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Katrin Bieger, Jeffrey G. Arnold, Hendrik Rathjens, Michael J. White, David D. Bosch, Peter M. Allen,
Martin Volk, and Raghavan Srinivasan2

ABSTRACT: SWAT+ is a completely restructured version of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
that was developed to face present and future challenges in water resources modeling and management and
to meet the needs of the worldwide user community. It is expected to improve code development and main-
tenance; support data availability, analysis, and visualization; and enhance the model’s capabilities in terms
of the spatial representation of elements and processes within watersheds. The most important change is
the implementation of landscape units and flow and pollutant routing across the landscape. Also, SWAT+
offers more flexibility than SWAT in defining management schedules, routing constituents, and connecting
managed flow systems to the natural stream network. To test the basic hydrologic function of SWAT+, it
was applied to the Little River Experimental Watershed (Georgia) without enhanced overland routing and
compared with previous models. SWAT+ gave similar results and inaccuracies as these models did for
streamflow and water balance. Taking full advantage of the new capabilities of SWAT+ regarding watershed
discretization and landscape and river interactions is expected to improve simulations in future studies.
While many capabilities of SWAT have already been enhanced in SWAT+ and new capabilities have been
added, the model will continue to evolve in response to advancements in scientific knowledge and the
demands of the growing worldwide user community. Editor’s note: This paper is part of the featured series
on SWAT Applications for Emerging Hydrologic and Water Quality Challenges. See the February 2017 issue
for the introduction and background to the series.

(KEY TERMS: watershed management; computational methods; simulation; watersheds; rivers/streams.)

Bieger, Katrin, Jeffrey G. Arnold, Hendrik Rathjens, Michael J. White, David D. Bosch, Peter M. Allen, Martin
Volk, and Raghavan Srinivasan, 2016. Introduction to SWAT+, a Completely Restructured Version of the Soil
and Water Assessment Tool. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1-16. DOI: 10.1111/

Paper No. JAWRA-16-0088-P of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Received April 11, 2016; accepted
September 23, 2016. © 2016 American Water Resources Association. Discussions are open until six months from issue publication.
Assistant Research Scientist (Bieger), Blackland Research and Extension Center, Texas A&M AgriLife, 808 E. Blackland Road, Temple,
Texas 76502; Research Agricultural Engineer (Arnold, White), Grassland, Soil and Water Research Laboratory, USDA Agricultural Research
Service, Temple, Texas 76502; Postdoctoral Research Associate (Rathjens), Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Purdue University,
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907; Research Hydraulic Engineer (Bosch), Southeast Watershed Research Laboratory, USDA Agricultural
Research Service, Tifton, Georgia 31794; Professor (Allen), Department of Geology, Baylor University, Waco, Texas 76798; Professor (Volk),
Department of Computational Landscape Ecology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research—UFZ, 04318 Leipzig, Germany; and Pro-
fessor (Srinivasan), Department of Ecosystem Sciences and Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843 (E-Mail/Bie-



INTRODUCTION increasing pressure on models in terms of speed and

accuracy (Arnold et al., 2010). In response to the
needs of various government agencies, SWAT is
Over the past 20 years, the Soil and Water Assess- increasingly being used as a tool to aid watershed
ment Tool (SWAT) (Arnold et al., 1998) has become planning and environmental policy development, par-
one of the most widely used hydrologic models in the ticularly in the United States (U.S.) and the Euro-
world and has been applied in many watersheds pean Union (Gassman et al., 2007). The U.S. Clean
across the globe. The model was created in the early Water Act and the European Water Framework
1990s by merging SWRRB (Williams et al., 1985; Directive require the quantification of pollutant loads
Arnold and Williams, 1987) and ROTO (Arnold et al., to water bodies and the development of effective
1995). A large body of peer-reviewed literature approaches to meet water quality standards or goals.
demonstrates that SWAT is an effective and compre- SWAT is frequently used to identify critical source
hensive tool for simulating streamflow and pollutant areas (CSAs) of pollution and to provide an estimate
transport across a wide range of spatial and temporal of the impact of conservation practices on water qual-
scales, environmental conditions, land management ity at the watershed scale (Arabi et al., 2008). How-
practices, and land use and climate change scenarios ever, SWAT uses hydrologic response units (HRUs),
(Arnold and Fohrer, 2005; Gassman et al., 2007, which are lumped areas within a subbasin with a
2010, 2014; Krysanova and Arnold, 2008; Douglas- unique combination of land use, soil type, and slope,
Mankin et al., 2010; Tuppad et al., 2011). Among the for simulating all hydrologic processes occurring in
foundational strengths of SWAT are that it combines the landscape. While this approach to watershed dis-
land processes including plant growth and detailed cretization makes the model computationally effi-
land management with channel processes, the inte- cient, it hampers precise identification of CSAs and
gration of multiple environmental processes and pol- placement of conservation practices within a sub-
lutants, its publically available code, the strong basin. In addition, the HRU water and pollutant
technical model support, and the availability of sev- yields are summed at subbasin level and added
eral interface tools and other software supporting the directly to the stream. Accordingly, transport and
pre- and postprocessing of data and the construction, deposition processes in the landscape are not explic-
parametrization, and calibration of SWAT models itly accounted for. This was already identified as one
(Gassman et al., 2007, 2014). While the various of the main limitations of SWAT more than 10 years
SWAT applications across the globe have demon- ago (Arnold and Fohrer, 2005). Krysanova and Arnold
strated the model’s flexibility and effectiveness in (2008) state that flow and pollutants need to be rou-
assessing water quantity and quality problems, they ted across the landscape from hilltop to valley bottom
have also revealed several weaknesses and limita- using readily available data and with sufficient effi-
tions of the model and identified model development ciency to simulate large river basins. Gassman et al.
needs. Over the past 20 years, the model’s capabili- (2007) point out that “a major challenge of the ongo-
ties have already been expanded considerably (Wil- ing evolution of the model will be meeting the desire
liams et al., 2008) and several issues have been for additional spatial complexity while maintaining
addressed by the core SWAT development group as ease of model use.”
well as collaborating scientists all over the world, To face present and future challenges in water
resulting in more accurate simulation of individual resources modeling and management and to meet the
processes, regional adaptations to specific environ- needs of the growing worldwide user community, the
mental conditions, or linkages of SWAT with other SWAT code has undergone major modifications over
models (Gassman et al., 2007). However, recent the past few years, resulting in SWAT+, a completely
SWAT applications reported in the peer-reviewed lit- revised version of the model. SWAT+ is far more flex-
erature still point to a number of specific modifica- ible than SWAT in terms of the spatial representa-
tions and improvements that are needed to further tion of interactions and processes within a watershed.
enhance the model’s capabilities and overcome limita- Even though the basic algorithms used to calculate
tions. Also, the numerous additions to and modifica- the processes in the model have not changed, the
tions in the model have made the code increasingly structure and organization of both the code and the
difficult to manage and maintain. input files have been modified considerably. Despite
There is an urgent need for governments and the additional spatial complexity, the structural
stakeholders to address water quantity and quality changes in the code are expected to facilitate model
issues in the context of global change, which is posing maintenance, future code modifications, and foster
new challenges for hydrologic modelers and putting collaboration with other researchers to integrate new



