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Representing the Connectivity of Upland Areas to Floodplains and Streams in SWAT+

Katrin Bieger , Jeffrey G. Arnold, Hendrik Rathjens, Michael J. White, David D. Bosch, and Peter M. Allen

Research Impact Statement: We propose and test a simple concept to incorporate hydrologic connectivity in
watershed models, which improves the simulation of processes controlling the response of watersheds to rainfall

ABSTRACT: In recent years, watershed modelers have put increasing emphasis on capturing the interaction of
landscape hydrologic processes instead of focusing on streamflow at the watershed outlet alone. Understanding
the hydrologic connectivity between landscape elements is important to explain the hydrologic response of a
watershed to rainfall events. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool+ (SWAT+) is a new version of SWAT with
improved runoff routing capabilities. Subbasins may be divided into landscape units (LSUs), e.g., upland areas
and floodplains, and flow can be routed between these LSUs. We ran three scenarios representing different
extents of connectivity between uplands, floodplains, and streams. In the first and second scenarios, the ratio of
channelized flow from the upland to the stream and sheet flow from the upland to the floodplain was 70/30 and
30/70, respectively, for all upland/floodplain pairs. In the third scenario, the ratio was calculated for each
upland/floodplain pair based on the upland/floodplain area ratio. Results indicate differences in streamflow were
small, but the relative importance of flow components and upland areas and floodplains as sources of surface
runoff changed. Also, the soil moisture in the floodplains was impacted. The third scenario was found to provide
more realistic results than the other two. A realistic representation of connectivity in watershed models has
important implications for the identification of pollution sources and sinks.

(KEYWORDS: watersheds; runoff; surface water hydrology; simulation; SWAT+; connectivity; uplands; flood-

INTRODUCTION Understanding the hydrologic connectivity between

landscape elements and how it varies spatially and
temporally is important to explain the hydrologic
In recent years, watershed modelers have put response of a watershed to rainfall or snowmelt
increasing emphasis on simulating internal water- events and critical to guiding model development
shed processes as realistically as possible (Yen et al. (Jencso et al. 2009). Bracken and Croke (2007)
2014; Arnold et al. 2015). They are no longer satisfied defined hydrologic connectivity as the “passage of
with achieving a good fit of observed and simulated water from one part of the landscape to another,”
discharge at the watershed outlet without under- generating a watershed runoff response. Incorporat-
standing the interaction of landscape hydrologic pro- ing concepts of hydrologic connectivity in watershed
cesses that produce the observed streamflow signal. models potentially improves process representation

Paper No. JAWRA-18-0017-P of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Received February 2, 2018; accepted
December 21, 2018. © 2019 American Water Resources Association. Discussions are open until six months from issue publication.
Blackland Research & Extension Center (Bieger), Texas A&M AgriLife, Temple, Texas, USA; Grassland, Soil and Water Research Labora-
tory (Arnold, White), USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Temple, Texas, USA; Environmental Modeling (Rathjens), Stone Environmental,
Montpelier, Vermont, USA; Southeast Watershed Research Laboratory (Bosch), USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Tifton, Georgia, USA;
and Department of Geology (Allen), Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA (Correspondence to Bieger:
Citation: Bieger, K., J.G. Arnold, H. Rathjens, M.J. White, D.D. Bosch, and P.M. Allen. 2019. “Representing the Connectivity of Upland
Areas to Floodplains and Streams in SWAT+.” Journal of the American Water Resources Association 1–13.



