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To our highly respected School Head Mrs.

Elena Lobrigas, to all of our Senior High School

faculty, to our beloved parents and dear students and most specially to our visitors our work
immersion industry partners. Good morning! It is my pleasure to welcome you all to our Pre-Work
Immersion Orientation Program.

To formally start this program, let us all stand for a prayer to be led by Mr. John Aldie Orias. After
which, we shall remain standing for the Philippine National Anthem.

Thank you so much, everyone. You may now take your seats.

To kick-off this morning’s program, I am pleased to have with us our very own Senior High School
Focal Person, Mrs, Cynthia Manggob to deliver the opening remarks.

Thank you Ma’am for that wonderful remarks.

At this juncture, I would like to invite here at the stage, our work Immersion In-charge and as well as
the adviser of Grade 12 TVL, to welcome and introduce our Work Immersion Industry Partners and to
formally conduct the orientation proper. Ladies and gentlemen please give a round of applause to Mr.
Marlon Sadongdong.

Thank you so much for that wonderful and informative remarks Sir!

At this moment, the floor is now open for questions and clarifications. Parents, if you have questions,
you can raise your hand.

Ladies and gentlemen, one of the primary reasons of having this affair is to recognize our Grade 12
TVL students, with that may I call Mr. John Aldie Orias to conduct the Oath for Immersion.

Before we end this program we sincerely hope that this orientation was informative and helpful. We
also appreciate you for spending your morning with us.

This time, to formally conclude our program may I call on our School Head, Mrs. Elena Lobrigas, to
warm our hearts with hopeful words of inspiration and to give her closing remarks.

This is Percila Flordeliz M. Bonotan, your lady of ceremony. Once again, thank you for your presence
and to God be all the glory!

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