science into SWAT modules and algorithms. The SWAT+ than in SWAT. Although HRUs are still not
advancement of the model is expected to continue as spatially referenced, they are now defined as a con-
the worldwide user community and the number of tiguous area, i.e., a representative field, with an asso-
innovative applications are continuing to grow. ciated, user-defined length and width. Edge-of-field
Currently, the SWAT+ code and input files are runoff and pollutant loads are computed for the con-
tested extensively in several watersheds across the tiguous area. The actual area of the HRU, calculated
U.S., where the hydrologic results from SWAT+ com- based on GIS inputs, is applied as an expansion fac-
pare favorably with those from previous models. The tor to determine total runoff and loadings. Subbasins
purpose of this study is to introduce the SWAT com- are still delineated during model construction in
munity to the new capabilities of the model and to SWAT+, but subsequently they are divided into water
present a first application of SWAT+ to the Little areas and one or more landscape units (LSUs) (Fig-
River Experimental Watershed in Georgia, U.S. ure 1). All areas that are identified in the land use or
soil map as water have to be defined as either a pond
or a reservoir. When ponds or reservoirs are not rep-
resented on the land use or soil map, but added man-
MATERIALS AND METHODS ually to the watershed in SWAT+, their area as
specified by the user is subtracted from the subbasin
area to avoid accounting for those areas twice. The
Watershed Configuration in SWAT+ main reason for treating the water areas in a sub-
basin as separate spatial objects in SWAT+ is that
SWAT+ is considerably more flexible than SWAT the parameterization of water HRUs has always been
with regard to the watershed discretization and con- a problem in SWAT. The land areas within a sub-
figuration. HRUs, aquifers, channels, reservoirs, basin are represented in SWAT+ by one or more
ponds, and point sources and inlets are separate spa- LSUs, which are subdivided into HRUs. A typical
tial objects, whose hydrologic interaction can be so approach would be to divide the land areas within
defined by the user as to represent the physical char- the subbasins into upland areas and floodplains, but
acteristics of a watershed as realistically as possible. it is also possible to define more than two LSUs. The
The conceptual configuration of HRUs is different in HRU output is aggregated at the LSU level. The only

FIGURE 1. Conceptual Flow Paths of Water between the Most Important Spatial Objects in SWAT+. AQU, aquifer; CHA, channel; HRU,
hydrologic response unit; LSU, landscape unit; PND, pond; RES, reservoir; LAT, lateral flow; OVB, overbank flow; RHG, recharge; SUR,
surface runoff; TOT, total flow.