and the predictive capability of models (Detty and LSU but concluded that the catena approach was
McGuire 2010). promising for large-scale applications if HRUs were
Aiming at improving our understanding of the pro- simulated within each LSU. Bosch et al. (2010) tested
cesses controlling watershed runoff, McGlynn and the catena approach on a hillslope in South-Central
McDonnell (2003) and McGlynn et al. (2004) exam- Georgia. They found results to be encouraging and the
ined how the most basic units of a watershed, i.e., SWAT landscape model to be an important step toward
hillslopes and riparian zones, store, receive, and deli- a more realistic representation of landscape flow and
ver water during and between precipitation events. transport processes. Sun et al. (2016) applied the
Riparian zones differ from hillslopes based on their catena approach to a floodplain along a short section of
proximity to streams, topography, soils, and vegeta- the Garonne River in Southern France by dividing it
tion (McGlynn and McDonnell 2003), which impacts into three LSUs representing the 1-year, 2- to 5-year,
their hydrology and connectedness to streams. Ripar- and 10-year flood areas. Their main objective was to
ian zones are often characterized by higher soil mois- simulate the exchange of surface water and groundwa-
ture and prolonged periods of saturation (McGlynn ter in the alluvial plain using Darcy’s equation. SWAT-
and McDonnell 2003). They have the potential to buf- LUD (Soil and Water Assessment Tool-Landscape Unit
fer the delivery of water from hillslopes to streams Darcy) results showed good agreement with results
and thus exert a large influence on the hydrologic provided by a complex hydraulic model. A denitrifica-
response of a watershed to precipitation events tion module was successfully added to the SWAT-LUD
(Jencso et al. 2010; McGuire and McDonnell 2010). model by Sun et al. (2017). Hoang et al. (2017) intro-
Hydrologic connectivity is influenced by many fac- duced another modified version of SWAT called
tors including storm characteristics, antecedent wet- SWAT_LS and tested it in the Odense River Basin in
ness conditions, topography, soils, and vegetation Denmark. Within SWAT_LS, the watershed was
(Bracken and Croke 2007). However, our knowledge divided into upland areas and riparian zones and the
of the dominant controls on hydrologic connectivity of Riparian Nitrogen Model was added to simulate deni-
different landscape elements and their interactions trification processes within the riparian zone. The
over space and time is still incomplete. Several model was able to simulate water and nitrogen trans-
researchers have analyzed the connectivity of hill- port from upland areas to riparian zones and to esti-
slopes to riparian zones and streams along individual mate nitrogen removal in the riparian zones.
transects or in small watersheds (McGlynn and Seib- Evenson et al. (2015) focused on improving the
ert 2003; Jencso et al. 2009), but the transferability simulation of the effects of geographically isolated
of the detailed knowledge available at small spatial wetlands on watershed hydrology. They developed a
scales to larger watersheds or different landscapes is SWAT model featuring spatially explicit representa-
limited (Jencso et al. 2009). tion of geographically isolated wetlands and simula-
The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT; tion of subsurface inflow into them. The model was
Arnold et al. 1998) is a widely used, semi-distributed applied to the Nahunta Watershed in North Carolina
watershed model that has been applied to a wide and results indicated that geographically isolated
range of spatial and temporal scales, environmental wetlands substantially impacted the watershed
conditions, land management practices, and land use hydrology in the study area, which confirmed the
and climate change scenarios. It has proven to be an importance of integrating them in watershed models
effective and comprehensive tool for simulating and watershed management plans. A further refine-
streamflow and pollutant transport, but a major limi- ment of the modified SWAT model was presented by
tation of the model is that transport and deposition Evenson et al. (2016) and successfully tested in the
processes in the landscape are not explicitly accounted Pipestem Creek Watershed in North Dakota. This
for. SWAT simulates runoff generation processes at model facilitated simulation of flow between geo-
the level of hydrologic response units (HRUs), but graphically isolated wetlands within a fill-spill net-
water and pollutant yields from the HRUs are work and flow from uplands to geographically
summed at subbasin level and added directly to the isolated wetlands.
corresponding stream. However, several approaches A new version of the model, SWAT+, was designed
to improving the simulation of landscape processes in to improve the runoff routing capabilities while main-
SWAT have been reported in the literature. taining computational efficiency and ease of model
Arnold et al. (2010) developed a first version of a use (Bieger et al. 2017). In SWAT+, subbasins may be
SWAT landscape model by dividing a watershed in divided into two or more LSUs. HRUs are defined
Central Texas into three landscape units (LSUs), the after LSU delineation, so each LSU will have its own
divide, hillslope, and valley bottom, and routed surface set of HRUs. The functionality to define multiple
runoff, lateral flow, and groundwater flow across a rep- HRUs per LSU represents an advancement of
resentative catena. They only defined one HRU per SWAT+ compared to the SWAT landscape version



