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Student Application - Page 9

English Teacher Recommendation

for Aspect Foundation Exchange Program
To the teacher: In the selection of students for the Aspect Foundation program, we are looking for mature young people
who will be good representatives of their home country and their school. This evaluation helps us select students,
therefore we greatly appreciate your cooperation by completing this questionnaire. Please contact the local program
representative with any questions or concerns. If you prefer that this remain confidential, you may send this form directly to the local
program representative in your country.
Please complete in English and type or write in BLACK ink.

Student’s First Name: Last Name:

Teacher’s Name: Teacher’s Phone:

Subject taught to student:

School Name/Address:

How many years has the student studied English? How many hours per week?

Student is presently enrolled in class level:

Will the student graduate high school before the exchange program begins? Yes No

How would you evaluate the applicant’s knowledge of English in speech and comprehension?

Verbal Ability: Very Good Good Average Poor

Written Ability: Very Good Good Average Poor

The school experience is as important as the host family experience. The greater part of the student’s stay will be spent
in school. Maturity and attitude toward school and school work are very important. How would you evaluate the student’s
attitude toward school and school work?

Student shows: Great interest Average interest Little interest

Please describe the student’s personality:

Very Outgoing Outgoing/Friendly Somewhat Outgoing Somewhat Shy Very Shy/Reserved

Any general comments you wish to make will aid us in our evaluation. Additional pages are welcome.
We thank you for your cooperation.

Teacher’s Signature _______________________________________________ Date ___________________

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