properties LSUs have are topographic characteristics, varying percentage that is controlled by user-defined
which are needed to calculate the time of concentra- criteria.
tion. While they are typically composed of HRUs, For simulating HRUs and channels, SWAT+ offers
other spatial objects can also be elements within a three levels of complexity. The regular HRUs and
LSU as long as their area fractions add up to one. All channels correspond to the old SWAT. However, as
elements within a watershed that are part of a LSU the parameterization of HRUs and channels in SWAT
must be listed in a LSU element file. For each LSU, can be very challenging for large areas or ungauged
the numbers of the elements that it is composed of watersheds, the user can now choose to simulate sim-
are specified in a LSU definition file, which refers to plified versions of HRUs and channels called HRU-lte
the element file. As an alternative to the subbasin, and channel-lte. The lowest level of complexity is
LSU, and HRU approach, SWAT+ also allows the using user-defined export coefficients and delivery
user to select a grid-based model setup. ratios instead of simulating HRU and channel pro-
SWAT+ has also incorporated greater flexibility in cesses, respectively. Depending on the objectives of a
defining aquifers, reservoirs, and channels. Aquifers modeling study, it is also possible to use different
are no longer tied to HRUs like they used to be in levels of complexity for different parts of the water-
SWAT. The user can define any number of aquifers, shed. Table 1 summarizes all spatial objects currently
whose boundaries do not have to coincide with the implemented in SWAT+.
boundaries of HRUs, LSUs, or subbasins. In addition,
a new option available in SWAT+ is to use MOD-
FLOW for simulating groundwater processes. Reser- Spatial Connections
voirs no longer have to be placed on the main
channel, even though that is where they are typically Each spatial object has a connect file that allows
expected to be located, and they are no longer the user to specify where to send its output. Techni-
required to be located at a subbasin outlet. They can cally, it is possible to send output from any spatial
interact with any other spatial object, so water can object to any other spatial object. Accordingly, water
not only be routed from the upstream channel to a and chemicals can be routed across the landscape,
reservoir and on to the downstream channel but can either at the LSU or at the HRU level. This makes it
also enter the reservoir directly from the landscape easier to connect managed flow systems, e.g., irriga-
and aquifers. Reservoirs, ponds, and channels in tion canals, to the natural stream network.
SWAT+ have enhanced capabilities to interact with
the surrounding landscape and aquifers (Figure 1). TABLE 1. SWAT+ Spatial Objects and Their Function in the
Additional spatial objects that have been intro- Watershed Configuration.
duced to SWAT+ are outlets, canals, pumps, animal
Spatial Object Function in the Model Configuration
herds, and water rights, all of which are giving the
user new possibilities to improve the simulation of HRU Complex simulation of land phase processes
anthropogenic uses of land and water resources. Out- HRU-lte Simplified simulation of land phase processes
lets can be used to remove water from the system or Export coefficient Replacement of simulation of land phase
to sum up the output from two or more watersheds, processes
LSU Aggregation of HRU output
e.g., when the total amounts of water and pollutants Ponds/reservoirs Simulation of impoundment processes
from all streams discharging into an ocean or reser- Aquifer Simulation of groundwater processes using
voir are of interest rather than the contribution of SWAT+ algorithms
each individual stream. Canals can either be rela- MODFLOW Simulation of groundwater processes using
tively small irrigation canals or larger canals that are MODFLOW
Channel Complex simulation of instream processes
mostly used for navigation and regional water diver- Channel-lte Simulation of instream processes accounting
sions. Pumps extract water from an aquifer, reser- for channel degradation
voir, or channel and add it to any spatial object in Delivery ratio Replacement of simulation of instream
the watershed. For herds and water rights, the user processes
has to define units of HRUs. Herds can be moved Inlet/point source Addition of flow and pollutant loads from
external sources (recall)
around within that collection of HRUs based on user- Canal Redistribution of water
defined criteria, e.g., the amount of biomass available Pump Extraction of water from aquifers or surface
for grazing. Each HRU within a water rights unit water bodies
has to be assigned a water demand and a water right Water rights Collection of HRUs with user-defined
that determines how much water it receives in any water rights
Animal herd Collection of HRUs used to move around an
time step. The amount of water available is depen- animal herd
dent on the supplying spatial objects, which supply
either a constant percentage of their total flow or a Note: HRU, hydrologic response unit; LSU, landscape unit.



Furthermore, the output is split into different hydro- SWAT+ files are free format, so they can easily be
graphs, which do not necessarily have to be sent to opened and edited in any spreadsheet program or
the same spatial object (Figure 1). The number and text editor.
types of hydrographs that are differentiated depend
on the spatial object (Table 2).
For HRUs and LSUs, total flow is defined as the Land Cover and Management
sum of surface runoff, lateral flow, and tile flow. This
definition of total flow for HRUs and LSUs lets the The structure and organization of the land use and
user send these three flow components together from management files in SWAT+ is very different from
the spatial object where the flow is generated to the SWAT (Figure 2). There is a main land use file that
receiving spatial object instead of having to send all contains general management parameters and a
hydrographs separately. Also, SWAT+ allows for number of pointers to several other files: a plant com-
sending fractions of hydrographs to any number of munity file, a management schedule file, a Curve
spatial objects, e.g., a certain percentage of surface Number table, the urban database, and separate files
runoff from one LSU to an adjacent LSU and the rest for each conservation practice or structural operation.
to a channel. Total flow from HRUs and LSUs does In this file, the user can specify any combination of
not include seepage, which is generally assumed to land cover and land use, management schedules, and
recharge the underlying aquifer(s). structural operations to represent the individual land
use and management in the HRUs. The land use col-
umn in the HRU data file points to the appropriate
SWAT+ Input Files entry in the land use file.
In SWAT+, it is possible to have two or more
Besides a connect file, each spatial object has a plants or crops growing at the same time by defining
data file that either directly contains its parameters a plant community in the plant community file. For
or that points to a number of other files, each of each community, its name and number of plants have
which contains selected parameters for the spatial to be specified before the individual crops are defined
object. The overall structure of SWAT input files is by pointing to the plant database. The crops and
similar to that of a relational database. In all the other plants in a community do not necessarily have
data files, there is one line for each spatial object to grow at the same time. The plant community file
(e.g., one line for each HRU or channel) and one col- can also be used to group crops that are planted in
umn for each parameter or pointer, which acts as a rotation.
primary or foreign key, providing a relationship with The timing of the planting and harvesting of the
other tables. For example, the HRU data file points individual crops in the community is controlled in the
to several other files that contain information about management schedule file. All management schedules
topography, hydrology, soils, land use and manage- for all HRUs are listed in one management schedule
ment, soil nutrients, surface storage, and snow. Simi- file. For each management schedule, the first line
larly, the channel parameters are saved in separate specifies the name of the schedule and the number of
files for channel initialization, hydrology, sediment, scheduled operations. It is followed by one line per
nutrients, and pesticides, each of which the main operation specifying its type and timing. Depending
channel data file points to. The total number of files on the type of management operation, the manage-
needed for a SWAT+ model is independent of the ment schedule file points to different databases or
watershed size and the number of spatial objects in management operations files (Figure 2). As in SWAT,
the watershed. Larger, more complex watersheds a fixed date or heat unit fraction can be specified
simply require more lines in each input file. All for scheduling the management operations.

TABLE 2. SWAT+ Spatial Objects and Their Output Hydrographs.

Spatial Object Total Flow Surface Runoff Lateral Flow Tile Flow Seepage Overbank Flow

HRU x x x x x
LSU x x x x x
Pond/reservoir x x x
Aquifer x
Channel x x x
Inlet/point source x
Canal x x x
Pump x



FIGURE 2. Organization of the Land Cover and Management Files in SWAT+.