used by Arnold et al. (2010) and Bosch et al. (2010). and (3) discuss the challenges associated with repre-
Flow generated in the HRUs is summed at LSU level senting hydrologic connectivity in SWAT+.
and can be routed from the LSU to any other spatial
object within the watershed, i.e., another LSU, a
channel, wetland, pond, reservoir, or aquifer. This is
an important prerequisite for improving the simula- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tion of water transfer at watershed scale and the
interactions of storm characteristics and spatial pat-
terns of watershed properties it is controlled by. Brief Introduction to SWAT+
SWAT+ uses so-called connect files to define gravity-
controlled connections between different spatial SWAT+ is a completely restructured version of
objects within a watershed. Surface runoff, lateral SWAT that was developed to address present and
flow, and tile flow can be sent separately or combined future challenges in water resources modeling and
as total flow and fractions of flow can be sent to dif- management and to meet the needs of the growing
ferent spatial objects, which allows for a very flexible worldwide user community (Bieger et al. 2017).
definition of connectivity in the model. The use of SWAT+ has more flexibility in watershed discretiza-
spatial objects and connect files facilitates the inte- tion and configuration than previous versions of
gration of model modifications as developed by Even- SWAT. In SWAT+, the different elements of a water-
son et al. (2015, 2016) and Sun et al. (2016, 2017). shed, e.g., LSUs, HRUs, aquifers, ponds and reser-
Geographically isolated wetlands can be defined as voirs, inlets, point sources, and channels, are defined
LSUs or even as HRUs, as flow can be routed at as spatial objects. The user can define the hydrologic
HRU level as well. SWAT+ LSUs can also be used to interactions between different spatial objects to repre-
discretize the floodplain into flood areas as suggested sent the physical characteristics of a watershed as
by Sun et al. (2016). Additionally, the model has the realistically as possible. SWAT+ uses a so-called con-
capability to route overbank flow to LSUs within the nect file to define the routing of flow from one spatial
floodplain, where it can evaporate, transpire, or infil- object to one or more others. Each spatial object has
trate. Retention and release back to the stream is its own connect file. This is a substantial improve-
controlled by a user-defined lag factor. ment compared to previous versions of SWAT, where
In this study, we divided the subbasins in SWAT+ all routing commands were summarized in one file
into two LSUs representing hillslopes and riparian and routing of fractions of the same hydrograph to
zones, the most basic units of a watershed according different objects was only possible by modifying the
to McGlynn and McDonnell (2003) and McGlynn source code. Croke et al. (2005) distinguished
et al. (2004). Accordingly, the spatial discretization of between two types of surface runoff connectivity,
the watershed is very similar to the one presented by direct connectivity via new channels and gullies and
Hoang et al. (2017). We use the terms uplands and diffuse connectivity via sheet flow. In the SWAT+
floodplains instead of hillslopes and riparian zones as connect files, these two types of connectivity can be
this terminology was established during SWAT+ considered. The user can send a defined fraction of
model development. Rathjens et al. (2016) tested four surface runoff generated in the uplands directly to
methods for delineating LSUs and concluded that two the stream, while the remainder is routed to the
of them, the Slope Position method and the Variable floodplain. There, it provides an additional input of
Storage method, provided an adequate discretization water, thereby impacting soil water contents, percola-
of the watershed into uplands and floodplains for tion, and evapotranspiration in the riparian zone.
SWAT+ modeling purposes. Accordingly, the connect file controls the connectivity
Currently, detailed observed data on connectivity of upland areas to the adjacent floodplain and the
are not available for most watersheds, hampering corresponding stream. The structure of the connect
model validation. Nevertheless, we believe it is cru- files is the same for all spatial objects that are
cial to critically analyze and test the new capabilities defined in SWAT+ (Table 1). Figure 1 shows a
of SWAT+ and discuss the opportunities and chal- schematization of the connectivity between LSUs,
lenges arising from an improvement of the represen- channels, reservoirs, and aquifers as defined in the
tation of internal watershed processes in the model. SWAT+ connect files used in this study.
Therefore, the objectives of this study were to (1) run
scenarios in SWAT+ with different ratios of surface
runoff sent from the uplands to the streams and Study Area
floodplains, (2) evaluate their impacts on the relative
role of runoff originating from uplands and flood- The Little River Experimental Watershed (LREW)
plains and the buffering of runoff by the floodplains, is a 334 km2 large watershed located in the Upper



TABLE 1. Description of columns in the Soil and Water Assess- winter and spring months (Bosch et al. 1999). Annual
ment Tool+ (SWAT+) connect files defining the routing of runoff precipitation averages 1,208 mm and the annual
from one spatial object to a user-defined number of other spatial
mean temperature is 19.1°C. Average annual evapo-
transpiration is estimated to be 69% of average
Column name Description annual precipitation (Sheridan 1997).
The LREW is characterized by broad floodplains
OUT_TOT Total number of objects receiving runoff from
and gently sloping uplands. Elevations range from 82
this object. The following four columns
are repeated accordingly. to 148 m m.s.l. Bosch et al. (2006) estimated that the
OBJ_TYP The type of the receiving object percentages of forest, agricultural land, urban areas,
(e.g., LSU, CHA, RES, AQU). and water are 50%, 41%, 7%, and 2%, respectively.
OBJ_ID The ID of the receiving object. The dominating agricultural crops are cotton, peanuts,
HYDRO_TYP The type of hydrograph to be sent to the receiving
and corn. Upland forests consist of pine, while the
object (e.g., SUR, LAT, RHG).
FRAC The fraction of the hydrograph to be sent to the dense riparian vegetation in the floodplains is made
receiving object. Fractions of the same up of a mix of hardwoods and evergreens. Typical soil
hydrographs can be sent to multiple receiving types in the LREW are loamy sands and sandy loams
objects as long as the fractions add up to 1. (Sullivan et al. 2007). The soils are underlain by the
Note: LSU, Landscape Unit; CHA, channel; RES, reservoir; AQU,
Hawthorn formation, which serves as an aquiclude
aquifer; SUR, surface runoff; LAT, lateral flow; RHG, recharge. and thus restricts deep seepage to regional aquifers.
Accordingly, lateral movement of shallow baseflow
Suwannee River Basin in South-Central Georgia (Fig- from the uplands to the floodplain is promoted (Sheri-
ure 2). It is a USDA-ARS (Agricultural Research Ser- dan 1997), which leads to saturation excess conditions
vice of the United States [U.S.] Department of along the streams (Bosch et al. 2010).
Agriculture) regional experimental watershed estab-
lished in the late 1960s. Accordingly, long-term
hydrologic and climatic data are available for the SWAT+ Setup and Scenarios
watershed (Bosch et al. 2007a).
The climate in the LREW is humid subtropical The data used for constructing the SWAT+ model
with long, hot, and humid summers and short, mild for the LREW and their sources are listed in Table 2.
winters. High intensity, convective thunderstorms Watershed delineation resulted in a total of 262 sub-
frequently occur in summer, while frontal storms basins. All subbasins were subdivided into upland
with moderate rainfall amounts are typical of the areas and floodplains. The LSUs were delineated

