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Nama : Alya El Fadiah

NPM : 1622600023
Spoof Text (Genre Based Writing)

Bad Dream
Once there was a couple sleeping. The wife had a bad dream. She woke up, and
was scared and cried.
Her husband tried to comfort her and asked why she cried. Then she replied: “I
had a dream that a very rich and handsome man kidnapped me from you.”
Hearing his wife answer, the husband said: “It’s okey, Honey, it was just a
Immediately the wife responded loudly: “That is why I’m crying.”

Language Features :
1. Using a Past Tense (Yellow)
2. Using a Action Verb (Green)
3. Use adverbs of time and place (Turquoise)
4. The use of connective (Pink)
5. Focusing on individual participant like as people, animals or certains
thing (Red)
6. Use direct sentences
 Then she replied: “I had a dream that a very rich and handsome
man kidnapped me from you.”
 , the husband said: “It’s okey, Honey, it was just a dream.”
 Immediately the wife responded loudly: “That is why I’m crying.”

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