Alternatively, decision tables can be used to define changed compared to SWAT and the instream water
rule sets that allow for a more flexible and realistic quality is still simulated in SWAT+ using QUAL2E
timing of management operations. For example, til- (Brown and Barnwell, 1987) algorithms.
lage operations can be scheduled depending on soil
moisture conditions, the timing of nitrogen fertilizer
applications can be based on nitrogen stress and heat Printing Output
units, and the planting of crops can be controlled by
soil moisture, heat units, and the year in the crop SWAT+ offers a lot of flexibility with regard to sav-
rotation. ing the simulation output. In an output print file, the
users can specify for HRUs, LSUs, and the entire
basin, which output (water balance, nutrient balance,
Simulating Constituents losses, and plant and weather) they want to print at
which time step. Regardless of the time step selected,
Constituents that can be simulated in SWAT+ SWAT+ will always print an average annual output
include pesticides, pathogens, salt, and metals. Each file for water balance, nutrient balance, losses, and
of these has a data and a community file, which plant and weather at HRU, LSU, and basin level.
resemble the plant database and the plant commu- Also, a reach, an aquifer, a reservoir, a soil, and a
nity file. Accordingly, the user can specify suites of as management output file can be printed at the desired
many pesticides, pathogens, salt ions, and metals as time step. In addition, there is an object print file,
desired and each spatial object in the watershed can where any number of output files can be added by
point to these suites of constituents. If a constituent specifying a file name, the type and number of object
is supposed to be routed to the watershed outlet, the for which output is to be printed, and the type of
user is responsible for making sure that all relevant hydrograph to be printed. All SWAT+ output files fit
objects point to a suite that includes that constituent. a consistent database format and can easily be loaded
The simulation of sediment and nutrients has not in any text editor, spreadsheet, or database software.



Calibration of a mix of hardwoods and evergreens. Typical soil

types in the LREW are loamy sands and sandy loams
For calibration, there is a new file included in (Sullivan et al., 2007). According to Feyereisen et al.
SWAT+ that can be used to update parameters with- (2007), there are no permitted point source dis-
out having to change them in their respective input charges in the watershed.
files. The inclusion of all calibration parameter adjust-
ments within a single file allows rapid model adjust-
ment, faster calibration, and better tracking of Model Setup and Calibration for the LREW
modified parameters. For calibration parameters, the
desired change (e.g., new value, additive, or multi- The data used to construct the SWAT+ model for
plicative change) and the spatial objects subject to the the LREW are summarized in Table 3. A total of 245
changes are specified. If a parameter is included in subbasins were delineated based on the Digital Ele-
the calibration file, the model will override the value vation Model (DEM). To keep the setup simple and
specified in the original respective data file, based on comparable to previous studies in the LREW, the
this information. Future versions of autocalibration subbasins were not subdivided into upland and flood-
programs like SWAT-CUP (Abbaspour, 2013) will also plain areas. No thresholds were set for the HRU defi-
use this file instead of modifying the original files. nition, so it resulted in a relatively large number of
6,315 HRUs. A simple crop rotation including cotton,
corn, and peanuts was implemented for all agricul-
Study Area tural areas in the watershed. While precipitation and
temperature data measured at the National Oceanic
The 334 km2 large Little River Experimental and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather
Watershed (LREW) is located in the Upper Suwannee station C098703 in Tifton were used, relative humid-
River Basin in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Pro- ity, solar radiation, and wind speed were simulated
vince near Tifton in South-Central Georgia (Sheri- using the weather generator integrated in SWAT and
dan, 1997). Because the LREW is a U.S. Department SWAT+. For the calculation of potential evapotrans-
of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service (USDA- piration (ET), the Hargreaves equation was chosen,
ARS) regional experimental watershed established in and channel routing was calculated using the Musk-
the late 1960s, long-term hydrologic and climatic data ingum routing method.
are available (Bosch et al., 2007). The climate in the Average daily streamflow data at the main water-
LREW is humid subtropical with long, hot, humid shed outlet were obtained from the USDA-ARS
summers and short, mild winters (Bosch et al., 1999). Southeast Watershed Research Laboratory in Tifton,
The average annual precipitation is 1,208  214 mm Georgia (Bosch and Sheridan, 2007) and used for cali-
and the annual mean temperature is 19.1°C. The brating and validating the model. The model was cal-
LREW is characterized by broad floodplains and ibrated for the years 1993 through 2002 and
gently sloping uplands. Elevations range from 82 to validated for the years 2003 through 2012. The first
148 m a.s.l. Bosch et al. (2006) estimate that the per- year of simulation was 1988 to allow for a five-year
centages of forest, agricultural land, urban areas, and warm-up period. Calibration included only a small
water are 50, 41, 7, and 2%, respectively. The domi- number of parameters: the surface runoff lag time
nating agricultural crops are cotton, peanuts, and (SURLAG), the alpha factor for the groundwater
corn. Upland forests consist of pine, whereas the recession curve (ALPHA_BF), the time required for
dense riparian vegetation in the floodplains consists water leaving the bottom of the root zone to reach

TABLE 3. SWAT+ Input Data Used for the Little River Experimental Watershed Model Setup.