FIGURE 1. Schematization of connectivity between LSU, which contain the hydrologic response units (HRU), CHA, RES, and AQU as
defined in the SWAT+ connect files. The arrows show the hydrograph type (TOT = surface runoff plus lateral flow for LSUs, reservoir out-
flow for RES, and streamflow for CHA; SUR; LAT; RHG; and the fraction that is being routed. The fractions are examples taken from the
connect files used in this study. The color of the arrows indicates in which connect file the connectivity is defined.



subbasin was divided into three upland and three

floodplain LSUs (left and right bank of the stream
and channel head). In all other subbasins, two upland
and two floodplain LSUs (left and right bank of the
stream) were defined. The watershed delineation
resulted in a total of 1,248 LSUs and 13,727 HRUs.
There were 609 upland/floodplain pairs, as 30 sub-
basins lay completely within the floodplain and thus
did not have an upland.
A peanut–corn–cotton–cotton rotation was imple-
mented for all cropland in the watershed. All areas
that were identified as water in the land use or the
soil map were defined as ponds in SWAT+. Their vol-
ume and drainage areas were estimated based on
guidelines for pond design published by the USDA-
NRCS (1997). The ratio of the drainage area of all
ponds in a LSU to the total area of the LSU was used
to determine the ratio of surface runoff and lateral
flow sent directly to the ponds. The remaining lateral
flow was routed to the adjacent floodplain, while the
remaining surface runoff was partly sent to the flood-
plain and partly to the corresponding stream. There
was one aquifer per LSU and all groundwater flow
from upland aquifers was routed to the adjacent
FIGURE 2. Location, topography, stream network, and floodplains floodplain aquifer. Flow from ponds was sent to the
(FP) of the Little River Experimental Watershed (LREW). corresponding stream. Accordingly, streams received
groundwater flow from floodplain aquifers only, lat-
eral flow from floodplain LSUs and ponds, and sur-
using the Slope Position method that was tested for face runoff from floodplain LSUs, upland LSUs, and
SWAT+ in the LREW by Rathjens et al. (2016). The ponds.
method first identifies valley bottoms and ridge tops Daily precipitation data from 27 stations within
based on a digital elevation model and subsequently and near the watershed and temperature, solar radi-
the slope position of each raster cell, i.e., its relative ation, relative humidity, and wind speed from one
position between valley bottom and ridge top. A user- station (Bosch et al. 2007b) were used to drive the
specified slope position threshold defines the bound- model. Average daily streamflow at the watershed
ary between upland and floodplain (Rathjens et al. outlet was provided by the USDA-ARS Southeast
2016). In the LREW SWAT+ setup, each headwater Watershed Research Laboratory (Bosch and Sheridan
2007). SWAT+ was run for 25 years including a 5-
year warm-up period from 1988 through 1992, a 10-
TABLE 2. Spatial input data used to set up the SWAT+ model for
the LREW.
year calibration period from 1993 through 2002, and
a 10-year validation period from 2003 to 2012. The
Data Resolution (m) Source Hargreaves equation was used for calculating poten-
tial evapotranspiration. Channel routing was simu-
Topography 30 United States Geological Survey
(USGS), National Elevation
lated using the Muskingum routing method.
Data. Accessed January 22, Calibration of the model was performed manually
2015, and resulted in a very good model performance at the watershed outlet.
Land use 30 USGS, National Land Cover Data Three scenarios were simulated to test how differ-
(NLCD), 2011 Edition. Accessed
January 22, 2015,
ent ratios of channelized overland flow that connects the uplands directly to the streams and sheet flow
Soil 30 U.S. Department of that travels through the floodplains impact the simu-
Agriculture-Natural Resource lation of streamflow and variables describing internal
Conservation Service, Soil Survey watershed processes (Table 3). For the first scenario
Geographic. Accessed
January 22, 2015, https://gdg.
(70CHA/30LSU), a ratio of 70% channelized overland flow and 30% sheet flow was assumed. Thus, 70% of
surface runoff generated in the uplands was sent



