Erosion Risk On Pineapple Lands Can Be Considered

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Erosion risk on pineapple lands can be considered particularly high on slopes of more than 2 to 3 %.

Also, during the process of soil preparation, the soil is mechanically worked to a fine tilt, making it
susceptible to erosion. Another factor which contributes to the erosion risk on pineapple lands is
that the lands are laid out on block systems. This is done to accommodate the highly mechanized
production techniques. However, in many cases these block systems ignore the principles ~f water
runoff control since the blocks are laid up and down the slope. Yet another 'factor increasing the
erosion risk in pineapple lands is that the lands are kept clear 25 another factor increasing the
erosion risk in pineapple lands is that the lands are kept clear of all other vegetation. Since
pineapples grow slowly, the soil is exposed (especially during the early months) to raindrop impact
(Boucher, 2013)

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