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Student: Shannon Langton

Field Final Feedback:

Shannon, you’ve done incredible work this semester. Choosing to tailor your resource
creation more specifically to the impending needs of parents, was very strategic and paid off. Your
passion to engage parents in critical conversation and utilizing your shortage of experience
working with parents really supported how much you’ve grown professionally this semester.

You have very strong skills in research collection and organization. You’ve taken constructive
feedback very professionally and made observable improvements. You have grown so much as
student with confidence, video creation and professional communication. To hear your progress
throughout the semester is rewarding. You have highlighted adaptability throughout the semester,
and I am confident you can add this skill to your resume as you have completed an exceptional job
in the light of adversity. Thank you for keeping a positive attitude towards what you CAN take
away from this placement.

Overall, your work will really help and support parents who are struggling to teach at home.
Thank you for sharing your emotions about being remote, you were very clear and detailed about
your intention and goals approaching this alternative placement. It was a pleasure to have you
work alongside us this semester, fingers crossed for your placement next semester!

Grade: 90%

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