TABLE 3. Description of scenarios. watershed depending on the relative area of upland

and floodplain as suggested by G€ untner and Bron-
Scenario Description
stert (2004). For example, if the upland comprised
70CHA/30LSU 70% of SUR generated in the upland areas are 60% of the total area of an upland/floodplain pair and
sent directly to the CHA, 30% to the FP. the floodplain 40%, then 60% of the surface runoff
30CHA/70LSU 30% of SUR generated in the upland areas are generated in the upland would be sent directly to the
sent directly to the CHA, 70% to the FP.
channel and 40% to the floodplain. This method was
VAR_RATIO For each pair of upland and FP, the ratio of
channelized overland flow and sheet flow is also successfully used by Hoang et al. (2017). Routing
calculated based on the relative size of the of lateral and groundwater flow was the same in all
upland and FP area. three scenarios. The scenarios were intentionally kept
very simple as this was considered expedient for a
first assessment of the new landscape routing func-
directly to the channel and 30% was sent to the flood- tionality in SWAT+.
plain. The second scenario (30CHA/70LSU) was
designed to contrast the first scenario, so the ratios of
channelized overland flow and sheet flow were
reversed, resulting in only 30% of surface runoff gen- RESULTS
erated in the uplands being sent directly to the chan-
nel and 70% being sent to the floodplain. The third
scenario (VAR_RATIO) was based on the assumption The differences in streamflow at the LREW outlet
that the amount of runoff from an upland area that between the three scenarios were very small. The
can be retained in the floodplain depends on the rela- peaks were slightly lower in the 30CHA/70LSU sce-
tive size of upland and floodplain. In this scenario, nario and slightly higher in the VAR_RATIO scenario
the proportions of upland surface runoff sent to the than in the 70CHA/30LSU scenario (Figure 3). Differ-
channel and the floodplain varied across the ences in streamflow between the three scenarios were

FIGURE 3. Simulated daily streamflow at the LREW outlet during one year of the calibration period (1997) and during a low flow period in
July/August 1997 for the three scenarios.



more pronounced during low flow periods than during TABLE 4. Model evaluation statistics during the calibration and
wet periods. Out of 609 upland/floodplain pairs in the validation periods for the three scenarios (NSE, Nash–Sutcliffe effi-
ciency; R2, coefficient of determination; PBIAS, percent bias).
LREW, 430 (71%) had an upland area percentage of
more than 70% and uplands covered more than 90% 70CHA/30LSU 30CHA/70LSU VAR_RATIO
of the total area of 163 (27%) of the upland/floodplain
pairs (Figure 4). Therefore, the ratio of channelized Calibration
NSE 0.89 0.89 0.89
overland flow that was sent directly to the streams
R2 0.90 0.90 0.90
and thus not buffered by the floodplain was higher in PBIAS 5.21 5.88 4.92
the VAR_RATIO scenario than in the 70CHA/30LSU Validation
scenario. In contrast, more water was traveling NSE 0.83 0.83 0.83
through the floodplain in the 30CHA/70LSU scenario, R2 0.83 0.83 0.83
PBIAS 0.93 1.88 0.58
resulting in slightly lower streamflow peaks. The
Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), coefficient of determi-
nation (R2), and percent bias (PBIAS) for daily
streamflow at the watershed outlet indicate a very delivered to the stream were very small, the relative
good model performance for all three scenarios contributions of the flow components and source
(Table 4). There were no differences in the NSE and areas within the watershed differed notably between
the R2 values between the three scenarios, but the the three scenarios. In the 30CHA/70LSU scenario,
PBIAS was slightly higher for the 30CHA/70LSU sce- the ratios of lateral flow and especially groundwater
nario and slightly lower for the VAR_RATIO scenario flow were higher than in the 70CHA/30LSU scenario,
than for the 70CHA/30LSU scenario. whereas they were slightly lower in the VAR_RATIO
The average annual amounts of flow delivered scenario. Accordingly, the ratio of surface runoff was
from the landscape to the stream were 264.84, lowest in the 30CHA/70LSU scenario and highest in
261.63, and 266.1 mm for the 70CHA/30LSU, the the VAR_RATIO scenario (Figure 5). There were
30CHA/70LSU, and the VAR_RATIO scenarios, notable differences in the source areas of surface run-
respectively. While the differences in total flow off delivered to the streams. In the 70CHA/30LSU
and VAR_RATIO scenarios, 65.61% and 75.52% of
the total surface runoff entering the stream came
from the upland areas of the watershed, respectively.
In contrast, the floodplains contributed 67.18% of the
total surface runoff delivered to the streams in the
30CHA/70LSU scenario.
Figure 6 shows the percentage of total surface
runoff delivered to the stream that originates from
the upland LSUs for the three scenarios. The LSUs
with a very low percentage of surface runoff enter-
ing the streams from the uplands in all three sce-
narios (as indicated by the red color in the maps)
have a large volume of ponds relative to the area of
the LSU. Therefore, most of their surface runoff was
routed to the ponds and very little surface runoff
was distributed between channelized overland flow
to the streams and sheet flow to the floodplains. In
the 70CHA/30LSU scenario, the percentage of total
surface runoff delivered to the stream originating
from the uplands ranged between 0% and 86.27%.
In the 30CHA/70LSU scenario, the highest percent-
age was only 56.09%, whereas in the VAR_RATIO
scenario, the uplands contributed up to 97.66% of
the total surface runoff entering the streams. The
map for the VAR_RATIO scenario in Figure 6 shows
that the percentage of total surface runoff delivered
to the stream that originated from the upland areas
was smaller along the lower reaches of the Little
FIGURE 4. Distribution of the fraction of upland (UL) area in all River than along the headwater streams, indicating
UL/FP pairs in the LREW. a lower degree of upland connectedness to the



