis and asexual reproduction?

Some organisms can use mitosis to reproduce asexually


With this practice we were able to observe and understand the meiosis and sexual life cycle in a
better way by observing in detail different things that showed us if they were in prophase,
metaphase, etc., and we were able to learn physically how this cycle happens

Advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction - Inheritance - OCR

Gateway - GCSE Biology (Single Science) Revision - OCR Gateway. (s. f.). BBC


pág. 8
Cooperative Extension. (2021, 26 agosto). Plant Propagation - Cooperative Extension:

Garden & Yard - University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Cooperative

Extension: Garden & Yard.

A. (2021b, marzo 22). General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) Guidelines BYJU’S.


Biology Online. (2022b, junio 13). Asexual reproduction - Definition and Examples -

Biology Online Dictionary. Biology Articles, Tutorials & Dictionary Online.

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