Data Resolution Source

Topography 30 m U.S. Geological Survey, National Elevation Data

Accessed January 22, 2015,
Land use 30 m U.S. Geological Survey, National Land Cover Data (NLCD 2011)
Accessed January 22, 2015,
Soil 30 m USDA-NRCS, Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO)
Accessed January 22, 2015,
Climate 1 station NOAA-NCEI, Historical Climate Data
Accessed January 22, 2015,

Note: USDA-NRCS, U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service; NOAA-NCEI, National Oceanic and Atmo-
spheric Administration-National Centers for Environmental Information.



the shallow aquifer (GW_DELAY), the curve number studies, as the years after 2004 were not included in
for all land use types (CN), the available water capac- the model runs. The discrepancy between the calibra-
ity of all soils and soil layers (SOL_AWC), and the tion and validation periods suggests that with the
saturated hydraulic conductivity of all soils and soil current watershed configuration, SWAT+ is not able
layers (SOL_K). Model performance in simulating to adequately represent all critical processes in the
streamflow at the watershed outlet was evaluated by watershed. The soils in the LREW are underlain by
visual inspection of the monthly and daily hydro- the Hawthorn formation, which serves as an aqui-
graphs and by using the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency clude and thus restricts deep seepage to regional
(NSE) (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970) and percent bias aquifers. Accordingly, lateral movement of shallow
(PBIAS) as model evaluation statistics. In addition, base flow from the uplands to the floodplain is pro-
the percentages of simulated ET and streamflow were moted (Sheridan, 1997), which leads to saturation
compared to the values estimated by Sheridan (1997). excess conditions along the streams (Bosch et al.,
2010). Shirmohammadi et al. (1986) demonstrate that
the hydrologic behavior of the watershed is strongly
affected by the storage capability of the channel allu-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION vium, which is highly dependent on antecedent mois-
ture conditions. The improved watershed
discretization and landscape routing capabilities of
SWAT+ Model Performance in the LREW SWAT+ are expected to improve the simulation of
exactly this type of landscape and stream interaction.
SWAT+ provided reasonable estimates of the water However, the purpose of the current SWAT+ applica-
balance and streamflow in the LREW. The simulated tion was to test the basic hydrologic function of the
ET amounts to 66% of precipitation, similar to the model. Future SWAT+ applications in the LREW will
69% estimated by Sheridan (1997) based on observed focus on evaluating in detail the impacts of a better
data. However, the simulated percentage of base flow spatial representation of critical watershed character-
is slightly higher than the base flow ratio estimated istics and hydrological processes on streamflow.
for the watershed based on observed data (60% vs.
54%). Figure 3 shows daily observed precipitation,
and observed and simulated hydrographs on a daily Strengths of SWAT+ Compared to SWAT
and monthly time step for the calibration and valida-
tion periods. SWAT+ addresses several key limitations of SWAT
Table 4 summarizes the monthly and daily NSE that have been discussed in the literature over the
and the PBIAS values for this study and several pre- past years. Table 5 summarizes the most important
vious studies carried out in the LREW. The daily and modifications and their advantages. According to
monthly NSE values for the calibration period indi- Arnold et al. (2010), one of the biggest problems in
cate a very good model performance, but generally the use of large-scale watershed models is “the dis-
the model statistics suggest a slightly lower model cretization of the watershed to best represent water-
performance for this study compared to previous shed processes while at the same time not exceeding
studies, especially for the validation period. One of the limitation of available data and computational
the reasons for this could be the use of only one pre- time requirements.” Arnold et al. (2010) compared
cipitation station instead of the large number of sta- four landscape delineation methods, lumped, HRU,
tions used in the other studies. Also, only very basic catena, and grid, in the Brushy Creek Watershed in
calibration was conducted. Refining the calibration, Texas. For the catena method, the watershed was
e.g., using an autocalibration tool, would most likely divided into divide, hillslope, and valley bottom, and
result in NSE values as high as those reported for flow was routed across these three LSUs. However,
previous SWAT applications in the LREW. The nega- each LSU contained only one HRU. This first version
tive PBIAS for the validation period indicates an of the SWAT landscape model was developed by Volk
overestimation of streamflow during the years 2003 et al. (2007). It preserves landscape position and
through 2012, whereas it is underestimated during allows floodplain areas to be simulated as discrete
the calibration period (1993-2002) as indicated by the units. Arnold et al. (2010) identified the catena
positive PBIAS. The validation period includes approach as a good alternative for SWAT applica-
several very dry years (2006-2008 and 2011-2012), tions, but point out that HRUs should be simulated
during which the model strongly overestimates within each LSU. Bosch et al. (2010) tested the
streamflow and the model performance is particularly SWAT landscape model on a hillslope in Georgia and
low, which also explains the relatively low NSE. This concluded that the modifications will provide a more
problem did not occur in the context of previous realistic representation of landscape flow and



FIGURE 3. Simulated and Observed Daily Precipitation (top) and Daily (middle) and Monthly (bottom) Hydrographs at the Little River
Experimental Watershed Outlet during the Calibration and Validation Periods.

transport processes. Therefore, a slightly modified (upland and floodplain), the slope position method
version of the LSU approach presented by Arnold technically allows the user to delineate three or even
et al. (2010) and Bosch et al. (2010) was integrated in more LSUs (Rathjens et al., 2016). HRUs are defined
SWAT+. The user can choose between a conventional after the subdivision of each subbasin into LSUs and
and a LSU setup. Two different methods are avail- aggregated at the LSU level. SWAT has been used in
able to delineate the LSUs, a slope position method many studies to identify CSAs within a watershed
and a variable storage method (Rathjens et al., 2016). (e.g., Tripathi et al., 2003; Gitau et al., 2004, 2006;
While the variable storage method is a floodplain Srinivasan et al., 2005; White et al., 2009). While the
delineation method and thus defines two LSUs model’s HRU concept allows for an effective



TABLE 4. Model Evaluation Statistics for the Current and Previous SWAT Studies in the Little River Experimental Watershed.