FIGURE 5. Basin average flow volumes and percentages of total average annual flow to the CHA originating from SURQ from UL and
FP, LATQ, and groundwater flow (GWQ) for the three scenarios. In the 70CHA/30LSU and 30CHA/70LSU scenarios, 70% and 30% of
SUR generated in the UL are routed directly to the CHA, respectively, and the remainder is routed to the corresponding FP.
In the VAR_RATIO scenario, the ratio of SURQ routed to the CHA and the FP varies based on the UL/FP area ratio. SURQ, surface runoff;
LATQ, lateral flow.

stream due to the wider floodplains in this part of DISCUSSION

the watershed.
Taking one randomly selected pair of upland and
floodplain as an example, Figure 7 shows that soil The differences between the simulated streamflow
moisture was generally higher and exhibited a stron- at the outlet of the LREW for the three scenarios
ger reaction to rainfall events in the floodplains than were small as indicated by the hydrographs (Fig-
in the uplands. The differences between the three ure 3) and the model evaluation statistics (Table 4).
scenarios were relatively small compared to the dif- All three scenarios provided very good simulations of
ferences between upland and floodplain, but consis- streamflow at the watershed outlet, but they differed
tent with the differences in the ratios of surface considerably regarding their representation of inter-
runoff entering the floodplain from the upland. Dur- nal watershed processes and runoff sources (Fig-
ing wet periods, the soil water content in the flood- ure 5). When larger amounts of water are sent from
plain was generally so high that the differences the uplands to the floodplains as in the 30CHA/
between the three scenarios were negligible. During 70LSU scenario, the relative roles of surface runoff
dry periods, there was a stronger increase in the soil and groundwater flow change. The proportion of sur-
water content after rainfall events in the 30CHA/ face runoff decreases, while the proportion of ground-
70LSU scenario than in the 70CHA/30LSU scenario water flow increases, resulting in only small changes
and especially the VAR_RATIO scenario. The upland in the total volume of water delivered to the stream.
soil moisture was the same in all three scenarios as This is a good example for the equifinality of hydro-
the upland water balance is calculated in SWAT+ logic models and confirms the importance of a realis-
before the water routing from upland to floodplain tic representation of runoff generation processes
LSUs takes place. within a watershed.



FIGURE 6. Percentage of total SURQ delivered to the stream originating from UL LSU in the 70CHA/30LSU (left), 30CHA/70LSU (middle),
and VAR_RATIO (right) scenarios. In the 70CHA/30LSU and 30CHA/70LSU scenarios, 70% and 30% of SUR generated in
UL LSU are routed directly to the CHA, respectively, and the remainder is routed to the corresponding FP. In the VAR_RATIO scenario, the
ratio of SUR routed to the CHA and the FP varies based on the UL/FP area ratio.

