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Ben Ayou Ali Middle School

Full name:......................................... Timing : 1h30min

Class: 3AM... Mark :

The Third Term English Exam

The giant panda is a lazy animal of the bear family. This mammal animal measures about 2.7 to 3.7
meters and weighs about 100 to 150 kilograms.

Pandas are known for their black and white coloring, their
eyes, ears, legs and shoulders are black, while the rest of their fur is

Pandas live in high montains in China and coniferous forests. It

can live for 20 years. It feeds on bamboo leaves and sometimes birds.
The giant panda is an endangered animal because of the distruction of
its habitat and hunting. Of course, we can’t stay indifferent to these
problems. We must save pandas, stop hunting them and we mustn’t
destroy their habitats as life without animals is colourless.

Adapted from :

Part One: Reading comprehension. (7pts)

Activity one: Read the text and write ‘’ True’’,‘’False’’ or ‘’Not mentionned’’ .(3pts)

1) Pandas are unactive animals ...............................

2) Panda’s female is bigger than panda’s male................................
3) Pandas feed on fish................................

Activity Two: Read the text again and answer the following questions.(2pts)

1- Where do Pandas live ?

2- Are Pandas mammal ?

Activity Three :

a) Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to : (1pts)

home = ................. protect = ...................

b) find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to : (1pts)

Security ≠ ....................... Active ≠ .........................

Mastery of language . (7pts)

Activity One: Correct the underlined mistakes. (2pts)

because people throw rubish on the ground. our planet are polluted ?

Activity Two: Choose the right verb in brackets (3pts)

Many animals (is /are / has) in danger because of human activities. The IUCN ( listed/ has listed / have
listed ) elephants as endangered species since ages. Don't (hunting/ hunt/ hunted ) animals. Keep them

Activity Three: Circle the silent letters in the following words (2pts)

Knee / Rhinoceros / Write / Fasten

Part Two: Situation of integration. (6pts)

The blue whale is facing great dangers and threats. The blue whale
Name : The blue whale.
Write a short descptive paragraph about this
endangered animal using the following cues : Classification : Mammal.
Diet : Fish.
Habitat : Oceans and seas.
Height : Up to 30 meters long.
Weight : 90 to 150 tons.
Causes of being endangered :
 Hunting for meat and oil.
 Climate change.
 Chemical waste.

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Best of luck

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