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Name: Whee
Macaw the Parrot: What is Freedom Like?
A story of a parrot named Macaw starts from the moment she was born. She was born in
a cage. A place where many of her kind were displayed to be sold, but of course, she didn’t know
that. For years, she was fed and taken care of. She was innocent of what the outside world is like,
she doesn't even know how far her wings can take her and sometimes question if it is enough to
even make her fly high. Macaw grew up in an environment where people are continuously
praising her for her beauty and for everything she does. Even staying still can make people
compliment her. She feels like it's the purpose to be alive, to please people. But rather than
seeing it negatively, she thought that the life she was living was the life envied and sought by
After a few years, Macaw was bought by a family who runs a resort. She was bought to
give more attractions to the visitors. Again, Macaw was caged. Many people, of any age, came to
look at her and were amazed by her beauty. She does the tricks people want her to and some
people get to pat him as if she was their pet. Things weren’t new for Macaw. Until one day a
fancy-looking bird was flying above her. She was astonished. The bird named Ringo went to her
and asked. “What are you doing here alone? Aren’t you lonely?” Macaw was shocked that
someone talk to her in the same language she uses. She shockingly answered, “Well, I am but
I’m used to it, so it’s okay and I’m glad you came.”
“You were cool while flying.” She added. “Am I? thank you, it’s not a big deal, you can
do it too”, Ringo answered. Macaw stuttered as she replied “I can? I’m not sure about that, I
haven’t done it, even once.” Ringo was shocked and questioned, “How can a bird not fly?” the
conversation kept going.
“I can fly but not like the way you fly”
“What way? Freely?”
“Freely? what is that?”
“Oh, you don’t know a lot of things, do you? Hmm, being free is very complex but to
make it simple, it’s about doing what you want, it’s called freedom”
“Oh, so I don’t have freedom?” Macaw whispered.
In the middle of their conversation, they heard a sound coming to them, it was a flock of
birds finding Ringo. He then rushed and said, “Sorry, I need to get going it was nice to meet you,
hope you get the freedom you deserve! Adios!”
After Ringo left, he thought about their conversation all night. One question kept
rambling in her head, “What is freedom like?...”. The next day, the resort opened, and people
started coming to him. As they were surprised by Macaw’s beauty, as usual, they try to call it
and make her do all kinds of tricks. However, that day Macaw realized something, she didn’t do
what she was said to do like she usually does. She had no energy to. But as soon as she didn’t

listen, she got bashed. People kept shaking her cage from left to right to make her do something.
This situation made her realize how she was just being controlled all her life. She thought the life
envied by others was the life everyone wants to escape.
After a few days, Macaw was weak, doesn’t eat well, and don’t respond to people. This
continued, and so after, her owner decided to let her go, and maybe she’ll live. As Macaw saw
the door of the cage open, she stared at it for a while and whispered, “After all this time, I can
escape from this tiny prison-like cage and finally experience what they call freedom.” She
After how many days Macaw recovered and lived healthy again, and finally found the
freedom she deserves.

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