Authors SWAT Version Simulation Period Monthly NSE Daily NSE PBIAS

Van Liew et al. (2007) SWAT2003 Cal: 1997-2002, Cal: 0.90, Cal: 0.71, Cal: 12.2,
Val: 1972-1996 Val: 0.89 Val: 0.68 Val: 19.0
Cho et al. (2010) SWAT2005 1996-2004 0.89 NA 7.8
Veith et al. (2010) SWAT2005 1997-2002 0.90 NA 13.9
Cho et al. (2012) SWAT2005 Cal: 1996-1999, Cal: 0.96, Cal: 0.78, Cal: 3.6,
Val: 2000-2004 Val: 0.87 Val: 0.72 Val: 5.1
Current study SWAT+ Cal: 1993-2002, Cal: 0.85, Cal: 0.73, Cal: 15.8,
Val: 2003-2012 Val: 0.62 Val: 0.47 Val: 28.0

Note: Cal, calibration; Val, validation; NSE, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency; PBIAS, percent bias.

identification of relatively small CSAs, estimating floodplain algorithms are needed in SWAT. In many
their contribution to the watershed’s total pollutant watersheds, the interaction of a river with its flood-
load is much harder because the position of individ- plain has a significant impact on the timing of pollu-
ual HRUs within the watershed and water and pollu- tant loads, as sediment and nutrients can be detained
tant routing across the landscape are disregarded in the floodplain and partially released later. If the
(White et al., 2009). Including the delineation of floodplain is defined in SWAT+ as a separate LSU,
LSUs as a standard option during SWAT+ model con- flooding from the stream across the floodplain can be
struction facilitates the integration of new routing simulated whenever streamflow exceeds bankfull dis-
methods for flow and pollutants, e.g., the landscape charge. Sun et al. (2016) integrated a new module in
transport capacity (LTC) approach proposed by SWAT that is able to simulate the water exchange
Bonum a et al. (2014). The capability to divide the between the river and the aquifer in the floodplain of
subbasins into LSUs thus addresses one of the key the Garonne River in France. They adopted the
limitations of the SWAT model pointed out by Arnold catena method by Arnold et al. (2010) and divided
and Fohrer (2005), Gassman et al. (2007), and Krysa- the floodplain into three LSUs based on the area that
nova and Arnold (2008), i.e., the lack of flow and pol- is flooded by floods of a 1, 5, and 10 or more year
lutant routing within a subbasin. However, while the return period. Cerucci and Conrad (2003) used SWAT
delineation of a floodplain allows for a more accurate in combination with the Riparian Ecosystem Manage-
placement of riparian buffer zones, explicit spatial ment Model (REMM) (Lowrance et al., 2000) to iden-
representation of other conservation practices and of tify the most cost-efficient parcels of land to form a
wetlands remains problematic as the HRU approach riparian buffer in a watershed in New York. In their
is still applied within the LSUs. An even more study, SWAT output for the upland areas of the
detailed spatial representation of the watershed char- watershed was passed on to REMM, which provides
acteristics and processes and a more accurate place- more detailed simulations of surface hydrology, ero-
ment of conservation practices can be accomplished sion, vertical and horizontal subsurface flows, carbon
by using the grid-based setup option in SWAT+. The and nutrient dynamics, and plant growth in riparian
method adopted in SWAT+ was developed by Rath- buffers. The new hierarchical structure of objects in
jens and Oppelt (2012) and enhanced by Rathjens SWAT+ makes it possible to implement more detailed
et al. (2015). A first application of a grid-based ver- spatial representations of parts of the landscape like
sion of SWAT2012 produced promising results. How- the one proposed by Sun et al. (2016) or to use a dif-
ever, the method needs to be tested in additional ferent model to simulate individual processes in
watersheds representing a large range of scales and specific parts of the watershed.
environmental conditions. Also, the computational In SWAT+, new spatial objects can be defined for
time requirements are extremely high, so the use of a external models, so that SWAT can easily send out-
grid-based model setup will likely be limited to rela- put to and receive input from the other model. A good
tively small watersheds (Rathjens et al., 2015). example for this is MODFLOW, which is a regular
Finally, the user has to keep in mind that the spatial component of SWAT+. Bailey et al. (2016) developed
and temporal resolution of input and validation data the SWAT-MODFLOW linkage for SWAT2012 and
does not necessarily meet the demands of a detailed tested it in the LREW and the Klamath River Basin
simulation and verification of watershed processes. in Oregon and California. SWAT passes the simu-
Incorporating LSUs into SWAT+ also creates the lated amounts of percolation and pumping and the
prerequisites for improving the simulation of flood- river stage on to MODFLOW, which returns the
plain processes and stream-aquifer interactions. Kry- groundwater table height and information about the
sanova and Arnold (2008) point out that improved interaction between groundwater and surface water



TABLE 5. Summary of Most Important Model Modifications and Their Advantages.

SWAT SWAT+ Advantage of SWAT+

Watershed Subdivision of subbasins into Separation of water and land More realistic simulation of
configuration HRUs areas within subbasins water areas
Water areas defined as HRUs Water areas defined as Improved simulation of landscape
ponds/reservoirs position, overland routing, and
Definition of LSUs to floodplain processes
aggregate HRUs
HRUs represented by their HRUs represented by a Calculation of land phase processes
entire area within a subbasin contiguous field with independent of HRU area
during calculation of land user-defined dimensions,
phase processes actual HRU area used
as expansion factor
Aquifers tied to HRUs Aquifers independent Any number of aquifers can be
Definition of one aquifer per from HRUs defined
HRU Facilitation of SWAT-MODFLOW
Placement of reservoirs on Placement of reservoirs More realistic representation of
main channel at anywhere in the watershed reservoir position and interactions
subbasin outlet with the landscape
No pumps, canals, and water Pumps, canals, and water Improved consideration of
rights objects rights defined as spatial anthropogenic water use and
objects management, especially irrigation
No animal herd objects Animal herds defined as spatial Simulation of animal herds moving
object around in the watershed
Traditional HRUs only Choice between HRU, HRU-lte, Different levels of complexity for
Traditional channels only and export coefficient simulating land phase and channel
Choice between channel, routing processes
channel-lte, and delivery ratio
Spatial connections All spatial connections defined One connect file per spatial More flexibility in defining spatial
in one file (fig.fig) object to define outflow interactions of objects within the
hydrographs, fractions, and watershed
receiving objects Easier to set up grid-based models
Input file structure One file for each data type for One file for each data type with Reduced number of input files
each object one line for each object Decrease in run time
Data files can be maintained as
Land use and One file defining schedules and Separate files for schedules and Management schedules and
management operations for each object operations operations can be maintained as
Number of crops growing at the Unlimited number of crops Simulation of plant communities and
same time limited to one growing at the same time competition
Scheduling of operations based Scheduling of operations based More flexibility in defining variables
on dates or heat units on dates, heat units, or affecting the timing of management
decision tables operations
Constituents Limited number of constituents Definition of suites of More comprehensive simulation of
that can be simulated and constituents that will be constituents
routed at the same time simulated for each object Routing of more than one pesticide at
No simulation of salt Simulation of salt as a the same time
Output All output printed at User-defined time step for Printing of output according to needs
simulation time step printing output for each object of user
Varying layout of output files Standardized layout of output
Specification of additional print Specification of additional print Easier printing of user-defined
commands in fig.fig file commands in separate file output files
Calibration Changes in parameter values Changes in parameter values Rapid model calibration
made in the original data file listed in separate calibration Better tracking of modified
file that overrides original parameters



