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Present Continuous Question - Test 1

how are you feeling (how/you/feel)

1. But tell me, Emily, ______________________?

Why are you selling those impossible contraptions on the street?

2. ______________________

Why are you sitting here in the dark? (why/you/sit)

3. ______________________

What are you talking about, and who are you looking at? (what/you/talk)
4. _______________________

5. But _______________________ in the yard? (why/you/stand)

6. What are you doing, and ______________________, at this time of night?


7. Now, _____________________ about, and ____________________ to, I should

like to know? (what/he/speak) (who/he/speak)

8. __________________ until your arrival here to give a jug to the Maréchale de

Luxembourg? (you/wait)

9. And still my promise to his father is binding, and without his consent I never
could-but _______________________? (where/I/wander)

10. __________________ the work with a view to their establishing themselves

elsewhere, on propitious soil? (he/arrange)

11. But ______________________ here for, wasting our time? (what/we/stay)

12. ________________________ your horses like that for? (what/you/whip)

13. _________________ that money out of your pocket to pay me for the ale?

14. Now then, Mat; ________________________________ at?

(what on earth/you/stare)

15. ________________________ of at this moment? (what/you/think)

16. ________________ back by the next train along with me? (you/go)
17. But _______________________ at through the window? (what/you/stare)

18. _______________________ a long face about this time of the morning?


19. ___________________ or drinking that you will not lend us the staff of Friar
John wherewith he slaughtered and bashed the invaders of the vineyards, who are but
a parable for the mincing pedants and bloodless thin-faced rogues of the world?

20. ________________________ just to worry me now that they've got me down?

(they/hold back)

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