No observed data are available to verify the three riparian zones are often characterized by higher soil
scenarios and decide which one simulates the hydro- moisture and prolonged periods of saturation. Surface
logic connectivity of uplands, floodplains, and streams runoff from upland areas contributes to the satura-
in the LREW most realistically. However, several tion of floodplains (D’Orico and Rigon 2003; Vidon
experimental studies have demonstrated that the vol- and Hill 2004). In upland areas, the soil moisture def-
ume of runoff entering the floodplain from upland icit is higher between rainfall events (McGlynn and
areas varies spatially along the stream network. This McDonnell 2003). This is confirmed by the differences
suggests that the VAR_RATIO scenario might be in simulated soil moisture between upland and flood-
superior to the other two scenarios. Also, McGlynn plain LSUs and by the change in soil water contents
and Seibert (2003) found that the connectivity in response to rainfall events during dry periods
between uplands and streams is larger in headwater when the floodplain areas in the LREW are not fully
catchments with narrow riparian zones than along saturated. A good representation of floodplain charac-
higher order streams with wide floodplains, a pattern teristics and processes is crucial in the LREW. The
that is more obvious in the spatial distribution of the soils in the watershed are underlain by the imperme-
upland runoff entering the stream in the VAR_RA- able Hawthorn formation, which restricts deep
TIO scenario than in the 70CHA/30LSU and 30CHA/ seepage to regional aquifers. Accordingly, lateral
70LSU scenarios (Figure 6). Baseflow is estimated to movement of shallow baseflow from the uplands to
contribute about 53% of the streamflow in the LREW the floodplain is promoted (Sheridan 1997), creating
(Bosch et al. 2017). All three scenarios overestimate saturation excess conditions along the streams (Bosch
the proportion of groundwater flow, but the overesti- et al. 2010). Shirmohammadi et al. (1986) demon-
mation is lowest in the VAR_RATIO scenario, which strated that the hydrologic behavior of the watershed
again suggests that this scenario may be slightly is strongly affected by the storage capability of the
more realistic than the other two. channel alluvium, which is highly dependent on
Figure 7 shows that distinguishing upland areas antecedent moisture conditions. Also, the high soil
and floodplains in SWAT+ leads to an improved rep- moisture levels in the floodplain impact denitrifica-
resentation of the saturation status of these two basic tion processes and thus potentially influence water
LSUs. McGlynn and McDonnell (2003) stated that quality.



FIGURE 7. Soil water (SW) content in a randomly selected UL/FP pair during the year 1997 (PCP, precipitation).

Figure 5 demonstrates that the proportion of hillslope runoff relative to the size of the riparian zone
streamflow that is contributed by groundwater flow is and the flowpaths the runoff takes through the ripar-
higher in the 30CHA/70LSU scenario than in the ian zone. McGlynn and Seibert (2003) also interpreted
70CHA/30LSU and VAR_RATIO scenarios and the the ratio of upland and floodplain areas as an indicator
surface runoff proportion is lower. This suggests a for the buffer capacity of the floodplain, but stress that
buffering function of the floodplain. The surface runoff additional variables need to be taken into considera-
entering the floodplain from the uplands is added in tion as well. Based on their findings, the VAR_RATIO
SWAT+ to the precipitation falling on the floodplain scenario can be assumed to provide more realistic sim-
area. Therefore, the water added to the floodplain as ulations of floodplain buffering mechanisms than the
surface runoff from the upland might be evaporated, 70CHA/30LSU and 30CHA/70LSU scenarios as the
infiltrate in the soil, and eventually recharge the ratio of upland surface runoff sent directly to the chan-
groundwater, or contribute to surface runoff generated nel and upland surface runoff sent to the floodplain
in the floodplain. The small changes in streamflow and varies spatially in the VAR_RATIO scenario based on
the relatively high ratio of groundwater flow in the the proportions of upland areas and floodplains. In the
30CHA/70LSU scenario indicate that in the current 70CHA/30LSU and 30CHA/70LSU scenarios, the ratio
setup of SWAT+ and with the current parameteriza- of channelized overland flow and sheet flow disregards
tion, most of the water reaching the floodplain from the relative sizes of uplands and floodplains. Thus, it is
the upland areas recharges the groundwater and even- not taken into account that surface runoff flowing from
tually becomes groundwater flow. Accordingly, the a relatively large upland into a relatively small flood-
runoff signal from the uplands is modulated and plain will most likely be too concentrated to be buffered
obscured by the floodplain. While this is important for by the floodplain, whereas the chances for runoff to
water quantity, it is expected to have an even bigger slow down and eventually infiltrate are much higher
impact on water quality as it affects sediment deposi- when the upland is relatively small and the floodplain
tion and denitrification processes. relatively large. Whether runoff infiltrates or not is a
McGlynn and McDonnell (2003) found in a small key factor influencing hydrologic connectivity
headwater catchment in New Zealand that the buffer- (Bracken and Croke 2007; Zimmermann et al. 2014)
ing potential of the riparian zone depended on the and the function of the floodplain as a sink for