to SWAT (Bailey et al., 2016). In SWAT+, MOD- capability to route as many pesticides, pathogens, and
FLOW grid cells are defined as separate spatial metals through the stream network at the same time
objects. This makes simulating the interaction as desired. This is an important prerequisite for refin-
between the two models considerably easier. During ing the pathogen and metal routines and for develop-
model construction, the user can choose whether to ing algorithms for simulating the fate and transport
use SWAT aquifers or MODFLOW to simulate of common and persistent pharmaceuticals, which
groundwater processes. When using MODFLOW, the was another model development need identified by
model RT3D (Reactive Transport in 3 Dimensions; Krysanova and Arnold (2008).
Clement, 1997) can be used for simulating nitrogen The new conceptual configuration of HRUs in
(N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations in the vadose SWAT+ mostly affects the calculation of sediment
and saturated zones and the mass exchange of N and yields. In the MUSLE (Modified Universal Soil Loss
P between groundwater and surface water. MOD- Equation) (Williams, 1975), there is a nonlinear rela-
FLOW and RT3D provide more accurate simulations tionship between sediment yield and HRU area,
of groundwater processes than the SWAT groundwa- which causes the calculated sediment yields to be
ter module. Accordingly, using these models may be a highly dependent on the HRU area (FitzHugh and
good alternative for groundwater-dominated water- Mackay, 2000). By using a representative area, the
sheds and for studies that rely on a more detailed impact of the actual HRU area is eliminated and
simulation of groundwater processes. therefore new conceptual configuration of HRUs will
Vaghefi et al. (2015) linked SWAT with the deci- generate more accurate predictions of sediment
sion support system MODSIM, which can be used for yields.
optimizing water allocation among different users. Krysanova and Arnold (2008) also emphasized the
After converting SWAT output into MODSIM input need for SWAT to simulate multiculture plant com-
formats, MODSIM determines the amount of water munities, which is now possible in SWAT+ using the
allocated to each previously defined demand node (in plant community file. Another aspect related to land
this case: HRU) using a priority-based scheme. This use is the timing of management operations. The
approach was adopted for the water rights objects in heat unit scheduling in SWAT allowed for scheduling
SWAT+, so that water can be allocated among differ- management operations as a function of temperature
ent users directly in the hydrological model. One of variability and the crops grown (Baffaut et al., 2015),
the main advantages of the water rights objects in but there may be additional variables that affect the
SWAT+ is that they simulate not only the allocation exact timing of management operations, e.g., soil
of available water to different recipients based on moisture or precipitation. Fohrer et al. (2014) found
their water rights but also the effects of the redistri- that the simulated transport of pesticides in a water-
bution of water within the watershed on the overall shed in Northern Germany was highly sensitive to
water balance and the water availability at down- the pesticide application rate and timing. Therefore,
stream locations. they recommend varying the application of pesticides
SWAT+ also addresses some of the limitations of temporally and spatially rather than specifying a sin-
SWAT in terms of the simulation of instream pro- gle application date for a crop across the entire
cesses. Allen et al. (2008) modified SWAT to simulate watershed. In SWAT+, management operations can
down-cutting and widening in small alluvial streams, be scheduled based on user-defined criteria specified
resulting in a standalone tool called SWAT-DEG. The in decision tables, which makes it possible to consider
variables for SWAT-DEG were kept to a minimum several variables influencing the timing of manage-
and modeled results indicate channel adjustment over ment operations and to achieve a more variable and
time (Allen et al., 2010). The channel-lte option in more realistic distribution of management schedules
SWAT+ uses the SWAT-DEG algorithms to simulate across a watershed.
instream processes. It can be used instead of the regu-
lar channel option to simulate all or selected streams
in a watershed. Another option is to use channel-lte Future Research and Development Needs
objects to represent erosion gullies and route surface
runoff generated in the HRUs through those gullies SWAT+ addresses various limitations of SWAT
before summing up the HRU output at the LSU level that have been identified in the context of numerous
or passing it on directly to another spatial object. The applications of the model over the past two decades.
integration of SWAT-DEG in SWAT+ is a first step in However, the model will continue to evolve in
addressing the need for improved channel degrada- response to advancements in scientific knowledge and
tion and sediment routing and deposition routines the needs of the worldwide user community.
pointed out by Krysanova and Arnold (2008). Another In terms of watershed discretization, an option to
improvement of SWAT+ compared to SWAT is the define fields or groups of adjacent fields as HRUs and



