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Jj R. Decena Jr.

 Adventurers are hired out as security for mining operation when discovery of Ancient ruin is
 Are paid extra to explore and map ruin where they realize it is controlled by something not
human (seemingly a ghost), aided by what seems to be secondary spirit
 Discover that ruin is actually a temple to Mohdris Lune built by an unknown group of people
through extremely powerful magic and construction
 The evil spirit running it is actually an extremely powerful magical construct corrupted by a mad
wizard who sought to use the temple’s energy to empower himself

CHAPTER 1: (begins with entering trap filled atrium of ruin -> ends with entry into labyrinthine passages
constructed by mad wizard as deterrent to interlopers)
As a newly minted group of adventurers, the jobs you all take aren’t that glamorous. Sometimes you
exterminate a few gnolls. Other times you retrieve a priceless heirloom from some dark and dangerous
cave. Your current job is no more exciting as you all serve as security for a mining operation near the city
of Highwind. However, the job changed instantly when the miners stumbled upon an ancient ruin of the
Moonborn, the demigod precursors of this land who left behind bits and pieces of the advanced
civilization that arose from their godlike powers. Now, you’re being paid extra to explore and map the
ruin to clear out the way for the miners. You accepted. After all, who could say no to extra gold?


- Large pit filled with rocks, tents and dirt
- Players can enter ruins whenever they please
- Once players enter ruin, giant door suddenly locks behind them and traps them inside ruin with
Magical Barrier of Reflection

- Massive, circular room with another large door leading further into the ruins with carving of woman
atop the second door (DC 8 Religion to realize that it is Mohdris Lune)
- If players attempt to touch or open second door, it reflects the damage of their strikes against the
barrier back to them ---> Spells actually cause 1 Machinus Hoplon construct to appear
- Large mechanism in centre of atrium seems to connect to gate
- Two other doors on either side of the room are unaffected ---> players can enter

LEFT DOOR (The Sky Door):

- Large rectangular room with brass door at the end that seems to have this rolling mechanism (door in
fact responds to playing of musical notes which are an incomplete scale inscribed into the floor)
- PLAYERS MUST COMPLETE SCALE: Square inscriptions have ring at one end to fill out incomplete
number can be found on floor (Perception DC 10) and can be discovered as Elven musical notes (History
DC 10) which also happen to be numbers
- Runes actually spell out WIND (23-9-14-4)
- Large square room comparable to the size of the atrium
- Center of room has portion of key (is actually a blunted dagger) atop extremely high pedestal (30 ft in
- Activate small button on central console in middle of room to lower pillar and raise stone staircase --->
this fails and unleashes 5 Moonborn Machinus Aviar class constructs


CR ¼ (50XP)
AC 12
HP 13
SPEED (ft.) 25, 50 (fly)
STR 10 (+0)
CON 14 (+2)
DEX 10 (+0)
INT 11 (+0)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHR 11 (+0)


 Sonic Burst: (30ft): Release painful sonic attack, +4

to hit, 1d6 +3
 Spear (5ft Melee, 30ft/120ft Ranged): +4 to hit,
1d6 +2 Piercing dmg, one target


 None


 None


 Passive Perception 15 (Perception +5)

 Languages: Auran

- Pedestal has retracted halfway (now 15ft up) --> retrieve dagger
RIGHT DOOR (Earth Door):
- Leads downwards into 40ft by 50ft room with tiles
- Only thing in room is large door seemingly open requiring only to be pushed inwards to enter next
- If latch is unlocked without disabling trap (Perception DC 10 and Sleight of Hand DC 20) --> If not
disabled, Large Moonborn Machinus Hoplon emerges


CR 1 (200XP)
AC 18
HP 33
SPEED (ft.) 25
STR 14 (+2)
CON 11 (+0)
DEX 13 (+1)
INT 1 (-5)
WIS 3 (-4)
CHR 1 (-5)


 Sonic Burst: (30ft L): Release painful sonic attack,

+4 to hit, 1d6 +3
 Spear (5ft Melee, 30ft/120ft Ranged): +4 to hit,
1d6 +2 Piercing dmg, one target


 Poison, psychic


 blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion,

frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

 Blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond this radius),

 Passive Perception 6
- Large room where entirety of room floor is covered in intricate tile patterns with parts covered by soil
of various types (makes tiled parts look like platforms between soil areas) --> 3 platforms separated by
one another (too far to jump between) (DC 25 to succeed) ---> success means nothing as accessing final
piece of key without finished puzzles activates traps (Reflective Wall)
- If anyone attempts to jump between and fails, fall into soil areas and sinks rapidly ---> Athletics Saving
Throw DC 13 to stay above soil; failure results in sinking and taking 5 Bludgeoning damage and being
stuck (repeat Athletics Saving Throw DC 13 to free self)
- 1st platform (Sand):
- Grooved sunburst pattern in the middle of the platform on platform surrounded by sand ---> Trace
pattern with sand, causing platform to shift ---> two raised plates with full moon and half moon pattern
beside one another in platform center
- Religion check DC 13 to remember that Mohdris Lune represents the moon at its brightest --->
trace full moon with sand
- Trace half moon ---> platform begins to lower as sand begins to close in on adventurers ---> DC 10
to avoid being crushed by sand ---> platform then lowers as it is swallowed by sand
- Sleight of Hand DC 15 to rapidly trace full moon ---> stops platform and extends bridge to reach
next platform
- If platform completely lowers, adventurers are left standing on sand ---> Perception DC 15 check on
next platform reveals small hole mechanism near base which reveals handgrips to climb when activated
onto next platform
- 2nd platform (Silt):
- Some tiles are colored ---> form vaguely four part leaf-like structure where leaf points reach
corners of square platform where there are four tubes at each corner and one large tube in center of
platform (central platform seems to have small metallic capsule embedded in center)
- Faint large glowing crystal above central tube similar to moon
- Tubes are slightly translucent with measurement markings (like in buret) ---> fill different tubes
with appropriate amounts of soil to solve puzzle (for every tube filled correctly, light crystal intensifies)
- Platform is surrounded by high amounts of soil to fill tubes (amount of soil needed is in recursive
loop)---> To find out order of tube filling, Nature DC 10 to realize that specific leaves in Opposite
Decussate arrangement where leaf pairs are perpendicular to each other with leaf pair pointing to upper
right and lower left growing first
- Larger than previous platforms ---> final key piece is behind Reflective Wall on raised stand
- Stand has series of runes engraved into side --->

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