pollutants. The proportions of surface runoff sent to Many researchers call for a closer integration of
the floodplain and to the stream in SWAT+ can be used experimental studies and model development and
to control the relative importance of concentrated and applications (Cloke et al. 2003; Smith et al. 2013). The
dispersive overland flow and the degree of lateral connectivity of uplands to streams is still not well
buffering in the floodplain. understood and quantified (Bracken and Croke 2007;
The watershed response to rainfall/snowmelt events McGuire and McDonnell 2010) and advances in pro-
is controlled by many variables, including the hillslope cess understanding are not adequately generalized to
curvature, slope, elevation, aspect, rainfall variability, be integrated into widely applicable hydrologic models
soil and bedrock properties, vegetation, and antece- (McDonnell et al. 2007). Field studies at small to large
dent wetness (Jencso et al. 2009). Their relative influ- spatial scales are required to improve our understand-
ence and their interactions can be highly variable in ing of the factors controlling runoff generation in
space and time. Different areas within a watershed watersheds (Jencso and McGlynn 2011) and to develop
can become connected or disconnected seasonally or general principles describing hydrologic connectivity
even episodically during runoff events (McGuire and that are applicable across all environments (Hopp and
McDonnell 2010). Detty and McGuire (2010) observed McDonnell 2009; Bracken et al. 2013). Knowledge
a strong seasonal signature in the connectivity from plot-scale studies should be transferred to the
between hillslopes and riparian zones in a watershed landscape scale with care though (Lane et al. 2009).
in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New While internal watershed hydrologic response
Hampshire. Storm intensity and duration are impor- dynamics should be simulated as accurately and realis-
tant factors controlling connectivity as well (Bracken tically as possible, it is important to maintain model
and Croke 2007). However, many storms last less than simplicity and parsimony and avoid introducing addi-
a day and their duration and temporal variability are tional uncertainty when the model is applied in water-
not adequately captured by the time steps of observa- sheds with limited information available for
tions and model simulations. Also, when there is only a parameterization (Ambroise 2004; Jencso and McG-
small number of climate stations over a large area, the lynn 2011). Running models at spatial scales that are
spatial variability of storm events within a watershed fine enough to represent the heterogeneity of variables
is not sufficiently captured. controlling runoff generation and at time steps that
Jencso and McGlynn (2011) systematically analyzed are small enough to capture its temporal dynamics
the impact of different factors describing the terrain, remains challenging (Lane et al. 2009). While fully dis-
geology, and vegetative cover on the spatial and tempo- tributed models can represent the spatial variability of
ral differences in stream network connectivity and con- runoff generation mechanisms and their controlling
nectivity yield in the Tenderfoot Creek Experimental factors, they are data intensive and computationally
Forest in Montana. They found that the explanatory demanding (Shore et al. 2013). Semi-distributed mod-
power of the variables they considered in their analysis els like SWAT+ are computationally more efficient but
varied annually and seasonally. The upstream accu- offer a more simplified representation of spatial com-
mulated area was the main factor controlling the plexity. In this case study, HRUs were still lumped at
extent of connectivity, but other metrics of surface LSU level and only one ratio of channelized surface
topography, vegetation, and geology impacted the con- runoff and sheet flow was defined per LSU, so the loca-
nectivity yield by reducing or enhancing water flow tion of individual HRUs within the LSU did not impact
across connected LSUs. Their relative importance var- their connectivity to the stream. Nevertheless, the
ied depending on catchment wetness states. Studies delineation of LSUs in SWAT+ allows the user to take
like this can help to identify the dominant variables the unique physical nature of uplands and floodplains
influencing the hydrologic response of a watershed and into account and thereby improves the simulation of
to develop generalized conceptualizations of connectiv- variations in runoff generation.
ity that can be used for model parameterization. Accu-
rate simulation of hydrologic connectivity and its
controlling factors is particularly important for the
identification and management of Critical Sources CONCLUSIONS
Areas of pollution (Shore et al. 2013), pollutant sinks,
or when changes in water transfers at the watershed
scale due to changes in climate or land use are investi- We presented SWAT+ model output for three sce-
gated (Bracken et al. 2013). The value of scenario sim- narios with different ratios of channelized surface
ulations is strongly increased when hydrologic runoff, which is sent from upland areas to the
processes within the watershed are simulated accu- stream, and sheet flow, which is sent from the
rately and not only the streamflow hydrograph at the uplands to the floodplains, and discussed their
watershed outlet (Smith et al. 2013). impacts on the relative role of runoff originating from



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