to route water and pollutants between those HRUs reasonableness and consistency of internal model
would further improve the explicit spatial representa- structures and processes (Arnold et al., 2015), not
tion of management and conservation practices and only complementary to but also in the absence of
the simulation of transport processes across the land- hard data for model calibration. Yen et al. (2014)
scape. Eventually, a combination of different dis- demonstrate the importance of using soft data during
cretization schemes will be possible in SWAT+ to model calibration to avoid inaccurate simulations of
simulate all processes at the most appropriate scale. processes within the watershed. Among many others,
However, adequate algorithms partitioning surface Arnold et al. (2015) emphasize the importance of real-
runoff into sheet flow and channelized flow have to istically simulating all critical watershed processes,
be identified or developed for routing flow and pollu- so incorporating more soft data will be a major focus
tants from one LSU or HRU to another. of future SWAT+ development.
Individual algorithms in SWAT+ need to be To improve the availability of data for model param-
revised or replaced by other, more adequate algo- eterization, many SWAT+ files may eventually morph
rithms. For example, Garen and Moore (2005) into databases, e.g., management schedules and til-
encourage hydrologic modelers to take advantage of lage, fertilizer application, and harvest operations.
the spatial information and computing ability avail- Comprehensive databases of management schedules
able today to develop new algorithms that represent and operations can be used in as many SWAT setups
all runoff-generating processes. By allowing the as desired and easily be shared with the SWAT com-
floodplain soils to become saturated, which results in munity. Similarly, databases can be developed for
a much higher curve number, the integration of aquifers and reservoirs. If all SWAT+ users contribute
LSUs in SWAT+ is an important step toward to expanding the databases with data for different
accounting not only for infiltration excess but also parts of the world, the model setup and parameteriza-
for saturation excess overland flow. However, the tion effort can be reduced considerably.
model is still not flexible enough to represent the Finally, SWAT+ output analysis and visualization
temporal variability in location and size of runoff- will be improved in the future. Although the output
generating areas within a watershed. The option to directly generated by the model may be useful to
estimate surface runoff using the Green and Ampt researchers, it needs to be translated to information
(1911) method was retained in SWAT+, but its data that is meaningful to stakeholders, watershed man-
requirements limit its use to very well-gauged agers, conservationists, and politicians. Postprocess-
watersheds. An alternative approach to developing ing of data needs to focus on providing decision
new algorithms for SWAT+ is to link it to other makers with information about the implications of
models that provide more detailed simulations of certain measures or neglect of implementing those on
individual processes, e.g., Water Erosion Prediction variables, species, or processes relevant to them.
Project (WEPP) (Flanagan et al., 2012) or different
instream, wetland, or lake models, or incorporating
their algorithms into SWAT+. The linkage of SWAT
and MODFLOW (Bailey et al., 2016) demonstrates CONCLUSIONS
the ease of integrating other models in SWAT+.
Gassman et al. (2007) mentioned that there often
is a lack of data needed to characterize input parame- Pressure has increased on environmental scientists
ters and of sufficient monitoring data to validate a and modelers to undertake good science in an effi-
SWAT model. Long-term time series of all major cient way while also ensuring that the research is rel-
hydrologic processes are rarely available. However, evant to management. In response to this pressure,
general information on individual processes may be SWAT+ was developed, a completely revised version
obtained from the literature or even by visual inspec- of SWAT that addresses many of the model’s previous
tion of the study site (Arnold et al., 2015). Seibert limitations. SWAT+ offers more flexibility than SWAT
and McDonnell (2002) suggested the use of so-called with regard to the delineation and interaction of spa-
hard (measured time series, typically measured at a tial objects in a watershed. While this gives the users
point) and soft (information on individual processes the opportunity to achieve a more realistic spatial
that may not be directly measured in the study area, representation of their study watersheds, it also
e.g., regional estimates of base flow and ET, runoff entails considerably more responsibility on the part
coefficients, export coefficients, or average leaf area of users to configure their watershed appropriately. A
index (LAI) values) data for multicriteria model cali- sound understanding of the watershed characteristics
bration and argue that soft data represent a new and processes that are important in the watershed is
dimension to the model calibration process. Soft data critical to properly represent the watershed in
can be used to perform a formal check on the SWAT+.



The development of SWAT+ is still underway; how- Arnold, J.G., J.R. Williams, and D.R. Maidment, 1995. Continuous-
ever, testing of the new model has already begun. Time Water and Sediment Routing Model for Large Basins.
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (ASCE) 121(2):171-183, DOI:
The first application of SWAT+ to the LREW in Geor- 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(1995) 121:2(171).
gia demonstrates that the new code provides reason- Arnold, J.G., M.A. Youssef, H. Yen, M.J. White, A.Y. Sheshukov,
able to good predictions of streamflow and water A.M. Sadeghi, D.N. Moriasi, J.L. Steiner, D.M. Amatya, R.W.
balance. According to model evaluation criteria, Skaggs, E.B. Haney, J. Jeong, M. Arabi, and P.H. Gowda, 2015.
SWAT+ model performance is comparable to the per- Hydrological Processes and Model Representation: Impact of
Soft Data on Calibration. Transactions of the ASABE 58
formance of SWAT in previous studies in the same (6):1637-1660, DOI: 13031/trans.58.10726.
watershed. However, inaccuracies in simulating the Baffaut, C., S.M. Dabney, M.D. Smolen, M.A. Youssef, J.V. Bonta,
hydrograph at the LREW watershed outlet that are M.L. Chu, J.A. Guzman, V.S. Shedekar, M.K. Jha, and J.G.
related to the strong impact of storage in the alluvial Arnold, 2015. Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling: Spatial
aquifer on streamflow in the LREW persist, so future and Temporal Considerations. Transactions of the ASABE 58
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strengths of SWAT+ in terms of watershed discretiza- Assessing Regional-Scale Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Ground-
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Bonum a, N.B., C.G. Rossi, J.G. Arnold, J.M. Reichert, J.P. Minella,
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