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Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

Tim Urban starts by telling us about an experience of his, while he was in college,
where he took it upon himself to finish his 90-page thesis which he was to spend a
year writing in 3 days, which caused him to pull 2 all nighters which only ended in
resulting him to have a bad thesis which is expected.
He then goes on to explain how he started writing about procrastination as he
wanted to understand how the minds of procrastinators and non-procrastinators
differ. He explains how all procrastinators have a Rational Decision Maker in their
minds who makes the rational decisions and does things productively. But they
also have a instant Gratification Monkey who wants to do all things easy and fun.
Urban goes on to explain that when the rational decision maker and instant
gratification monkey disagree, we tend to go into a dark playground where we start
doing things we enjoy while we are supposed to be studying. Urban then explains
that procrastinators get help getting out of the “Dark Playground” through a
guardian angel - the Panic Monster, the Panic Monster is the only thing that the
Gratification Monkey is afraid of. The Panic Monster appears when the deadline
starts approaching causing the gratification monkey do get pushed back to the back
of our minds letting the Rational Decision Maker to take control again.
Urban concludes by showing us an image of a 90-year-olds life, the picture
contains boxes for each week, and we see that there are not a lot of boxes there.
Showing us that we have only a limited number of times in this world, Urban goes
on to warn us to stay aware of the Monkey in our brains and encourages us to work
on what is important to us whether it has deadlines or not.
Tim Urban takes us on a journey and encourages us to think harder about what
we're really procrastinating on, before we run out of time.

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